What bothers you at the gym?



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I was at my gym not to long ago and had forgotten my head phones unfortunatly.Anyways I was on the elliptical next to 2 women on a tred mills just b*tching non stop about this girl who was on the otherside of the gym.This girl was working her *kitten* off on the weights and had a pretty nice body.These women just kept going on and on about how she shouldnt even be there,she probobly only comes to make heavier girls feel bad,ripping apart what she was wearing.Now I dont know this girl or the women but I got so fed up listening to them I finalyl said "hey maybe if you put as much effort into you're work out as you have into talking *kitten* on this girl you could have the body she does"
    they seemed a little speechless after that.Normally I dont say anything to anyone at my gym,I just put on my headphones and could really not care less what other people are doing so long as they are not throwing weights at me,but that kinda pissed me off
  • 1) leave your phone in your locker

    2) don't eek out 1/2 mile on the recumbent bike over the course of 45 minutes and then hit wendy's for a double cheeseburger

    3) don't use one bench as a towel/keys/cell phone holder, while using use another bench for your workout. towel goes under your body and see #1 for where your phone/keys belong.

    4) don't sound like you're delivering a watermellon sized baby while lifting. no matter what people say, there is no need to grunt. i somehow manage to lift in complete silence. you can do it too...

    5) don't stand around the last available bench with your 4 frat buddies, discussing how hung over you are. lift or leave.

    6) RERACK YOUR WEIGHTS!!! you apparently managed to move them from the rack to the bench. you allegedly lifted them over your head for multiple sets/reps. add another "rep" to the workout and put them back where you found them...

    7) no, you cannot borrow my towel. WTF?

    8) don't fill up your giant nalgene while other people are waiting to use the water fountain.

    9) if you are going to use HGH, at least do some lower body workouts. nothing looks worse than 20 inch biceps coupled with 12 inch calves.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,914 Member
    My biggest pet peeve...........................people who don't unrack their weights and put them away PROPERLY. Don't "stack" a bunch of 45lb plates over a 5 plate. If someone needs it, they have to pull all the 45's off to get to it.
    Don't leave 6 45lb plates on the leg press. If a female needs to use it, she has to strip it all off herself.
    Don't leave weights on the floor or leaning up against a bench or machine. It's hazardous to people who have to walk in the area.

    Okay rant done.
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    Gotta chime in here. If I'm at the gym, it more than likely means that someone is watching my kids who are still quite young. This means, I need my phone. I'm not going to talk on it unless it's absolutely necessary and pertaining to my kids. So, all you cell phone haters - this is why I have my cell phone with me and not in my locker. AND I also take my kids in the locker room with me, so there! :tongue:
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    My gripes at the gym.

    *The lady that comes in and changes 3 TV's to watch while she is on the elliptical

    * The guy who changes the TV channel before asking if anyone is watching it.

    *The guy who switches back between 2 machines 5 or 6 times, but never wipes them down in between for someone else to use.

    * The guys who drop the weights

    * The guy who adds extra weight to a machine that doesn't belong there. Then I try to use it and don't notice the extra plate and wonder why I can't lift as much today.
  • ah yes, the weight droppers. you lifted the weight up in a semi-controlled motion, why can't you put it down the same way?
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I was at my gym not to long ago and had forgotten my head phones unfortunatly.Anyways I was on the elliptical next to 2 women on a tred mills just b*tching non stop about this girl who was on the otherside of the gym.This girl was working her *kitten* off on the weights and had a pretty nice body.These women just kept going on and on about how she shouldnt even be there,she probobly only comes to make heavier girls feel bad,ripping apart what she was wearing.Now I dont know this girl or the women but I got so fed up listening to them I finalyl said "hey maybe if you put as much effort into you're work out as you have into talking *kitten* on this girl you could have the body she does"
    they seemed a little speechless after that.Normally I dont say anything to anyone at my gym,I just put on my headphones and could really not care less what other people are doing so long as they are not throwing weights at me,but that kinda pissed me off

    Kudos :)
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    I was at my gym not to long ago and had forgotten my head phones unfortunatly.Anyways I was on the elliptical next to 2 women on a tred mills just b*tching non stop about this girl who was on the otherside of the gym.This girl was working her *kitten* off on the weights and had a pretty nice body.These women just kept going on and on about how she shouldnt even be there,she probobly only comes to make heavier girls feel bad,ripping apart what she was wearing.Now I dont know this girl or the women but I got so fed up listening to them I finalyl said "hey maybe if you put as much effort into you're work out as you have into talking *kitten* on this girl you could have the body she does"
    they seemed a little speechless after that.Normally I dont say anything to anyone at my gym,I just put on my headphones and could really not care less what other people are doing so long as they are not throwing weights at me,but that kinda pissed me off

    Kudos :)

