Not loosing weight ?!

So I’ve been going gym a lot and eating really good for just under a month but I’m not loosing any weight!? I’m doing cardio and weights and been doing so well but the scales are the same :(


  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    edited January 2018
    Double check your calories and/or exercise a little more. I’m experiencing a little bit of a plateau right now (past couple days) and I know it’s frustrating but the only thing to do is check that you’re not underestimating calories in foods and exercising enough.
    Also, check how your clothes fit. If your clothes are looser than that’s a good sign. You may also be gaining muscle.
  • kennedyparker94
    kennedyparker94 Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yeah I feel more toned and slimmer and my clothes fit better but I’m just confused about why my weight is the same ... also When I add my exercise on here it increases my calorie intake .. but I thought that to loose weight you had to burn more then you eat ?
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    See diannethegeek's post!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Yeah I feel more toned and slimmer and my clothes fit better but I’m just confused about why my weight is the same ... also When I add my exercise on here it increases my calorie intake .. but I thought that to loose weight you had to burn more then you eat ?

    You are burning calories all day long just being alive. Exercise adds more to that, but when people talk about burning more than you eat they don't mean just the calories you burn through exercise. Do you know your TDEE? You can find calculators online to get an estimate. Have you been through the stickied "must reads" guides on the Getting Started board yet?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Yeah I feel more toned and slimmer and my clothes fit better but I’m just confused about why my weight is the same ... also When I add my exercise on here it increases my calorie intake .. but I thought that to loose weight you had to burn more then you eat ?

    MFP sets you up to lose without exercise. You burn way more calories just by living and going about your day than you do exercising.

    That said, how are you measuring your calorie intake?
  • kennedyparker94
    kennedyparker94 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m measuring it on here adding all the foods and drinks
  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    edited January 2018
    Try scoobyworkshops calorie calculator online. It will give you a detailed breakdown, including your BMR (absolute minimum of what you need in calories each day no matter what -even if you just slept all day) and it will tell you what you need to eat to lose weight which is usually higher than the BMR. I use that and compare it to the numbers MFP gives me.
    It is true that you have to burn more (or eat fewer calories) than you get to lose weight. Many people debate about whether to eat back calories burned during exercise .
  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    I’m measuring it on here adding all the foods and drinks

    But how are you measuring your portion sizes? Eyeballing? Measuring cups & spoons? A food scale? Only buying prepackaged meals? Etc.

    You’re going to want to invest in measuring cups and a food scale!
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    Erm eyeballing haha

    You'll need a set of good digital food scales. I weigh everything and am constantly surprised by how different my idea of what 30g (for example) is compared to what 30g actually looks like.
  • kennedyparker94
    kennedyparker94 Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah I feel more toned and slimmer and my clothes fit better but I’m just confused about why my weight is the same ... also When I add my exercise on here it increases my calorie intake .. but I thought that to loose weight you had to burn more then you eat ?

    This is the same issue I'm having at the moment, and it is due to muscle for sure! It's been about two months of serious effort: working out 4 times a week (cardio, lifting, resistance training), occasionally hiking, lots of activity at work, and meticulous food tracking. I'm almost always way under my calorie goal now simply because I'm not hungry and I have it set to lose 1lb per week. I dropped weight pretty quickly for a month and a half but now I've stagnated for two weeks. BUT in taking my measurements, looking at how my clothes fit, examining my body, etc. I am still losing fat...but I am also gaining muscle. My measurements are smaller, my legs don't jiggle anymore/arms jiggle less, clothing is noticeable looser, etc. And since I am eating a relatively high calorie level to do slow weight loss, it seems that the fat loss/muscle gain has balanced out right now.

    Time to kick it up!

    This is literally me ... I’m doing cardio and weights 4/5 times a week and swimming and long walks 1/2 times a week, I’m well within my calorie intake ( well I thought I was but other comments say to measure my food which I will do now ) I’m only drinking water and coffee no fizzy or fruit juices, I’m eating high protein low carb low sugar meals, I feel good and look abit more toned and slimmer just I have not budged at all on the scales
  • kennedyparker94
    kennedyparker94 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m measuring it on here adding all the foods and drinks

    But how are you measuring your portion sizes? Eyeballing? Measuring cups & spoons? A food scale? Only buying prepackaged meals? Etc.

    You’re going to want to invest in measuring cups and a food scale!

    Yes I will do this ! Thank you x
  • kennedyparker94
    kennedyparker94 Posts: 7 Member
    Erm eyeballing haha

    I suppose that you aren't double-checking the information in the database to be sure it's accurate either? A lot of it isn't.

    I know we're throwing a lot of information at you, but you've kept your diary private so we can't see what's going on. There are so many good guides on keeping that food log more accurately on these boards and that's where I would start. Because eyeballing doesn't seem to be working for you.

    Very helpful thank you x
  • PetiteHabanero
    PetiteHabanero Posts: 44 Member
    Are you measuring yourself as well? When I was in a period of burning fat and building muscle, my scale didn't budge for 4 solid weeks, but I lost 3 inches off my waist. After a while, the weight started dropping. If your clothes are fitting better that is a great sign.

    And like everyone else has said, DO NOT EYEBALL. Always measure and weigh portions when possible.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,749 Member
    Yeah I feel more toned and slimmer and my clothes fit better but I’m just confused about why my weight is the same ... also When I add my exercise on here it increases my calorie intake .. but I thought that to loose weight you had to burn more then you eat ?

    This is the same issue I'm having at the moment, and it is due to muscle for sure! It's been about two months of serious effort: working out 4 times a week (cardio, lifting, resistance training), occasionally hiking, lots of activity at work, and meticulous food tracking. I'm almost always way under my calorie goal now simply because I'm not hungry and I have it set to lose 1lb per week. I dropped weight pretty quickly for a month and a half but now I've stagnated for two weeks. BUT in taking my measurements, looking at how my clothes fit, examining my body, etc. I am still losing fat...but I am also gaining muscle. My measurements are smaller, my legs don't jiggle anymore/arms jiggle less, clothing is noticeable looser, etc. And since I am eating a relatively high calorie level to do slow weight loss, it seems that the fat loss/muscle gain has balanced out right now.

    Time to kick it up!

    um, how much muscle exactly do you think you have put on in a month or two? a woman doing everything right is fortunate to put on .5 - 1 lb of muscle per month (that means eating at a surplus, on a progressive lifting plan, etc). no woman is ever going to put on muscle at a rate that would out pace (or even out with) fat loss.


    It's important to note, though, that in a month or two we can get stronger (through neuromuscular adaptation), appear and feel firmer, and have better posture, all of which are good and useful things, and some of which affect fit of clothes.

    Actually adding new muscle mass (which equates to muscle weight) is a sloooow process at best, and even slower during weight loss, especially for women.

    Still worth doing, though, for functional strength, improved health, and more attractive appearance. :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Actually adding new muscle mass (which equates to muscle weight) is a sloooow process at best, and even slower during weight loss, especially for women.

    true. however, even if it's not muscle people often retain a fair bit of water when they first start a new exercise thing.

    so op, that may be a factor as well. if so, then it can go on for a while but it doesn't last forever.