JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    JFT, SUnday
    1. go to the gym - no excuses :) Went to the gym in the morning, a short walk in the afternoon, and back to the gym in the afternoon with hubby :)
    2. drink water :)
    3. think before I eat. Am I hungry, or just stressed, emotional :) Yesterday's episode made me really stop and think, and realize the triggers I have for emotional eating. Being aware of them will really help me I think.
    4. log all food :)
    5. get back on here - be accountable :)

    A much better day today. The book I am reading is so good. I don't have time tonite, but will try and post some of the key things she talks about.

    JFT, Monday
    1. log all food
    2. go to the gym
    3. meeting with accountant to take in taxes. Hoping everything is there. if we eat lunch out, make smart choices
    4. remember my red cup - drink 8+ cups of water
    5. get back on here be accountable

    I'm so glad you had a better day! Remember, knowledge is power! The more you know about yourself the better equipped you will be!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    I am going to ride my bike 5 miles :p Thanks to my personal throw down to @joan6630!!!!
    sed and restful Sunday.
    Peace and joy!


    Great job!! I thought of you all day also .... can't let you down!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    JFT, SUnday
    1. go to the gym - no excuses :) Went to the gym in the morning, a short walk in the afternoon, and back to the gym in the afternoon with hubby :)
    2. drink water :)
    3. think before I eat. Am I hungry, or just stressed, emotional :) Yesterday's episode made me really stop and think, and realize the triggers I have for emotional eating. Being aware of them will really help me I think.
    4. log all food :)
    5. get back on here - be accountable :)

    A much better day today. The book I am reading is so good. I don't have time tonite, but will try and post some of the key things she talks about.

    JFT, Monday
    1. log all food
    2. go to the gym
    3. meeting with accountant to take in taxes. Hoping everything is there. if we eat lunch out, make smart choices
    4. remember my red cup - drink 8+ cups of water
    5. get back on here be accountable

    You soared! So glad you quickly got back on track. You didn't even need my challenge---but I needed it, lol!!!
    Fantastic work! You really went above and beyond with your exercise! I met my commitment to you to ride five miles on my bike today but that was it---but it's five more than I had planned!

    Looking forward to hearing more insight from your book.

    Peace and joy!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    1/28 Sunday JFT:

    ✔▪Breakfast w/ family
    ✔▪Enjoy a relaxing morning
    ❌▪Research work - Analyze 25 glycopeptides
    ❌▪Stay focused on Research work
    ✔▪Run by grocery store for dinner supplies
    ❌▪Dinner by 7 pm➡️8pm
    ✔▪Bedtime by 10 pm

    Well I ended up taking a 4 hour nap today :grimace: I guess me and my little one needed it!! Since I'm not required to complete research at home, I'm not going to stress over it. I'm just trying to get ahead of schedule. Hopefully tomorrow is more successful.

    @OConnell5483 You are in my prayers lady :innocent:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Well I ended up taking a 4 hour nap today :grimace: I guess me and my little one needed it!! Since I'm not required to complete research at home, I'm not going to stress over it. I'm just trying to get ahead of schedule. Hopefully tomorrow is more successful.

    @OConnell5483 You are in my prayers lady :innocent:

    Definitely a good idea to take a nap! I laid down to try and sleep and just kind of laid there for a half an hour doing nothing. I'm glad that you aren't going to get marks against you for not doing the work at home. You have a hectic home life so I wouldn't stress too much. I bet that tomorrow will be better after that nap!

  • chemjenny
    chemjenny Posts: 75 Member
    Report 1/28.
    Fast til noon :)
    Make bean soup for weekday lunches :)
    Bake muffins for the kids to eat :)
    Tidy up house since my mother is coming over :)

    Today was a good day. A smidge over calorie wise, but I’m happy to report I did my first workout video in a looooong time. It was hard physically, so I am soooo out of shape. But need to keep going, right?

    JFT 1/29
    Fast til noon
    Walk at work
    Stand during one meeting
    Try not to let my new workload get me down
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT 1/28/18

    1. Church :)It was really awesome today! I'm so glad I went!
    3. Run to the store :)Got there about 5 minutes after open and I got to Walmart a minute after it opened. Lol
    4. Gym :)I really didn't want to but I ended up going. More out of boredom than anything. Lol
    5. Update resume :)Done! Sent it to my best friend to look for me
    6. Clean the shower! :DI just can't seem to bring myself to do it!
    7. Food in the crockpot by 2 :)Actually a little earlier.
    8. Call my brother for his birthday and my cousin about the cabin! :pI ended up texting my brother and had a nice "conversation" Still need to call my cousin
    9. Make dessert :)Done! It was sooo yummy! I made chocolate peanut butter pie with an oreo cookie crust
    10. Nap!! :#I ended up just laying in bed for 45 minutes trying to sleep but alas it didn't happen
    11. Dinner :)Super yummy dinner. I made chicken taco meat in my crock and we had taco/wraps with cheese and spinach
    13. Dishes :)Done! I tend to do them as I go and dinner I do them right after we're done eating. I just feel better that way. I hate leaving dishes in the sink when I go to bed. Waking up to dirty dishes just depresses me
    14. Bed (depends on how I sleep tonight. Lol) B)Probably gonna be kind of early. I didn't sleep well again last night

