Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 2



  • wolfpack111
    HI! Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

    JustJenn419 - I thought i posted that I lost a lb. so for week 1 I am now 156!

    So much harder to loooose it that put it on! GAH!

    I am keeping up with the water and also I COMPLETED this week's challenge of 60 burpees! Yesterday I took turbo kick at the Y and we did 30 though different set of excercises and this morning I took cardio strenght and we had to do burpees again! So yay!

    does anyone have any particular advice on how much protein I should be eating vs. how many carbs? I think the guidelines that MFP is giving me are too much! and I feel I am carb sensitive - apple shapped body, always goes to my belly! any advise is greatly appreciated!
  • AriannaInIdaho
    I don't think I've ever done a burpee... but I will definitely work on doing some of these this week.
  • joyfulmom4him
    Jenn, the chart looks amazing! We are an awesome group of losers,jk lol. We are rocking this challenge. Keep up the great work everyone. I am back on the exercise grind today but I have been doing great with the water. I just looked up the Burpees and had my 10 year old son demonstrate them for me. They look challenging but I can do it. Have a great day everyone.
  • adrehe
    adrehe Posts: 36 Member
    BURPEES, My fav! Ok not really but they are a great workout so let's get to it! Good luck to everyone, I hope we all have a great week!
  • yramesor333
    Are you kidding me???? Have you seen me?? I don't think I can even do that with my arthritic knee!
    Not that I won't try... but don't expect me to do it like the video shows it being done!!!
    you can do it ,even if its one at a time :)
    i have osti artheritis in my back,hips and knees (i need both knee caps replaced) its a struggle 2 even walk !!!
    we got this we can do it !!! :) and mine r nothing like the video trust me !!! but im not quiter !! i will do them and hopefully get better at them !! good luck !!
  • ahoover12
  • TruckerChick
    Okay... I'm feeling more motivated now! Thank you to all ya'll that chimed in to encourage me to do this!
    I WILL DO THIS!!! (Even if it kills me!) LOL :laugh: :laugh: :ohwell:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    alrighty then- 10 burpees down, 50 more to go! i'm going to stick with 10 a day because i've just restarted my gym routine, so i'm attending one or two classes each day.

    here's a modificaton that i use: instead of putting my hands on the ground, i put them on a step (like in a step class). this allows me to get my heart rate up by being able to jump back. when i use the floor, my lovely round stomach gets in the way...grrr. so this allows me to get the full burn but not get in my own way. you know what i mean, jellybean?

    and i only did the pushups for two of them today, but i'm hoping to increase that as the week goes on. great challenge!
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    Hope you feel better soon, Jenn!

    Burpees have always made me nervous, because I have a knee that likes to sometimes misbehave itself....but I'm going to give them a try this evening. I should be able to do the beginner ones, especially just 10 a day. I'll try to work up to regular ones by the end of the week and REALLY push myself!

    Time to rock Week Two!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Yay burbees! haha In a class I take at the gym, we do these with a bosu overhead and add the jump. Fun times.
    Good luck everyone!!!
  • TruckerChick
    Okay, so my big stomach totally gets in the way... even the beginner burpee was difficult to do. It looks so much easier watching a thin person do them! :ohwell:

    But this is what I figured out... I will start with 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening and add one each day until - hopefully - by the end of the week, I'll be doing 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening. That will be a personal goal.

    I liked the idea of using a step for my hands... perhaps then my feet will go where they are supposed to go instead of sidestepping around my enormous belly!! :blushing:

    Thank you, Jenn!!! For putting together this group and giving us challenges that really challenge us!!!
  • TruckerChick
    Oh.. one last thing... how do we track them in our exercise diary??? How many calories are burned, do you think??
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    Great job on the chart Jen. Excited to start week 2!
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    I've never done a burpee, this should be interesting...haha

    I'm there. I thought it was some baby product!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Oh.. one last thing... how do we track them in our exercise diary??? How many calories are burned, do you think??

    Huh I didn't even think of that :) good point, anyone know the answer?
  • JenMac18
    I've never heard of a burpee either! I'll have to give 'em a try.

    Hate to be a drag, but would someone mind posting one more time the CCC signature? NOW I see where I can just click "Signature" at the top...:huh:
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    Oh.. one last thing... how do we track them in our exercise diary??? How many calories are burned, do you think??

    You should absolutely track these. I found a couple of great web sites explaining how to count these and some other exercises. You can see, which just explains that a burpee is basically a vigorous calisthenic type of exercise (like a pushup/situp/etc...). You can also see to check out the burn you get from other different types of exercises, too.

    Can't wait to try these out tonight! I'm going to do these and then my yoga. :-) I'm going to try alternating between the beginners and advanced. We'll see how it goes! Good luck everybody! Keep up the awesome work! ~ cm
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm back! Burpees? Sounds scary. Time to go watch the video!
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I forgot to post as well. I was down to 187lb on sunday. Bit late to start with the burpees tonight but I'm on it tomorrow!
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    OMG I have been doing 30 day Shred and my legs are killing so I decided to do 10 burpees and I was on about the 2nd one legs burning when I jumped up to see my boyfriend stood in starting position with a stupid look on his face lol. I fell about laughing but I managed to do my 10 now I am off to bed.