January 2018 Running Challenge



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @MobyCarp - RIP favorite gloves! Good to hear you're still feeling mostly okay the day after and that your rehab is coming along.
    @sarahthes - my husband wanted to know, does your son have a brother or was the black magic marker self-inflicted as well? Brilliant picture, glad to hear your carpet and sanity survived the experience.

    My stupid heel is still badly blistered but I'm much happier since I have a hydrocolloidal bandage on it. So of course I put my knee out, trying to get a good look at the back of my heel! But I put my brace on and ran anyway and it seems no worse for wear.

    Easy 5k, and the good news is that our easy 5k, including hills, stops for traffic, and dodging small children with new bicycles, is now only 32 minutes, only about thirty seconds off from our PR. And instead of feeling wiped afterwards we fartleked around the boardwalk - which is a fancy way of saying one of us would just sprint off at random and we would race each other until either my husband pulled ahead and and won or he ran out of sprint stamina and I caught back up and I won. He can totally run me into the ground as far as speed, but I have a lot more staying power.

    It was just absolutely gorgeous weather today, tons of people on the trails. We met ALL THE DOGGIES there were so many doggies at the park!

    Jan 28: 5k plus about a half mile fartlek

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent You asked for a picture of my Screw Shoes.fto19ztd3xyb.jpg

    Interesting. I do not think I land my foot on any part of the shoe where you have a screw. I might need experiment. I do have Yaktraks though so probably just try them first if the conditions ever warrant it. :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    You'll find the folks that so half's aren't much different than the 5/10k crowd. I imagined they all we're elite-like.

    You know this is really true, even at the Marathon level. The vast majority of the crowd is just normal people out to do the left-right-left-right thing.

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @ceciliaslater Bravo on your fastest ten miles ever!

    sarahthes wrote: »
    My son survived his attempt to paint the town with chocolate syrup. As did the rug...

    @sarahthes That picture freaked me out. I couldn't work out what he was doing with all that Vegemite. :D

    And I LOOOOOVE chocolate!

    @Orphia Such a beautiful scenery at our parkrun! And I admire you for going there so regularly. We have a parkrun in the area now too (25min away by car), but the combination of getting up early on a Saturday, in addition to spending more time in the car than running, means I only went twice. I was thinking maybe in summer I could go by bike. But then it will take me 50min, so I would have to get up even earlier. I guess there is a reason I do so few races...

    @_nikkiwolf_ Oh, no, don't think I travel 100 km most weeks. I walk to my local parkrun, which takes me 30 minutes. I'm with you and think 25-30 minutes would be too long doing nothing.

    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I think we all run for similar reasons. Oh what's his name, @skippygirlsmom @shanaber the fella that stopped at McDonald's on his marathon? He overcame er fought some battles, Burke?. Lone Wolf has hip replacements, kitty-depression, I've never been right... :anguished: I'd guess the majority of runners are using running to cope, deal and be the best version of themselves (like in The Good Pace). Haha! Lots of TV for me! I've had too much ice cream.

    Addictions, OCD, depression, anxiety, illness, eating disorders, abuse, and so on... the more immersed in the running community I’ve become, I swear half of us are Forest Gump running away from inner turmoil.

    @KeepRunningFatboy That takes my breath away. :heart:

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    So, I got curious about HM training today and stumbled across a 12-week schedule that starts with 2-mile easy runs and a 4-mile long run in Week 1 and would line up perfectly with a 5K and a 10K that I already had on my race list for this year. So now I'm wondering... Can I really do it? Could I really get myself HM ready so soon? Am I nuts? Ok, don't answer that last one, but... I do need a reality check. I just started running 5Ks nonstop last week. Can I really do this?



    It took me nearly 7 months to go from 5 km to a HM, and I was increasing pretty much per the 10% rule. (Though a true geek might be able to the maths better than me.)

    I did it without injury.

    I love your enthusiasm :heart: , but I recommend not setting all your hopes on completing the first HM plan you found today.

    I'd recommend reading more about HM plans, and increasing mileage by just running a bit more each week, staying healthy, and achieving lots of milestones as you go, until you do a HM in as long as it takes. xo

    Sometimes our goal-setting needs training too. :smile:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    @Orphia Such a beautiful scenery at our parkrun! And I admire you for going there so regularly. We have a parkrun in the area now too (25min away by car), but the combination of getting up early on a Saturday, in addition to spending more time in the car than running, means I only went twice. I was thinking maybe in summer I could go by bike. But then it will take me 50min, so I would have to get up even earlier. I guess there is a reason I do so few races...

