JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Weekly weigh-in
    These are my January goals
    1. Lose 3 pounds - goal weight 191
    2. 8 glasses of water at least 5x a week
    3. log all food at least 5x a week
    4. exercise at least 5x a week
    5. gratitude journal at least 5x a week
    6. get on here everyday to be accountable

    Borrowed from several another MFP posters:
    If I don't do what I can today, I won't be able to do what I want tomorrow.

    Looks like you are moving in the right direction. Great quote.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Happy Saturday my JFT friends! :mrgreen: I think I am going to have to start logging on at night to set goals for the next day on weekdays because my desk is straight across from my boss's desk now at this job and I don't feel I can log on at work to post them, and I never seem to get up early enough to do it before I leave in the morning. So, until I can accomplish my goal to stop hitting Snooze, I think I will go that route.

    It's a lazy Saturday again so far. Still sipping coffee and catching up on the news. I don't do much of it during the week anymore. I try to be more in the present and off my computer at night so Saturday morning is kind of "me" time to catch up from the week. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. It's my weekly "me" time and I need it. So my goals for today will be few, and my most important, and then I will have another list for "sometime this weekend". Less pressure, less feeling of failure... See how I play with my brain? LOL

    Just for Today (Saturday):
    • Eat mindfully, while seated, and log every bite
    • Drink at least 64 oz of water.
    • Read my index cards and next chapter in Beck's Diet Solution book.
    • Activity - maybe get outside. I think it is supposed to get into the 30's today!
    • Hand weights 10 reps for each set
    • Listen to Optimal Living Daily and Optimal Health Daily podcasts
    • Read Simple Abundance for today and write in gratitude journal

    This weekend, I will:
    • Color my hair
    • Declutter one space (cupboard, drawer, closet, shelf, desk, bar area in basement)
    • Update my bullet journal's to-do list
    • Pay bills
    • Meal Plan for week
    • Find one new crockpot recipe to make this week
    • Set up sewing area and continue working on baby quilt *Priority*
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    1/19 Friday JFT:

    Well yesterday was unusual. Around lunchtime I started feeling under the weather a bit. As soon as I was done eating, the school asked me to come pick up my 9 yr old bc he was running a fever. So I went but it was close to the end of the school day and all the parents were lining up for afternnon pick-up. The school was packed with people in the car ride pick-up line. So (as I've done before with the principal's permission) I parked at the front of the school in the double line painted space. I went in pick-up my sick kiddo and his little brother and proceeded back to my vehicle. That is when I was verbally attacked by an older man who yelled at me for parking where I did. I calmly told him that I was picking up my sick son from school and explained to him that the school allows me (and others) to park there under these circumstances during that time of day. He proceeded to yell at me until I finally just got in my vehicle and drove away. Now normally I could've handled that much better but as I began to drive away, I started crying!! Pregnancy hormones made the situation worse. The man clearly saw I'm 6 months pregnant, with a sick child and his little brother but he still felt the need to yell at me until I drove away. :cold_sweat:

    Needless to say, my first instinct was to come home and find some comfort food but my stomach was still upset from earlier. Therefore, I just set up my kiddos with a quiet movie and I laid down for a small nap. When I woke up it was time to pick up my teen from track so we did that, headed home and I started preparing dinner. Around 8 pm I started feeling worse and started to have contractions. I, ate, drank and laid down but it continued. So I call the doc and she says, see ya at the hospital. After all is said and done, I find out I'm 1/2 cm dilated from all this. Luckily the contractions stopped on their own. I think that 3 hr walk coupled with the stress was too much.

    Sorry for the long post.....but this will affect my JFT moving forward. This weekend I will not be exercising and just taking it easy. With my main focus on completing my research abstract.

    I cannot for the life of me even fathom what makes some people such *kitten*. This makes me so angry when I hear stories like this. I am not an aggressive person by nature, but had I seen this happening I would have told him to mind his own effing business and stop being such a bully. Especially to a pregnant lady! Then I would have given you a great big hug. Grrrrrrr. What an absolute idiot.

    Please keep your feet up and rest. How far along are you? I think focusing on your research abstract is the perfect thing for you to concentrate on this weekend. I'm sending you cyber hugs, honey. xoxoxoxox

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    1/19 Friday JFT:

    ✔▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ✔▪Breakfast w/ hubby :heart:
    ✔▪Clean up house a bit & Laundry
    ✔▪Work on Research Abstract - ☆Priority
    ❌▪Wm - pick up oil
    ❌▪Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ✔▪Pick up teen from track
    ❌▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ❌▪Bedtime by 10 pm

    Well yesterday was unusual. Around lunchtime I started feeling under the weather a bit. As soon as I was done eating, the school asked me to come pick up my 9 yr old bc he was running a fever. So I went but it was close to the end of the school day and all the parents were lining up for afternnon pick-up. The school was packed with people in the car ride pick-up line. So (as I've done before with the principal's permission) I parked at the front of the school in the double line painted space. I went in pick-up my sick kiddo and his little brother and proceeded back to my vehicle. That is when I was verbally attacked by an older man who yelled at me for parking where I did. I calmly told him that I was picking up my sick son from school and explained to him that the school allows me (and others) to park there under these circumstances during that time of day. He proceeded to yell at me until I finally just got in my vehicle and drove away. Now normally I could've handled that much better but as I began to drive away, I started crying!! Pregnancy hormones made the situation worse. The man clearly saw I'm 6 months pregnant, with a sick child and his little brother but he still felt the need to yell at me until I drove away. :cold_sweat:

    Needless to say, my first instinct was to come home and find some comfort food but my stomach was still upset from earlier. Therefore, I just set up my kiddos with a quiet movie and I laid down for a small nap. When I woke up it was time to pick up my teen from track so we did that, headed home and I started preparing dinner. Around 8 pm I started feeling worse and started to have contractions. I, ate, drank and laid down but it continued. So I call the doc and she says, see ya at the hospital. After all is said and done, I find out I'm 1/2 cm dilated from all this. Luckily the contractions stopped on their own. I think that 3 hr walk coupled with the stress was too much.

    Sorry for the long post.....but this will affect my JFT moving forward. This weekend I will not be exercising and just taking it easy. With my main focus on completing my research abstract.

    1/20 Saturday JFT:

    ▪Breakfast w/ Family
    ▪Work on Research Abstract ☆Priority
    ▪Run by Costco
    ▪Wm need oil
    ▪Rest and relax
    ▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 10 pm

    Oh my! I'm so sorry you were verbally vomited on. You handled it so well, which only helped the baby. What is great about JFT is it is JFM---Just For Me...We set our own goals---and as a busy mom, your JFT goal is going to be rest rest rest! And if you accomplish that with your active family, you will have knocked it out of the ballpark!
    Virtual hugs.
    May you have peace and joy this weekend...as you find time to make that rest happen:)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited January 2018
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    1/19 Friday JFT:

    Well yesterday was unusual. Around lunchtime I started feeling under the weather a bit. As soon as I was done eating, the school asked me to come pick up my 9 yr old bc he was running a fever. So I went but it was close to the end of the school day and all the parents were lining up for afternnon pick-up. The school was packed with people in the car ride pick-up line. So (as I've done before with the principal's permission) I parked at the front of the school in the double line painted space. I went in pick-up my sick kiddo and his little brother and proceeded back to my vehicle. That is when I was verbally attacked by an older man who yelled at me for parking where I did. I calmly told him that I was picking up my sick son from school and explained to him that the school allows me (and others) to park there under these circumstances during that time of day. He proceeded to yell at me until I finally just got in my vehicle and drove away. Now normally I could've handled that much better but as I began to drive away, I started crying!! Pregnancy hormones made the situation worse. The man clearly saw I'm 6 months pregnant, with a sick child and his little brother but he still felt the need to yell at me until I drove away. :cold_sweat:

    Needless to say, my first instinct was to come home and find some comfort food but my stomach was still upset from earlier. Therefore, I just set up my kiddos with a quiet movie and I laid down for a small nap. When I woke up it was time to pick up my teen from track so we did that, headed home and I started preparing dinner. Around 8 pm I started feeling worse and started to have contractions. I, ate, drank and laid down but it continued. So I call the doc and she says, see ya at the hospital. After all is said and done, I find out I'm 1/2 cm dilated from all this. Luckily the contractions stopped on their own. I think that 3 hr walk coupled with the stress was too much.

    Sorry for the long post.....but this will affect my JFT moving forward. This weekend I will not be exercising and just taking it easy. With my main focus on completing my research abstract.

    I cannot for the life of me even fathom what makes some people such *kitten*. This makes me so angry when I hear stories like this. I am not an aggressive person by nature, but had I seen this happening I would have told him to mind his own effing business and stop being such a bully. Especially to a pregnant lady! Then I would have given you a great big hug. Grrrrrrr. What an absolute idiot.

    Please keep your feet up and rest. How far along are you? I think focusing on your research abstract is the perfect thing for you to concentrate on this weekend. I'm sending you cyber hugs, honey. xoxoxoxox


    That is so sweet, Thank you!

