January 2018 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    my goal is to do 85 miles this month, Im not training for anything, I did set a goal to do 4- 5ks this year but thats it lol,

    Welcome aboard! :D
  • hjeppley
    hjeppley Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome @BrookeRunningMom!

    The 50K discussion is really interesting to me as well. I just signed up for my 50K in mid March so it is all starting to look real now. One of my issues is going to be getting ready for the hills. I need to make some field trips to get some better hills than I can get at home. I did one 50K 4 years ago but the terrain was pretty easy for that one.

    Decided to go with my plan of water walking today and give my hamstring another day to recover. It is feeling a lot better today though after lots of foam rolling and some ice yesterday. I am doing a check in visit with my PT today so I’ll get her opinion on how long I need to back off and what I can do to keep this new problem from setting my training back.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Strength day for me today, as well as wrangling the old washer & dryer away from the wall & disconnecting it. New one delivered tomorrow and then I gotta call an electrician to move an outlet and maybe swap out a plug as well.

    Possibly will need to hop over to a friend's tomorrow night to wash running gear, or maybe laundromat, if the electrical is complicated.

    @sarahthes when I got a new dryer they switched the power cord on the dryer not my wall. Took a few minutes. I've been lucky my washer has been working fine. I think a hose might have leaked because of the cold.

    @skippygirlsmom I'm hoping that's all we need to do for the dryer. There isn't any plug at all for the washer on that side of the room - old unit was a 2 in 1. I'm hoping that temporarily it will reach the outlet on the other side of the room (maybe 5 feet away? small room) but the cord will be a tripping hazard in the meantime.

    @sarahthes I gotcha!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    But I pulled a muscle in my back sleeping last night some so not sure I *can* run. Ugh.

    that's some strenuous sleeping you went through there!!

    hope it tweaks back into running zone soon!

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @fitoverfortymom hmmm. those sand dunes LOOK amazing, but they're gonna hurt!!! (also, I've been reading about collapsing sand dunes lately. Don't get swallowed)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Might have to rethink my 6/2 race. Looks like we'll be camping at the Great Sand Dunes that weekend for Boy Scouts. I guess I'll run up some big-*kitten* sandy hills instead. :D

    ETA: This is the sand dunes

    Woah. That looks brutal to run!
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Saw the funniest 2 dogs today on my run. You could tell just by looking at them that they were not strays, and the looks on their faces (if you will) made it clear they had just escaped and were out on a joy-run. Came at me barking, but seemed more friendly than anything and then kept going on their merry way. I saw them again later, off in the distance running around like they were getting away with something.

    Everyone who brought up night races: some of my favorite races have been night races! One was a wintery 10k, with a repeat coming up next month, and the other was a half marathon in September (with perfect running weather). Lots of glowing arm bands, lights, and extra excitement in the air.

    Monday has been long run day for 2 months and my body hasn't yet got the memo that we aren't running for several hours today. I don't drink coffee, but feel like I drank a whole pot! Getting stuff done! And for what it's worth, I don't cap long runs to 3 hours or any other time limit. 20 miles does take me longer than 3 hours, and I'm more concerned about covering the distance at a comfortable pace. But I wonder how those who are FOR a time limit would adjust a marathon/ultra training schedule, say if anything over 16 miles is going to take you over that limit? Multiple runs per day? Make up the distance the next day or add it to other runs during the week? Skip it completely?


    Just figured out they changed the schedule and now I don't have a morning 5k and night 10k on the same day in February.
    Upcoming races:
    1/28 Madeira Marathon (Funchal, Portugal)
    2/10 CityTrail 5k
    2/17 Lublin 10k (night race)
    3/17 CityTrail 5k
    3/18 CityTrail 5k (in Warsaw, because I got a free start)
    4/8 Lublin 10k
    5/13 Lublin Marathon
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    @fitoverfortymom hmmm. those sand dunes LOOK amazing, but they're gonna hurt!!! (also, I've been reading about collapsing sand dunes lately. Don't get swallowed)

    That's a thing? :o
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Might have to rethink my 6/2 race. Looks like we'll be camping at the Great Sand Dunes that weekend for Boy Scouts. I guess I'll run up some big-*kitten* sandy hills instead. :D

    ETA: This is the sand dunes

    Woah. That looks brutal to run!

    There's a loop that goes around that's not too hard: https://www.trailrunproject.com/trail/7014510/sand-dunes-loop. Mostly it's fun to race the kids to the top.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    But I pulled a muscle in my back sleeping last night some so not sure I *can* run. Ugh.

    that's some strenuous sleeping you went through there!!

    hope it tweaks back into running zone soon!

    I think he needs a run so he can relax/recover from the sleep
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
    Clearly my phone hates me. I’ve now “posted” 2 different things and nothing shows up. Hopefully this does. If so yay, if not oh well. Iol