    Well, today was kind of productive, I guess. I just couldn't bring myself to tackle the shower. It's just such a pain in the patootie. But I did get a decent amount done. The DH got out of work late, like I thought he would. So he got home late, but it was okay because dinner was the kind that could sit. Lol. Thank you, everyone, for the anniversary wishes. I texted my brother instead of calling him because I HATE CALLING PEOPLE!!!! Even if they are family! I would much rather text or email or even leave a message. I just hate talking to people. Problem is...tomorrow I HAVE to call a bunch of people. Doctors, cable company and things like that. Not fun for me. Anxiety-inducing actually. The DH says that I am great on the phone and I guess I am. It's just the build-up to it that freaks me out. Lol. I'm also going to try and sleep longer tomorrow morning. Dont know if it's gonna happen. So, onward!

    JFT, 1/29/18

    1. Log all food
    2. Gym(possibly in the morning)
    3. Call Xfinity, Fidelity, and Neurologist
    4. Spend some time job hunting
    5. Set up new printer
    6. Clean/switch out microwave
    7. Library for books on writing
    8. Clean shower!!!!!
    9. Nap
    10. Dinner
    11. Dishes
    12. Time with DH
    13. Bed around 11

    Have a great night everyone!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @HGSmith0920 Thanks :smile: I'm hoping the nap gets me caught back up! My main focus now is growing a healthy little guy! So if my body says sleep, then I'll listen, Lol!! It sounds like you kicked butt today!! Good job, especially with it being your anniversary. I completely understand about the phone. I've been told I'm excellent on the phone as well but it doesn't mean I like it :joy: Don't worry about the calls, you'll do great tomorrow!

    @chemjenny Way to go!!!!! Getting started can be the hardest part!! It usually is an eye opener when you start back up again. No worries though, everyone goes through that phase. Stay encouraged and keep going!! Just start small and make small goals for progression. Before you know it that video exercise will be easy :wink:
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Sunday
    1. Water :)
    2. Write note/card, package quilt :/ I need to pu a card on the way to the post office :) box is ready to go though
    3. Groceries :/ nope
    4. Work :/ I'm definitely sick
    5. Brush and floss :)
    6. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Monday
    1. Water and any other fluids I can get in
    2. Probably calling in sick
    3. Take parcel to post office
    4. Home and sleep
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Good morning my MFP JFT friends! Happy Sunday.

    Tomorrow is my 6-year follow up with the oncologist. For some reason, this year I'm scared. I'm not usually really scared about it. I've never felt like the cancer might be back before, but this time I'm kind of nervous. I've got swelling in my arm and in my armpit on the side that I had the tumor and the lymph nodes removed, so it's making me nervous. Makes it hard to do anything for very long, because my right hand is swollen and sore. Actually makes it so I can't work on quilting, writing, or really anything for very long without my hand hurting!

    Anyway, I would appreciate any prayers or positive vibes sent my way for tomorrow's appointment. It's just been on my mind a lot.

    Just for Sunday:
    1. Eat healthy and log food
    2. Five servings of freggies
    3. Increase protein, decrease carbs
    4. WATER
    5. Go to gym to get out of house and work off some anxiety
    6. Prep for tomorrow, today
    7. Review index cards
    8. Put together my "This Week, I will..." list
    9. Bed sleeping by 10. Unplug at 9:00 and read out of book, not Kindle.
    10. NO Snooze button tomorrow!!!

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

    Don't look back...you're not going that way!

    I know I’m new here and on the other side of the pond but I will be thinking of you today. Lots of positivity coming your way from the UK x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I’ve had a hard time getting up early recently, last week my eldest went into nursery an hour late every day she was in!
    Never mind the snooze button I turned my alarm fully off when it rang.

    Anyway today, 7.30, out of bed and with a coffee and kids are still asleep! Gives me time to wake up, make her pack lunch, get breakfast ready and set out her clothes!!

    Although I’m hoping to at least finish this coffee before she wakes!

    I finally finished the yard yesterday. Well kind of, there’s about 5 tiles I’ve not done because the hose burst on me! I was gutted!
    Today’s job was get the car clean but it’s RAINING again!!!
    I’ve got both car seats out so I can clean the backseats and it just keeps raining! Feel like I’ll never get it done lol!

    @OConnell5483 my thoughts are with you! If you’re feeling sore then don’t try finish that quilt! Please rest!

    @HGSmith0920 I also hate phoning people!
    My partner has to remind me that it’s just a phone and the other person can’t do anything to Haha. And i can end it with a click of a button!

    I don’t even know why I hate phones so much!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @Bex953172 - WOW. That IS quite a transformation! Way to go!
  • kathskelly53
    kathskelly53 Posts: 119 Member
    Log food
    Add more protein to diet
    Practice the piano
    Today’s goals