Joined MFP 5 years ago... burn out



  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    ... I recently got an inexpensive sewing machine and had fun sewing. I’m going to try sewing some doll clothes for my girls.

    Check out if you find you enjoy sewing - it's a great community and I've learned a ton about sewing! Congrats on your new machine - I hope you love it!

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,434 Member
    I find it helpful to get your dog to focus on something, like agility or flyball or just teach a lot of tricks
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    I would definitely work on the depression first and foremost! Remember your worth it!
    Listen, everyone wants to play like they know it all but you're the only person who really knows what is going on in your own head. Don't worry about the contrarians , it'll only bring you down further. Lol about them assuming your pet only gets to bathroom once a day! Do try to look into free or low cost therapy that may be available in your area. The longer you let this go, the worst it'll get.
  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 232 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I joined MFP 5 years ago... Lost 80 lbs, gained back 15ish in the last 2 years.

    I just feel so burned out of the 'lifestyle' sometimes. I force myself to get 10,000 steps a day, feel guilty when I don't because it leaves my calories to a pathetic number (I haven't even managed to maintain with a 2300 calorie TDEE, not happening with 1700). My legs are in constant pain, I HATE strength training but still make myself do 3 sets of push ups 3x a week (I'd must rather do laundry or brush my teeth, frankly. Dishes are a close call).

    It's just depressing. I like walking but it's just not fun when you feel that you have to do it (especially in the Winter). I typically do it on the treadmill while watching Netflix, but still. And I walk my dog, but she can be a pain in the *kitten* so it's not exactly relaxing either (still make myself do it because she's a terror if she doesn't get her walks).

    Food... I've always been a foodie but I have to be in the right mood to cook and frankly it hasn't happened much lately (and I'm not such a good cook to begin with). It doesn't help that my 'lean meat and frozen veggies' meals started getting extremely boring 2 years ago and I'd rather be hungry that eat that now... Counting calories ruined eating out for me too so now when I go out, I just don't stress out too much and eat what I want (well, still the 'lighter' option as long as it sounds good). And we eat with friends more often too with less control on the menu, so I end up eating more calories (I'm still hungry and 'eating less' typically doesn't cut it for me).

    I still follow my hunger queues. Still try to make better choices. But still. Always counting calories and wishing I could eat more (especially during PMS - I still feel horrible until I'm eating way too much). Always thinking about food and second guessing whether I should eat that treat or not because I don't know if I'll be hungry later or not... And even with that my clothes have got tighter.

    I'm guessing I'm not alone because most people end up gaining the weight back, but has it happened to anyone else and how did you deal with it? I've obviously had too many 'whatever I don't want to deal with that right now' days that have contributed to the weight gain... and then I just feel worse about myself, so it's not really the solution either.

    I've been hesitating to respond, but I hope you find your way back to some of the pleasure you must have felt creating those beautiful breads you posted about a while ago.
  • LifeStyleIT
    LifeStyleIT Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2018
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    At some point we need to cut the battle mentality and realize the new reality. If I want to weigh XX, I need to eat XX. By no means does every day need to be perfect, it just needs to even out over time.

    Some practical ideas:

    You like walking so walk. But take a day off now and then to rest your legs. Foam roll. Try yoga or Pilates rather than push ups. Explore your fitness options. Maybe a spin class. Swimming.

    Try new things in the kitchen to challenge yourself. Some vegan or vegetarian meals, foods you’ve never tried before. Or, if that’s too ambitious, try a meal kit delivery service like Home Chef or Blue Apron.

    Not sure if you are on BC, but hormones have a huge impact on appetite. Talk to your doctor about options.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited January 2018
    I do have a suggestions about being sore all the time though. Are you low on B12? It's a big molecule that you stomach breaks down easily so it never gets absorbed in your intestines. If you're low your muscles and tendons hurt a lot. A lot of people absorb it better if they take the drops under this tongue. Just a thought.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,434 Member
    There's a thread on here called "of refeeds & diet breaks" you may want to check out. We're all different but for me, I enjoy having new foods I haven't tried before & making things a little different. Today my hubby wanted a pie & he bought fresh blueberries yesterday & I had frozen pie shells so....we made a pie with 3/4 of 1/4 cup sugar & it came out to 174 cal/a piece(cut into 8ths) I had 2 servings with lite cool whip, he had his with ice cream. Have you tried different "exercises" you may like? I used to love playing racquetball , I like swimming , zumba, but not some other things like push ups or anything that puts pressure on my wrists