Plant Based Diet?

So, I am thinking of going on a more plant based diet. If you know about this please add the pros and cons below. Also, if you want to join me on this journey also add your weight and goals too we can try it out together!


  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    I'd say I'm 80% plant based, though I don't like to label my diet. I still eat fish and eggs occasionally and a small amount of processed foods. My diary is open anyway. The foods I eat isn't just for weight loss (that's down to the amount of calories) I just want good nourishing foods with some treats (what I call treats others may not) and food I love to eat. For example I love salads and have one most days, some people turn their nose up at salads saying they're boring, that's down to what you put in it.
  • DisneyVeganLove
    DisneyVeganLove Posts: 112 Member
    I just started a Vegan group. I invite all of you to stop by. The more the merrier!
  • MarcA1218
    MarcA1218 Posts: 570 Member
    MarcA1218 wrote: »
    MarcA1218 wrote: »
    So, I am thinking of going on a more plant based diet. If you know about this please add the pros and cons below. Also, if you want to join me on this journey also add your weight and goals too we can try it out together!

    You still need to.calorie count.

    Oh yes I will continue using this app and watch my calorie intake as well.

    You need to do more research than watching fear mongers on Netflix

    A TV show isn’t my driving force. Although that show and Rotten were interesting shows, I friends on both a vegetarian & vegan diet and I am thinking of doing this because of my weight and my health. I have been reading up on it and and speaking with people who have also made the change. I was looking for feedback on the pros and cons of a plant based diet not the video. Just want to make sure I make the right decision.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    MarcA1218 wrote: »

    A TV show isn’t my driving force. Although that show and Rotten were interesting shows, I friends on both a vegetarian & vegan diet and I am thinking of doing this because of my weight and my health. I have been reading up on it and and speaking with people who have also made the change. I was looking for feedback on the pros and cons of a plant based diet not the video. Just want to make sure I make the right decision.

    Obviously you're going to get a lot of nutrition from eating a plant based diet if you make it varied and include all the food groups, but you can also get that from eating meat, dairy etc. Think about why you want to go plant based, what you're going to eat on this diet and what you want to acheive. If it's just to lose weight then maybe rethink it. Weight loss is simply eating less calories than you burn. If there's more reasons like ethical or health then I'd do the research on what kind of foods you need to eat to get the nutrition you want while still losing weight and also foods you love to eat, because if you don't love the food you're eating then this eating plan won't last long.
  • cramseynyc
    cramseynyc Posts: 8 Member
    I just recently made the change to plant based eating myself (I was vegetarian and made the switch to vegan). I do it for ethical reasons but the health benefits are great too. So far, I feel great and have lost weight. I talked to my doctor about it and he said we can get all the nutrients we need from plants except B12 (which comes from dairy) so I take a supplement. Good luck to you! Feel free to connect with me on here.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    pzarnosky wrote: »
    For me, it's that good ole saying.... the proof is in the plant based pudding :smiley:
    I took two years to transition to full "vegan" or plant based. I watched FOK forever ago and of course jumped on the bandwagon. Then I fell off and got back on repeatedly. That let me test it for myself, for my health and what my body responded to the best. I've done simple CICO, Keto, and plant based and I can honestly say I have truly felt the best on a whole food plant based diet. It isn't always easy but it's worth it. For a lot of my life I struggled with digestive issues and the fact that ALL of my issues are completely absent makes it worth it. Add in the fact that I have been seeing gains in my running performance and there's really no question for me. Also another added bonus is that while I still log my calories sometimes, I don't really need to. The way I cook whole food plant based makes it to where I'm never hungry and have maintained my weight loss with no problem. I think it's more of an affirmation because I was thinking "I can't be this full and not be way over my calories."

    For me it's been a really positive change. The ethical implications also play a huge factor. I never really acknowledged what exactly might be going on in animal agriculture. Coming to terms with that. Watching the processes, made me sick to my stomach and pretty much wrapped up any consideration that I might eat any of it again.

    This all seems very reasonable to me. I'm not that different, actually, although maybe in a different part of the process. I just dislike claims that it's necessary for health or that everyone will feel better (because all diets claim this, and it's not true). I personally feel good eating mostly WFPB so can totally see others finding that (or 100%) a way of eating on which they feel good, or better, of course. But I've watched enough of those movies and read enough about nutrition that I get frustrated when I hear things (on all sides, really) that are not true or exaggerated or taken out of context. I'd really love a real discussion between people with different views on these nutrition things who are also willing to listen and acknowledge the points on the other side, as the vast, vast majority of it seems to be preaching to the converted (or assuming you are talking to people without knowledge, who don't know the obvious responses, which is one of my issues with What the Health).
  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    edited January 2018
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I think a whole foods, plant based diet can be healthy. Oreo is a vegan cookie

    Whether you consider oreos vegan or not is somewhat subjective. Many vegans don't consider them vegan, due to the filtering of the sugar through bone char. However, a lot of the knockoffs (newman O's to name one example) are fully vegan because they use organic sugar (in the US, organic sugar is never filtered through bone char).

    That said, I think the general statement that a vegan label on food is not a descriptor of health is an accurate one.
  • Tricia7188
    Tricia7188 Posts: 135 Member
    You could just try it for a while. Everyone hypes up a whole food plant based diet so much. Just give it a go! I enjoy the Starch Solution way of eating but there are lots of YouTube vids with tips.