Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 2

First of all, let me apologize for posting this so late. I have apparently come down with something that is virtually kicking my *kitten*. :sick: I wanted to do this earlier but my body said, "Um, no. How about you take a nap first..." So I had no choice but to listen to my body.:yawn:

I am going to keep this short for tonight but want to make sure it gets up and running. I will definitely post more tomorrow.

Now.... I am thoroughly excited about the results from this week!!! You all did excellent and really took your health into your hands. Altogether we lost almost 120 lbs! IN ONE WEEK!!! :noway: :noway: What makes that even more exciting is that there were still almost 60 people that did not weigh in so that averages over a pound per person!!! (I will wait another week to see if these people are still interested in the challenge and then I will remove them from the chart so that it isn't as long as what is showing here.)

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO... julietsingleton for a 7.9 pound loss and a 3.92% loss. Unfortunately I think there may have been some illness involved :sick: so I hope you are feeling much better now! :bigsmile:


Now this week's challenge is going to be just that... Not sure if you saw but I had asked if you ever heard of a burpee. :huh: Yeah, well that would be what this week's challenge is!!! For those of you that have done these before, or for those that have done your research, you know that these can look simple but are more difficult than the eye can see :embarassed: Don't be scared! :frown: These can be modified to your fitness level.

This video shows both a beginner and an advanced version. You can do either one of these, or make it even more challenging by adding weights, jumps, split push ups, or whatever you need.

Your challenge this week is to complete 60 burpees. It was going to be 70 but since this is posting so late, I lowered the total. That works out to about 10 burpees per day. They don't have to be done at one time, and can be spread out over the days throughout the week. I remember the first time I did these, I was sore in places I didn't know I had. They are great total body moves working you from top to bottom. I promise you will feel it! Again, you can up the number, add weights, what ever you want, but try your best to get all 60 in.

Now don't forget about your water intake. You don't have to maintain the 64oz if you don't want but I HIGHLY recommend you keep it up. Water is so vitally important for your body and you never want to dehydrate your muscles. I hope last week's challenge left you feeling good (especially since this week's challenge will make you feel a little different, wink wink).

Ok, so this wasn't "short" but I hope it gave you all the information that you need for a successful week ahead!

This week's quote: "A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her." ~David Brinkley
Don't let others get you down and ESPECIALLY... Don't let your mind discourage yourself! You are all worth the changes you are making in your life! Love you all!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:


  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thanks Jen! Can I make a small suggestion? Can we go back to regular font? The swirly is kind of hard to read.
  • athederan
    athederan Posts: 61 Member
    I'm VERY excited for this weeks challenge! Week one went very well and I know week two will be just as great. I am going to stick with the water intake because I haven't felt this good in a long time. I'm sorry that you weren't feeling good Jen and I hope you get better soon.

    By the way... on the chart it says my goal to loose is 75 pounds but it is actually 35. I think that is a very doable number by Christmas so just wanted to let you know to get the chart more accurate.

    GOOD LUCK ON YOUR BURPEE's EVERYONE!!! I think I might get some in before I go to bed. haha they look like a good total body work out. :)
  • Are you kidding me???? Have you seen me?? I don't think I can even do that with my arthritic knee!
    Not that I won't try... but don't expect me to do it like the video shows it being done!!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm seeing that myself. It looked fine on my spreadsheet but the font and color changed in the transition into the jpeg. I will work on this tomorrow. Thanks :bigsmile:
  • mooky1286
    mooky1286 Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry I didn't have time to weigh in last week. I weighed in at 133.5 this morning. So not much of a huge weight difference in a week...
    Excited about the new challenge! I've been following for months, and these are almost always included in the workout. Let's do it!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Burpees...*shudder* I better lose 10lbs for this challenge! :laugh:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Are you kidding me???? Have you seen me?? I don't think I can even do that with my arthritic knee!
    Not that I won't try... but don't expect me to do it like the video shows it being done!!!

    Make sure you watched it all the way through for the beginner version. Its not too shabby and worth a try. :bigsmile:
  • awesome! I'm off to try it - yeesh!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Woo Hoo!!!! I'm ready!!!

    Thank you Jenn so much for the challenge, the chart, the encouragement and this week's burpee challenge!
  • leslyta
    leslyta Posts: 70
    sorry I couldnt weigh in last week.. I just got a job and I've been a little busy and exhausted that I barely got on mfp.. I'm down to 204.4 so I only lost 2lbs, but I'm def getting back to working out and running this week so hopefully, ill be down more next week.. Good luck on this week's challenge every1.. I'm def doing to beginner one to start out with.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Great job on getting the chart together again this week Jen! It looks great... The chart alone seems to be a motivation to keep it up!

    I've never done burpees before, but I watched the video, and I think I can do it. I'm tempted to try the advanced one, but I think I'll start with the beginners to get my body used to it first.

    Thanks again for all the great work that you've been doing. I should of joined a group like this a long time ago, but everything happens when you are ready for it to happen and I am so ready for this! Bring it on!

    Have a nice week everyone!
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Are you kidding me???? Have you seen me?? I don't think I can even do that with my arthritic knee!
    Not that I won't try... but don't expect me to do it like the video shows it being done!!!

    what about a modification using a ''wall push-up''? Less work on your knees. Maybe look up a video of a wall push-up if you don't know what those are.

    Good Luck everyone! and Great Job from last week!

    p.s. I hate burpees..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 160 Member
    Burpees...*shudder* I better lose 10lbs for this challenge! :laugh:

  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    yay! next week is gonna be killer! i've already dropped 3lbs since friday! :-)
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Yay, I am excited for this weeks challenge. I did the shred this morning so may keep these Burpees for later. We used to do these in kickboxing and I always hated them lol.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    Sorry! Forgot to post my weight. I was actually 290.8 this week. Goal for challenge is 240.
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    What an amazing amount of work you are putting into this Jenn! Hope you are feeling better soon. Looking forward to the challenge!
  • Great job everyone! I'm looking forward to this weeks challenge!
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    Thank you Jen!
    I am going to maintain the water/veggie/fruit intake-I feel better already.
    now-the burpees? never seen nor heard of-lol
    but will give it a shot-what can I lose-oh wait..Fat and Inches!
    I will ask my doctor first though since I have bulging(9) and 2 herinated disks.

    okay-fast forward-tried and got 3 in.
    Congrates Julie !!
  • I'm sure I can do the beginners burpees because the movement is very similar to yoga's salute to the sun. Good luck with this week everyone :-D