    My hubby doesn't understand why I always end up crossing paths with these people. He wanted to handle it quite a bit differently than I did, Lol! It's moments like that that really make you wonder what has happened to the world these days. People need to learn manners all over again.

    I agree, focusing on my research will not only distract me but it makes me happy. I actually enjoy my scientific research, lol......I guess I'm a little bit of a nerd. :blush:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I can not believe that someone spoke to you like that!
    It’s just awful!
    I would of handled it differently lol. I get pregnancy rage. Then I cry about it after lol!

    Don’t let it get to you, he’s probably just miffed because he was stuck with everyone else. You had permission to park and if he doesn’t that’s his problem, not yours!

    My neighbour nearly got an earful today, hammering at 8.30am!!
    I had slept on the sofa because I was poorly the night before, I’d eaten something dodgy and rather than sitting up feeling sick all night I just made myself vomit then went to sleep! Not how I usually deal with sickness but after a day of chicken pox I needed to get sleep to look after my kids properly.

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I can not believe that someone spoke to you like that!
    It’s just awful!
    I would of handled it differently lol. I get pregnancy rage. Then I cry about it after lol!

    Don’t let it get to you, he’s probably just miffed because he was stuck with everyone else. You had permission to park and if he doesn’t that’s his problem, not yours!

    My neighbour nearly got an earful today, hammering at 8.30am!!
    I had slept on the sofa because I was poorly the night before, I’d eaten something dodgy and rather than sitting up feeling sick all night I just made myself vomit then went to sleep! Not how I usually deal with sickness but after a day of chicken pox I needed to get sleep to look after my kids properly.

    I just assume that he felt the need to "take out his anger" on me. IDK why people do that but I'm just going to let it go.

    Sorry to hear about you and your kiddos not feeling well. You need a weekend of rest and relaxation as well!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Today’s been good!
    Well ish!

    Someone suggest a porridge bath for chicken pox when my eldest had it a couple of weeks ago.
    So I tried it with my youngest today and she liked it, she liked sitting in the water and did seem to help soothe things temporarily.
    I say temporarily. She pooped in the bath. So it was like porridge with chocolate chunks bath :lol:

    She had a good nap today and it meant me and my partner could get out in the garden after all and start jet washing! But my god it was a lot more work than we thought!
    We’ve managed just over half of it, cleared most the leaves and most the floor has been jetwashed.

    We popped our heads in every 20 mins and she was still napping but the last time we checked she was hysterical. Unfortunately, due to the pure filth outside my partner had to have a quick shower before tending to her whilst I finished off and had a shower myself.

    Some of the flags on the floor I didn’t even realise were coloured they were that covered in dirt!
    And we finally let the dog out, he loved it lol!

    We did outside everyone else’s house too. We weren’t too happy about doing it but we want to get all the filth out so it’s safe for the kids and dogs. However after today we want to make sure they keep their own area clean. It’s a communal area, it’s not unreasonable to ask to do their bit too keep it clean is it? Especially as we went to all the effort of properly cleaning it for them?

    But will finish the rest tomorrow hopefully!

    PS. Anyone know how to stop an 18m old picking?!

    Goodness! I'm exhausted reading about your day! After hearing it called porridge bath I just can't go back to saying oatmeal bath...too humdrum...Poor child, and mum and dad.

    I don't know how many share your communal area...perhaps this could be a new beginning...maybe type and print out some friendly light hearted notes...you know, like, "we're pooped from cleaning the poop! We wanted to make this area clean and tidy for everyone's use. Now it's up to all of us to keep our areas tidy. If we all do our part we will have a nice yard we can all enjoy! Please keep your area clean and always pick up your pet's leavings.
    Perhaps we can have a communal grill and chill evening.

    The goal, I would think, is to get the people to take active ownership so that when another thoughtless person moves in, they will be stopped in their tracks by the others. Good luck and I hope y'all find great joy in your "new" yard! Y'all started a great thing!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    JFT, Friday
    Well, last nite again, was a bad nite for me. When I calculated the calories I ate AFTER 9pm, I was at almost 1000. 3 cadbury eggs, yogurt, protein bar, walnuts. What in the world is wrong with me!! I can go so well for 2-3 days, and all it takes for me is one bite of something I shouldn't have .... and last nite..... all it was was a few walnuts.

