Newbi Keto way of eating

Hi, I’m new to on here. Is anyone on here doing Keto. Started tuesday by cleaning out my pantry, fridge of all the bad food! Eating clean food drinking bullettproof coffee and feeing pretty good so far. Have type 2 diabetes and need to start eating better for my health trying to get off my meds that i take for my diabetes. , My hubby is on board with me which makes it easier I think to attain my goal.


  • dlschotts123
    dlschotts123 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi lm new on here. I have diabetes,I need to lose weight I’m so over weight and I’m not feeling good.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Welcome! There are some groups that might be helpful for the more specific things mentioned:

    There is a low carb group:

    I'll let others post links to a keto specific group (I don't have the link handy), and you can use the search feature in the groups section if you are accessing this through the web.

    @dlschotts123 I have type 1 diabetes, and while there are significant differences between T1 and T2 (you don't mention which disease you have), a low carb diet helps with BG's for both. My BG's, as a T1, are much better controlled on a very low carb diet.
  • robanntyler
    robanntyler Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Pamela, Keto is a Great way to go. I’m down 75 pounds and going well. Blood pressure & blood sugar down
  • robbietek
    robbietek Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to encourage you. Do not listen negative things about diet.
    My wife is a type two in fact all the women in her family all died of type 2 diabetes in one way are another.
    MY wife now 5 months into this diet and has lose 35 pounds her fasting blood is now 100 or less and for the last month it has been in the nineties. She is now down to one met foremen and the doctor said that if she keeps going this way she will not have to take it anymore. This diet will control Type 2 diabetes. Remember keep you macros in the general % 70% good fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs and you may have to change this somewhat. Usually for Type 2 diabetes the carb intake should be not more then 20 grams. Give the diet 60 days.
    The first thing to happen to you is the inflation in you body will go away and as you do the diet you may have the keto flue but this will go away and you will have some amazing things happen and you blood sugar will come down.
    Somethings are hard to give up, my wife had to give up her soda. The doctor told her when she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes that it is a progressive disease that will only get worse but it does not have to be this way. The Keto diet will reverse it