success story!!!! how much have you lost?

hi people, i just need some encouragement.
please tell me what you have been doing to lose the weight and how long did it take? and how many lb or kg did you lose?
thanks for reading


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    hi people, i just need some encouragement.
    please tell me what you have been doing to lose the weight and how long did it take? and how many lb or kg did you lose?
    thanks for reading

    January 2010, my starting weight was 157.0. I'm 5'2" and 43 years old. Today I weigh 123.0 and I'm only 1 lb away from my goal of 122.0. Try not to worry about how much weight you lose in a certain amount of time. Celebrate each pound (or kg) you lose and be proud of every accomplishment!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Started on MFP last September at 210, I had lost 10 pounds in the 5 months prior to that...and another 10 was still off from my previous high of 230. Since joining MFP I have lost 56 additional pounds taking my total in the last year 1/2 to 66 and 76 from my high.
  • HeatherrSue
    HeatherrSue Posts: 106 Member
    I started August 10, 2010 and am 5'2" and starting weight was 185.3 Today I'm 137.6. I started slowly by walking and then added strength training. You just take it one day at a time. Get up and make the best choices you can each day and make small goals, and celebrate those small goals. That takes you all the way. Also helps if you go public with your choice to change your life. When I started posting my success to facebook and my friends were telling me good job or telling me how they were working out after seeing my changes, that helped me keep on going. Best of luck to you on your journey. :-)
  • Chrissy2627
    I started on June 18 at 196 and am currently down to 174, almost my half way mark!!! I have really been watching what I eat, trying to primarily eat natural foods (lean meat, fruit, vegetables) and limit the processed foods. I go for a walk every day, recently have began to attempt jogging. I did start the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred when I started this, but then had a couple of injuries so had to give it up for awhile. I plan on restarting that today or tomorrow. Good luck!!!
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I started my journey July of last year and have lost 91 lbs. I started off by walking and watching portions now I do some strength training and just keep working at it. Good luck!
  • Melissajojo3
    I let go of all sweets, candy, sodas, pastas, restaurants, drink lots of water, exercise for an hour 6 days a week, and replace my breakfast with protein shakes. I have lost 58 lbs...


    IMDABEAST Posts: 74 Member
    My wife and I started Jan 2010. I am down 218 lbs and she is down 121 lbs. We have come a long way and realize you need to take it one day at at time.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Started about April 1, lost 5 lbs. before finding MFP about May 1. Have lost 20 more pounds since MFP. Just following an adjusted diabetic eating plan. In trying to cut carbs and processed sugars, the weight is just coming off - roughly 7 pounds/ mo., but tons of inches lost - roughly 9" around my middle! First time I've spent more time paying attention to WHAT I put in my mouth rather than trying to lose weight. MFP has been a true life saver!! And have added various exercising.
  • mtalle3
    mtalle3 Posts: 11
    I first started my weight loss journey (May 27 2011) with a popluar online weight loss program that cost money and that really helped I lost 10 pounds with just changing how much I ate and eating the correct recommended servings of each food group a day. I also walked/jogged on the treadmill for a half an hour 3-5 times a week and 0-3 times a week I lifted hand weights and did crunches. Around the middle of July I cancelled that membership and joined MFP and have lost six more pounds by doing the same stuff. Good luck with your journey!
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    hi people, i just need some encouragement.
    please tell me what you have been doing to lose the weight and how long did it take? and how many lb or kg did you lose?
    thanks for reading

    I've been counting my calories, and exercising 5-6 days a week. I've been at it since the end of April and have lost 50 pounds so far.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
  • bluffskruff
    bluffskruff Posts: 7 Member
    i hurt hurt my back in a bad way the begging of the year. in april i was weighing in at just over 295 lbs. i had a huge wake up call in my life with this injury, so i had to kick my butt into gear with some help from a friend, i started my path to get lighter,
    i do a lot of heavy work and needed a strong back, so i said to myself , how fast and how much can you lose before the year ends.. i started my challenge on the 1st may weighing 289lbs with a different calorie tracking site, found out there measurement and counts are way off. so started on MFP , and with the help of the MFP and really realizing how much it helps to weigh and count every single calorie, i have just past 50 lbs lost and got 19 to go to reach my goal.. i feel better my back does not bother me as much, and i feel so much happier .
    sw 289 (1st may)
    cw 239
    gw 220 lbs
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I started MFP May 1st of 2011 @ 308 lbs, I currently weigh 257 pounds as of this past Friday morning. I started by just using this site to log what I eat and cut back on ALL the garbage. I used to drink soda all day long without even thinking about it. I cut that cold turkey and drink mostly just water. Once that was in my routine, I didn't miss it at all. As for exercise, I started out just walking for like 30 minutes a day a couple times of week to get me going. After a few weeks it turned into walking for an hour 5-6 times a week. I purchased a new mountain bike over memorial weekend and a lot of my walks turned into rides. I logged 100 miles on the bike in June, 323 miles in July and am shooting for 250 miles in August as work has started to pick back up and I don't have as much free time. I am already looking into purchasing a road bike so I can up my game and join my brother next year on the Pan Ohio Hope Ride for Cancer Research (328 miles over 4 days).

