Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 2



  • CW 175
    Lost it on the challenge this week. But awesome on the water. Why do I blow it every weekend!? So good during the week tracking food and staying in line and then -bam- here comes the weekend - bad food and too much wine!!! Will get back with it tomorrow
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    Well I tried to do the burpees but I hurt my knee doing the 30 Day Shred. So, I am backing away from the Shred and just doing Zumba. Zumba
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    Well I tried to do the burpees but I hurt my knee doing the 30 Day Shred. So, I am backing away from the Shred and just doing Zumba. Zumba is a great workout. :)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    cw: 191

    i did 20 out of 60 burpees, but i don't feel too bad since i worked my *kitten* off at the gym five days this week. i'm really hoping that this gain is my muscles getting back into their groove. bummer.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    CW 175
    Lost it on the challenge this week. But awesome on the water. Why do I blow it every weekend!? So good during the week tracking food and staying in line and then -bam- here comes the weekend - bad food and too much wine!!! Will get back with it tomorrow

    I am the same, I practice so much self control during the week, I think it is because I am never at home during the week and when it hits the weekend thats where I am all the time haha.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    OK, I'm so proud of myself! I went off track with the burpees this week being so busy and all. So, I did 10 yesterday morning, but today I did 50, in 4 different sets! I did it! I go t all 60 in! I think I'll keep doing some of these on a daily basis, then I'll get real good at it! Not doing to push up yet, but I'll get there!!! Just proud that I finished it all!
  • OK, I'm so proud of myself! I went off track with the burpees this week being so busy and all. So, I did 10 yesterday morning, but today I did 50, in 4 different sets! I did it! I go t all 60 in! I think I'll keep doing some of these on a daily basis, then I'll get real good at it! Not doing to push up yet, but I'll get there!!! Just proud that I finished it all!

    Way to go!!! That's awesome, keep up the good work!
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    CW 190
  • phoenix113
    phoenix113 Posts: 18 Member
    CW 215

    Bad weekend. Sick and eating everything in sight. I did record everything I ate (no wonder I have indigestion) Back on track tomorrow.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    CW is 150!!! I did all my burpees and my water intake is off the charts!!! :smile:
  • Just completed the burpee challenge! Now I'm excited to find out what this week's challenge is!!
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    CW: 259.9

    Made some not-so-wise food decisions this week...the scale showed it. But I DID complete 70 Burpees so I'm happy about that. Love this group...xoxox
  • chrisraem
    chrisraem Posts: 31 Member
    CW: 191.2
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Everybody In? Is everybody in? Is... Every.... Body..... In???? (Jim Morrison quote, sorry)

    Today is the final day! I am updating the chart now and will have everything up and out by tomorrow evening. Got that whole work thing during the day so I apologize for not being able to put it out there earlier. If I can, I will!!!

    I myself struggled this week and found myself gaining for the first time in 2 months. Very frustrating but I will NOT let it get the best of me. I am better than the number on my scale! I hope you all know that you are as well! You deserve happiness, every one of you!

    Got an childhood activities that you still do? (hint, hint)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    CW : 87.9 kilos, loss of 1.8kg this week :) yeah!

    Sorry I had no access to scales yesterday...
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    Current wt - 139.4
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Did about 80 burpees this week... Yippee I will continue to do burppes too I can totally tell they are a good exercise...
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Sorry I am going to have to quit this group, it has been good but I probably need to go back to hospital sometime this week and really need to focus on getting better at the moment...
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Well Vacation got me! I have gained. But I was on track today and hit the gym as well! I'm gonna make it this time!!! Hummmmm childhood activity????? Should I run out and get a hula hoop???? Or maybe I can do it on my Wii Fit :bigsmile: did I guess right??:indifferent:

    Hittng the road early for a sales meeting tomorrow..who knows when I will be home...

    CW ~ 199.2 :angry: It's OK next week I will have a :bigsmile:

    Take Care - Keep up the hard work!
  • Sorry I am going to have to quit this group, it has been good but I probably need to go back to hospital sometime this week and really need to focus on getting better at the moment...

    EllieBelle ... I hope that you do well in hospital and recover quickly!!!

    I'll be thinking about you and praying for you!! Positive thoughts going your way!!!