Went Dairy Free!

Today is my second full day of being completely dairy free. Was curious if anyone’s experiences being dairy free and if you guys have any foods or recipes that you love ❤️


  • fuzzylop72
    fuzzylop72 Posts: 651 Member
    edited January 2018
    I like nice cream (blended frozen bananas) as a frozen desert (although, you can just get dairy free halo top if you want). I often make it with pb2 or some frozen strawberries.

    Probably the biggest dairy alternative product weakness is cheese. Chao slices and Miyoko's are both pretty good, but most of the other products aren't really to my liking.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I rarely eat dairy, I used to be lactose intolerant so I just don't tend to have it day to day. I don't really feel the lack and eat a huge variety of foods, so I don't really have any suggestions, because not eating a lot of dairy isn't something I've needed to give a lot of thought to...
  • MarcA1218
    MarcA1218 Posts: 570 Member
    This was day two of me going plant based and dairy free too. Good luck and keep at it if it’s what you want.
  • Wingsont84
    Wingsont84 Posts: 335 Member
    I only have daily in my coffee and found myself losing
  • passenger79
    passenger79 Posts: 257 Member
    I 've cut down dairy massively because it was flaring my IBS and I 've seen zero improvement in my skin or health( just less ibs issues).

    I drink soy milk ,love new alpro fruit yogurts I use with my overnight oats and eat Violife cheese (hard and cream cheese )it's lots nicer than soy cheese.

    Other than that I wouldn't cut it out if I didn't need to,bit if it works for you ,go for it.
    Just look for dairy free recipes online I tend to use normal recipes and just replace dairy with alternatives .
  • rcd7
    rcd7 Posts: 20 Member
    I went dairy-free for my skin (for rosacea) and it made a huge difference, but that’s a pretty specific skin condition. (Oil cleansing helped a lot as well, but that’s a different thread!).
    I don’t eat vegan cheese as I just find it disappointing but I make my own almond milk which is easy and delish, and soy yoghurt with fruit is a good snack! Cheese is hard to give up but you do get used to it! Try a good vegan cookbook - there are loads of good ones these days!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited January 2018
    I gave up dairy ten years ago for ethical reasons. I didn't notice any particular impact on my skin, weight, digestion, or anything else.

    Some of my current non-dairy faves: anything from Miyoko's Creamery (especially love the cultured butter), homemade nut cheeses, Ben & Jerry's non-dairy flavors, Silk cashew milk.
  • passenger79
    passenger79 Posts: 257 Member

    Some of my current non-dairy faves: anything from Miyoko's Creamery (especially love the cultured butter), homemade nut cheeses, Ben & Jerry's non-dairy flavors, Silk cashew milk.

    Ben &Jerrys Peanut butter and cookie ...is absolutely lush !
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I have less migraines, clearer skin and have learned to love vegan cheese, almond or soy milk. If I eat dairy it shows right up on my skin.