    Thought this only happened at my gym. I'm used to be a total gym rat so I got to know most of the gym employees and members. There are a few young girls who have amazing bodies because they are totally working it out. Same scenario, I forgot my Beats (this is also the reason I invested in a good set of head phones) so I had to endure the music and chattering. The music wasn't bad but lord help me with the two parrots on the thread mill next to me. Totally dogging the girls working out and b!+chin about how what they wore and blah blah blah. I finally couldn't take it. Now normally I totally keep to myself but that was uncalled for. One of the gym employees passed by and asked me how I was doing I said perfect except for the two yapping hyenas complaining about the world. Let's just say I got stared down which I don't care and then they left.
  • shellyxxxxx
    shellyxxxxx Posts: 143
    only thing that bothers me at the gym is when your working your backside off and a hunky guy walks in and i end up losing focus x lol
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to read what you said a couple of time! I would have went straight to management! That was totally unacceptable and threatening behavior!!!!! Wow! Humph! Now I have had and sadly to say it has only been men...hog a machine for as long as an hour! I have asked "how much longer" and they will say something to the affect like a long time. But 95% of the time they are goofing off and not actually working out. It irritates me to no end because when I work out I mean business. Don't hog a machine! I pick my battles and sometimes I decide it is not worth it but in your instance I would have definitely went to management. They need to know they have a rude patron because trust me this was NOT the first time he did that.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member

    That's one thing I liked about Planet Fitness...their "No Judgement Zone" and an alarm would go off if someone started grunting and acting like a jerk.

    They call it the "Lunk Alarm" and it's pretty effective. If some clown slams his dumbells down on the floor or screams or grunts, or is being loud or rude in general, one of the staffers hits a button and a huge blue light under the "Lunk Alarm" sign flashes and an alarm sounds. Usually nothing else needs to be said and the embarrassed person shuts up. Everyone gets a little laugh too.

    Planet Fitness is totally "no frills" and the men's locker rooms are pretty crappy and not all that clean, but otherwise, for the money ($10/month), it's a terrific bargain. Mine (Danvers, Mass.) is open 24/7.

    But no matter where you go, behavior like that described by the original poster shouldn't be accepted anywhere.

    this is got to be the dumbest thing i've heard. yes morons shouldn't throw weights down but an alarm going off for working hard and grunting? give me a break. what's more annoying? someone grunting or an alarm going off??!?! what a joke of a gym.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    this is got to be the dumbest thing i've heard. yes morons shouldn't throw weights down but an alarm going off for working hard and grunting? give me a break. what's more annoying? someone grunting or an alarm going off??!?! what a joke of a gym.

    Errrrrr, someone needs to tell these idiots that tightening of the diaphragm through grunting helps the body stabilise your core when lifting heavy. Having a no grunt policy is not in the interests of gym goers who want to focus on big lifts and could prove dangerous.

    I despair at the state of the fitness industry sometimes.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Large dudes looking roided up doing their reps like this:


    Hilarious, there was a girl in spinning class this morning waering denim booty shorts, everytime i looked at her i had a laugh.
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    There is a woman that screams at my gym, everyone looks at her everytime she does, and granted she is in good shape and lifting heavy for her size but its a scream not a grunt... Sorry about the guy being a jerk. I rarely talk to anyone but when I have it was to ask a question and they have always been helpfull.
  • jayb123x
    jayb123x Posts: 138
    Anybody get the old guys in running shorts showing the whole world more than we care to see. If you could please be a little more careful, that would be great. I am trying to get my workout on here. I hate having to avoid eye contact with your nut sack. That is all.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Now I dont know this girl or the women but I got so fed up listening to them I finalyl said "hey maybe if you put as much effort into you're work out as you have into talking *kitten* on this girl you could have the body she does"
    they seemed a little speechless after that.Normally I dont say anything to anyone at my gym,I just put on my headphones and could really not care less what other people are doing so long as they are not throwing weights at me,but that kinda pissed me off

    Why did it piss you off? Women gossip. Maybe men gossip in their own way too. I don't know; I'm not a man. But if it makes someone feel better and doesn't make anyone else feel worse, I don't see the harm. :/
  • Msvalsworld
    Msvalsworld Posts: 53 Member
    I do the 30 minute circuit at my gym and I do not like when ppl just come in and mess up my circuit. I had to report it one time because some man yelled at me when I told him I needed the machine. I could tell the employee did not want to address it but I stood right in front of him until he did
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
  • For me it's just that awkward silence when someone takes the machine right next to you. Or when you REALLY wanna do the stairmaster but there's a hot guy on the one next to it and you don't want to seem like you're trying to get next to him or something :(
    So sad ;( LOL
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    i hate it when girls go to the gym to try and pick up on guys and they are just doing nothing but stretching in the most outrageous positions to get attention...makes me laugh but get annoying after 45 mins of them just stretching....and same with guys lol i dont want to be checked out or hit on while running and being all sweated out..yuck lol
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