Fat to Fabulous (50+ pounds to lose) Who’s with me?



  • andreamulhall
    andreamulhall Posts: 81 Member
    Hi . Add me . I had 60lb to lose , ive lost 15lb so far . 45 to go
  • brittdjones1913
    brittdjones1913 Posts: 5 Member
    I’ve got well over 100 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other!!
  • WeightStripper85
    WeightStripper85 Posts: 30 Member
    85 to lose!!!

    Feel free to add me too :smiley:
  • CoffeeJoeV
    CoffeeJoeV Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined myfitnesspal today, so looking for friends and motivation. I have been on my current weight loss journey since Oct. 2017. Working on losing 90 lbs, and I'm about 1/3 of the way there.
  • Mamabelle4
    Mamabelle4 Posts: 7 Member
    Me too! 50 to lose and mini goal of 25 by mid May - so a bit over 1lb a week. Going to do IF (Intermittent fasting - so for me that’s eating between midday and 6pm) and high fat/low carbs - aiming to keep within 1300 kcal per day for first 8 weeks and increase 100 per week until weight plateaus. I know there’ll be days where I go over - but got to aim for something! Best of luck everyone and add me and shout at me to get out of the fridge!
  • trayg72
    trayg72 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join the group. I have 70lbs to release.
    Looking to give and receive support
  • jahshadow
    jahshadow Posts: 4 Member
    I’m in. The pounds aren’t dropping off yet but I feel great for the first time in months and have energy and motivation again. I’m thrilled
  • HalaMadrid94
    HalaMadrid94 Posts: 30 Member
    I have about 140 lbs to lose! & I'd love some friends with similar goals to chat/support/motivate each other. Anyone can feel free to add me up (:
  • kwitherspoon19
    kwitherspoon19 Posts: 68 Member
    i just sent you a friend request :)
  • sunnycloud82
    sunnycloud82 Posts: 59 Member
    edited January 2018
    I have about 75 more to go. Would love to connect with you! :)

    I'm following the keto diet.
  • Callmebettie82
    Callmebettie82 Posts: 1 Member
    overall goal is to lose 100 lbs. First mini goal. Lose 30lbs. I've lost 12 lbs since the 8th... but the stalls or mini gains get me down big time!!
  • BoHayth
    BoHayth Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2018
    I’m just starting out. Been working with a trainer since End of Oct but didn’t modify my eating. Dec 29th was my kick off. I have about 100lbs to lose.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!!! I’ll cheer you on as we conquer this journey.
  • gaby_gz1988
    gaby_gz1988 Posts: 18 Member
    I have about 60 to lose. You can add me if you’d like :)
  • ksisko07
    ksisko07 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 59 that I want to lose.
  • jenngitch
    jenngitch Posts: 190 Member
    I have lost 50 and my doctor just told me I needed to lose 50 more to get a much "needed" (I really want it) breast reduction! So 50 more it is! I could always use active friends!
  • I have 75 to lose and totally new at this app!
  • tiggrice85
    tiggrice85 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 129 more pounds to lose, I would love to make some friends.
  • AloeDera
    AloeDera Posts: 2 Member
    I’m totally in sis!! Got exactly 50 lbs to lose! Hoping to get it all in 2018!
  • paulerdmann1
    paulerdmann1 Posts: 55 Member
    KTnTally wrote: »
    I’m looking for friends that have 50+ pounds to lose or have lost 50+ pounds. I currently have 70 pounds to lose. Join me on the weight loss journey.

    I'm with you. 46lbs down with another 100 to go. Feel free to add me my friends.
    OP, keep up the good work BTW!
  • gingilebanon2012
    gingilebanon2012 Posts: 15 Member
    watchado33 wrote: »
    I have 50 to lose, I'm doing Keto. What plans are you all following? I have been on my plan for 2 weeks now. I hate weighing myself because I get discouraged if I don't lose, so I'm just going by how my clothing fits for now. I will eventually weigh myself just to check in, but not right now. Hi everybody!