MEN and WOMEN: Lose 10lbs in August 2011 Challenge



  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I am in too!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good day and staying motivated! I have to work this weekend, bad for me but good for my diet. Helps when I pack it up and whatever I bring is what I eat.....little or no room for "cheating". I absolutely refuse to go to the "snack monsters". (You know them.... the machines that take your money and apply pounds directly to your backside!!!!)
  • lc522
    lc522 Posts: 60 Member
    THANKYOU FOR THIS LINK! the recipes are amazing! I shall try to make these at the weekend! - low fat peanut butter and banana muffins! and only at 160 calories they will be much better than a normal muffin! (

    however I have a question, I keep seeing apple sauce in recipes, is that actual apple sauce that I put with my pork chop? or is it some thing different? also "Better'n Peanut Butter" is this just an american product or is it available in the UK

    The Better'n Peanut Butter is a low calorie peanut butter. I don't know how widely sold it is as I don't like peanut butter so I have really used it or looked into. If you can't find that exact brand in the UK maybe there is another low calorie peanut butter you could use that is available over there.
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    I do own some low calorie peanut butter it is tescos own brand :)

    Also this weekend more so firday night has been hard! I did have a small glass of wine, and some party food! So I've added it to my diary instead of ignoring it and I'm going to burn off all them calories and more today! firstly each and every level of the 30 day shred then tennis to!

    Hope your all having a great weekend and I'll post maybe a picture of my peaunt butter cup cakes later!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I had pizza and beer for dinner last night. It was AWESOME and I only went over my calories by 300. I'm going to try to get two workouts in today (One down already!) to try to make up for last night. I don't mind getting a net slightly under 1200 when I know I've gone over the night before (espeically over on pizza and beer.)
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Ah well done! Well the 1422 calories I went over by yesterday I have finally burnt off today! 3hours of exercise! I will defiantly think bait more before I scoff done all the party food!
  • jlbiles
    jlbiles Posts: 283
    Helloburger that is great.
  • LadyOmNom
    LadyOmNom Posts: 69 Member
    Posting early

    SW - 187 lbs (Monday August 1)
    Week 1 - 183.5 lbs (Monday August 8)
    Week 2 - xxx lbs (Monday August 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Monday August 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday September 1)
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    is it to late to join?
    my weight on monday 8/1/11 was 137.7, but now 8/6/11 it's 134.1, which number do i use??
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Currently weighing 204.5. Will not be checking in due to out of country vacation.
  • babymines2004
    babymines2004 Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 169
    WEEK1- XXX lbs(Monday August 8)
    WEEK2- XXX lbs (Monday August15)
    WEEK3- XXX lbs (Monday August 22)
    WEEK4- XXX lbs (Monday August 29)
  • Fitnerd
    Fitnerd Posts: 16 Member
    Sign me up! - Sorry - new to the whole blog / challenge thing. How do you get your goal to post at the bottom of your postings?
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Thank you jackie! Im very sore today haha so minimal exercise I think!

    Hope everyones having a great weekend! Im actually excited about the weigh in tomorrow!
  • m25b
    m25b Posts: 8
    I'm in...... Starting weight 207
  • emiliobo
    emiliobo Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in too! A bit late!

    I've never done this before....

    W - 198 lbs (Monday August 1)
    Week 1 - xxx lbs (Monday August 8)
    Week 2 - xxx lbs (Monday August 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Monday August 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday September 1)
  • I'd like to join too!
  • Spitcan
    Spitcan Posts: 38 Member
    Here's my check in since i work 16's on Monday Tuesday this week.

    SW -329 lbs (August 1)
    Week 1 - 325.2 lbs (Monday August 8)
    Week 2 - xxx lbs (Monday August 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Monday August 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    August 10 pound Challenge

    August 1st Week 1: 192 pds Start Weight
    August 8th Week 2: 189 pds (Lost 3 lbs)
    August 15th Week 3 XXX pds
    August 22nd Week 4 XXX pds
    August 29th Week 5 XXX pds
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    Hope this is an open challenge!

    Aug 1st- 128 lbs start weight
    Aug 7th- 127 lbs.....1lb

    goal weight- 120lb
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    SW -365.6 lbs (August 1)
    Week 1 – 358.8 lbs (Monday August 8)
    Week 2 - xxx lbs (Monday August 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Monday August 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29)
    Total lost so far – 6.8 lbs