Fat to Fabulous (50+ pounds to lose) Who’s with me?

KTnTally Posts: 14 Member
I’m looking for friends that have 50+ pounds to lose or have lost 50+ pounds. I currently have 70 pounds to lose. Join me on the weight loss journey.


  • jackiechenery62
    jackiechenery62 Posts: 63 Member
  • olyadavidova
    olyadavidova Posts: 1 Member
    Hello!Me too :)
  • georgiamarsh17
    georgiamarsh17 Posts: 77 Member
    Me too! Feel free to add me :)
  • DisneyVeganLove
    DisneyVeganLove Posts: 112 Member
    I'm in to!
  • BlaqueDiamond1989
    BlaqueDiamond1989 Posts: 57 Member
    I don't have fifty pounds to lose, but I do have at least twenty to twenty-five pounds I'm trying to lose. I've lost 4 so far this year. A great start. Feel free to add me.
  • LifeChoiceGrammy
    LifeChoiceGrammy Posts: 121 Member
    Would like to be in this group and I am doing Keto also!!
  • justusthree07
    justusthree07 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey me too.
  • cherylhephner1
    cherylhephner1 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 50 lbs to lose as well, add me please. I need to be held accountable.
  • KaitlynGamble
    KaitlynGamble Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2018
    I have about 50lbs to lose too. Would love to join this group! I’m new to tracking food so I may need some help being held accountable
  • blue_yeux
    blue_yeux Posts: 2 Member
    Same here i just started on fitness pal i lost with a dietician 20 pounds and i still have 50 pounds to lose.
    Feel free to add me
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,462 Member
    add me too! gunning for 40.
  • ebmakk37
    ebmakk37 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm also trying to lose 50 lbs and have been doing well so far by eliminating processed foods. Add me and we can get through this together
  • Fatass261
    Fatass261 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm new but I'm in. Add me. Lol!
  • dimples39581
    dimples39581 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I need to be held accountable as well count me in and add me
  • celloeuse
    celloeuse Posts: 32 Member
    Need to lose about 60-70. Ten lbs down so far. (mfp says 8 but I hit higher than I put here so counting from there)
  • ILuvLifehouse
    ILuvLifehouse Posts: 55 Member
    I have at least 70 I want to lose. 2018 will be my year I lose this weight that Perimenopause has helped me put on as well as other things. I started keeping track right after Christmas and have loss 8 pounds so far.