    My motiviation is my family. I have been overweight all of my adult life and didn't realize I had let it get as far as it did until I've looked at some pictures of me 4 months ago and some of me on Vacation in July. Do I still eat "garbage" every once in a while? Sure, but for me its all about portion control, moderation, and planning. I am down 51 pounds and am looking to loose about 56 more when this is all said an done. That will take me back to my high school weight when I was a bit more athletic and I am so looking forward to it. I am slowly becoming the man I used to be.

    On another note - I don't starve myself either, on the contrary, I feel like I am eating all the time because I spread things out! I am following my own plan of 2000 calories total a day whether I exercise or not (because calories burned is an estimate anyway) and just listen to my body. If I am not hungry, I don't force myself to eat. If I am hungry and water won't help, I eat, even if it puts me over my 2000 limit.

    Hope this helps - add me if you like!

  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I started on May 1st 2011

    starting weight 213 pounds and as of this morning I am down to 185pounds ( my offical weigh in is Tuesday so my ticker will not get changed until then).

    I gave up pop other can a single serving size on rare ocasions ( before starting this I was drinking a 12 pack or more of regular soda each day)

    I have started to exercise ( I get in 45-60min each day of cardio and 2-3days a week of strength training)

    Started watching my sodium as that was my real weak area and eatting out less

    so as of this morning thats 28pounds lost since May 1st of this year. This is also the first time I have ever tried to loose weight so I`m very happy with how its going so far :) ( oh and I`ve gone from a tight size 16 jeans to a size 12 currently :) ) and I`m 5foot 5inches pear shape with average frame
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Started January, 2011, have lost 83 lbs.

    Edited to say that this is mostly diet for me--I keep my calories under 1600 a day, I keep my carbs to under 50 per meal and 30 per snack (I'm diabetic), and I'm trying to keep my sodium and fat under control (fat's pretty easy, sodium's a little tougher). I drink more water, and I eat SO many more veggies and fruit than I used to. I move more than I used to, and the great thing is that the more I move, the more I CAN move because, as the weight comes off, the back pain eases. I walk a few times a week, I ride my recumbent bike a couple-three times a week, and I all around do more every day.

    Good luck!

  • tarapin
    tarapin Posts: 169
    I started last July and have lost 62 pounds. That's living realistically and flowing with the ups and downs of life. Thanks to MFP and all the friends I've made here.....the support is AMAZING!!! Good can do it!!!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Hi, I started my journey in January this year, and joined MFP in May. So far I have lost 77lbs, but I still have a long way to go. I have totally changed the way that I eat, I try to eat fresh home prepared food, although I'm not fanatical about clean eating. I also try to plan my days food in advance so I know what I'm doing & how many calories I have. I find it easier to stick to it that way. I couldnt afford to join a gym, so I bought a cheap exercise bike. I could barely manage 10 minutes on the lowest setting at first, but now I am on setting 5 of 8, and do around 30 to 40 minutes a day and up to an hour at weekends. In addition I go walking at the weekends, normally doing about 5k in around an hour. I used to hate walking, but now I am starting to enjoy it. I do feel that this time (I have been on many weight loss programs before) I am in the right mind set, treating it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet, and I feel that this time, I can succeed.

    If you would like to add me as a friend, feel free :)

  • pinkcandy678
    hi people, i just need some encouragement.
    please tell me what you have been doing to lose the weight and how long did it take? and how many lb or kg did you lose?
    thanks for reading

    January 2010, my starting weight was 157.0. I'm 5'2" and 43 years old. Today I weigh 123.0 and I'm only 1 lb away from my goal of 122.0. Try not to worry about how much weight you lose in a certain amount of time. Celebrate each pound (or kg) you lose and be proud of every accomplishment!

    OMG!!!!!!!!!! YOU LOOK FABULOUS MA'AM!!!!
  • pinkcandy678
    Started on MFP last September at 210, I had lost 10 pounds in the 5 months prior to that...and another 10 was still off from my previous high of 230. Since joining MFP I have lost 56 additional pounds taking my total in the last year 1/2 to 66 and 76 from my high.

    WOW! thats is seriously awesome! thanks for sharing.
    did you make a specific eating rule or not?
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    54 pounds in 110 days. I eat less and exercise.

    I try to eat 1/2 of what I used to.

    Example: I will have 2 slices of pizza instead of 4. The heavier the food item the less of it I will eat. I also cut down on snacks. I run or walk 10 miles a week.
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