    I think I was so down ... I have a hubby who just loves being at home. While I am a home-body also, sometimes, it would be nice just to go and do something fun. He is so worried about getting the flu .. so he literally hardly leaves the house. So while I am pigging out eating junk food (and he is downstairs so he doesn't know), feeling sorry for myself, I get a email from a friend who's husband just found out he has degenerative bone disease ... and is in constant pain. So wow, does that put things in perspective. I am so fortunate that my husband and I are both healthy, going out is not what is important. I still have my husband. But ... the damage was done as far as me binging again.

    so I am trying to just focus on today ... and try and learn ... again .... not to even put stuff like that in my cart. I have to get better at analyzing everything I put in the shopping cart ... knowing what will trigger another bad nite.
    And remember to wait 10 minutes ... drink water .... call that friend who's husband is suffering ... do something!

    Boy can I relate, Joan! It's usually a handful of Planter's dry roasted peanuts that gets me going every night. I do really good all day. I really do. But I read earlier in a post that maybe it's the lack of eating much during the day that sets us up for nighttime snacking and that really hit home for me. I don't eat much during the day. I actually don't even really get hungry until around 2:00 pm sometimes. I need to make myself eat breakfast and lunch and drink more water! So, this was kind of eye opening for me to read this, because this is what gets me too.

    I also "get it" with the husband who wants to stay home. It's like pulling teeth to get my husband to do anything. Seriously. We used to have so much fun together but now that he has retired and is home every day, it's getting harder and harder to get him to go anywhere. I don't have friends in this town. I didn't grow up here so don't have history with anyone, and my work friends are just work friends. He is who I do things with. Him and my kids, and my kids have their own families. Sometimes I get depressed or bored and turn to food and it's something I have to fight all the time. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's husband. It does put things into perspective, doesn't it? That's why I still have my gratitude journal...it helps me keep life real. Hugs to you my friend!

    Yes...depression/boredom...I hate that...because then I want to go on the prowl...in the kitchen. Ugh.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Today’s been good!
    Well ish!

    Someone suggest a porridge bath for chicken pox when my eldest had it a couple of weeks ago.
    So I tried it with my youngest today and she liked it, she liked sitting in the water and did seem to help soothe things temporarily.
    I say temporarily. She pooped in the bath. So it was like porridge with chocolate chunks bath :lol:

    She had a good nap today and it meant me and my partner could get out in the garden after all and start jet washing! But my god it was a lot more work than we thought!
    We’ve managed just over half of it, cleared most the leaves and most the floor has been jetwashed.

    We popped our heads in every 20 mins and she was still napping but the last time we checked she was hysterical. Unfortunately, due to the pure filth outside my partner had to have a quick shower before tending to her whilst I finished off and had a shower myself.

    Some of the flags on the floor I didn’t even realise were coloured they were that covered in dirt!
    And we finally let the dog out, he loved it lol!

    We did outside everyone else’s house too. We weren’t too happy about doing it but we want to get all the filth out so it’s safe for the kids and dogs. However after today we want to make sure they keep their own area clean. It’s a communal area, it’s not unreasonable to ask to do their bit too keep it clean is it? Especially as we went to all the effort of properly cleaning it for them?

    But will finish the rest tomorrow hopefully!

    PS. Anyone know how to stop an 18m old picking?!

    Goodness! I'm exhausted reading about your day! After hearing it called porridge bath I just can't go back to saying oatmeal bath...too humdrum...Poor child, and mum and dad.

    I don't know how many share your communal area...perhaps this could be a new beginning...maybe type and print out some friendly light hearted notes...you know, like, "we're pooped from cleaning the poop! We wanted to make this area clean and tidy for everyone's use. Now it's up to all of us to keep our areas tidy. If we all do our part we will have a nice yard we can all enjoy! Please keep your area clean and always pick up your pet's leavings.
    Perhaps we can have a communal grill and chill evening.

    The goal, I would think, is to get the people to take active ownership so that when another thoughtless person moves in, they will be stopped in their tracks by the others. Good luck and I hope y'all find great joy in your "new" yard! Y'all started a great thing!

    There are 6 houses that share the yard., 2 of which are unoccupied (the lady who was leaving all the mess has gone - no one even went in the garden because of her, we actually locked our back door for good for a year and pretended we didn’t even have a garden.)
    Anyway, that’s what’s brought on the clean.

    There’s another tenant who never comes out either.

    And two new tenants who haven’t been out (this is why we cleaned their area so they’d feel more welcome because it was depressing just to look at)
    We’re hoping this clean up will bring everyone out in the summer!
    Everyone used to until the nightmare neighbour moved in, Nd then because she just took over any new tenants just assumed that the way it had always been.

    I just hope they don’t make a mess of it. I really don’t because the amount of effort we’ve given to it, I think my partner would go mad! Lol