    @_nikkiwolf_ Oh, no, don't think I travel 100 km most weeks. I walk to my local parkrun, which takes me 30 minutes. I'm with you and think 25-30 minutes would be too long doing nothing.

    We drive 30 minutes just to run our regular run - back about ten years ago this used to be a walkable neighborhood but then we got shot at twice. Well technically only one time did someone shoot AT us but there were guns fired in our vicinity on two occasions, so we stopped walking here. And it's gone downhill since. A thirty minute drive to a better neighborhood is a small thing.

    :open_mouth::dizzy: How scary! @rheddmobile 30 km would be totally worth it in that situation! Hugs!

    Aren't you able to run outdoors at all from home?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    We drive 30 minutes just to run our regular run - back about ten years ago this used to be a walkable neighborhood but then we got shot at twice. Well technically only one time did someone shoot AT us but there were guns fired in our vicinity on two occasions, so we stopped walking here. And it's gone downhill since. A thirty minute drive to a better neighborhood is a small thing.

    Wow, yeah, drive that 30 mins! Dang, any possibility to move out of that mess?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    1/1 - 4 miles
    1/2 - 5 miles
    1/3 - 5 miles
    1/4 - rest day
    1/5 - 6 miles
    1/6 - Skip's indoor track and field meet
    1/7 - 6 miles
    1/8 - 0 had long work day
    1/9 - 7 miles
    1/10 - 6 miles
    1/11 - 6 miles
    1/12 - 0 miles rest day
    1/13 - 0 miles life got in the way day
    1/14 - 8 miles
    1/15 - 0 miles - Skip had a meet
    1/16 - 5 snowy miles with Skip
    1/17 - 4 miles
    1/18 - 0 had to get to work early and worked late
    1/19 - 0 same as above
    1/20 - 10 miles
    1/21 - 4 miles
    1/22 - 0 miles
    1/23 - 8 miles
    1/24 - 0 miles
    1/25 - 5 miles
    1/26 - indoor meet
    1/27 - indoor meet
    1/28 - 0 miles house stuff to do
    1/29 - 8 miles

    97 of 110 miles


    This run felt great, I wish I wasn't up against the work time clock to get there.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @sarahthes - my husband wanted to know, does your son have a brother or was the black magic marker self-inflicted as well? Brilliant picture, glad to hear your carpet and sanity survived the experience.

    Ha, both! Ian loves to colour, and hid favourite canvas is himself. His big brother would much rather play video games.
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
    Almost at goal. Totally wish i had set my goal in kilometers instead of miles. lol. But ima get it done cuz i refuse to fail the 1st month.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    January goal: Keep kicking at Zumbro training
    Nominal mileage goal: Let's say 140? I really don't know. Real plan is to follow training and coach's advice well.

    1/1- REST
    1/2- 8.1
    1/3- 6.4
    1/4- REST
    1/5- 4.8
    1/6- 8.1
    1/7- 5.4
    1/8- REST
    1/9- 8.5
    1/10- 6.7
    1/11- REST
    1/12- 9.3
    1/13- 10
    1/14- 6.6
    1/15- REST
    1/16- 4.9
    1/17- 6.8
    1/18- REST
    1/19- 6.2
    1/20= 14
    1/21- REST
    1/22- REST
    1/23- 7.3
    1/24- 6.6
    1/25- REST
    1/26- 8.3
    1/27- 14
    1/28- 7.3
    1/29- REST

    Total: 149.3

    Today's notes: Can't remember if I checked in yesterday. Yesterday was a 1:30:00 trail run. I got in 7.3 miles. It felt harder than it was, as is normal for my Sunday runs, following in the path of Friday speedwork and Saturday long run. Rest day today, and I need it. Feeling pretty tired today.

    Made my nominal mileage goal for the month but, with 2 lower mileage weeks this month, I don't think I'll hit the mileage I got last month. Oh well.

    Have a Runderful day!

    2018 races
    3/28- END-SURE 50k
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    7/28- Minnesota Voyageur 50 (coach brought up this one)
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile