25 lbs by April Fools w spreadsheet



  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers! I'm a late joiner as well, but looking forward to seeing if I can hit 25 pounds down. If so, that will be close to a new low for me since college.
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hope everyone is happy with their numbers tomorrow

    I am, yet does it matter that im putting weight loss here not on spread sheet. I tried it on my notebook tablet too. I even tried copy and paste. It just wont do it. I dnt have a computor just my phone.
  • JessMarie0389
    JessMarie0389 Posts: 129 Member
    What a good idea, I’ll give this a look later
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I'm in! I don't think I can do 25, especially because I got back on the wagon on the 8th, but I'm curious to see how far I can get. :)
  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi guys! So glad to see all the new faces! And familiar ones! We are doing great! Even if you're not losing, just checking in and logging is winning!
  • foxytrotter82
    foxytrotter82 Posts: 65 Member
    loving the goal. I haven't been too active and still can't access the spread sheet but..... I'm down about 11 lbs so far. woohoo. but if I hit the 25lbs mark I'll up it another 5. :)
  • Tolamarie
    Tolamarie Posts: 5,399 Member
    Just found this group. I'm in. Recording my weekly weight in a public venue with others doing the same seems so inspiring. Kumbaya ya'll! Seriously!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    2lbs down this week. Yay
  • elisabel
    elisabel Posts: 242 Member
    Down 2 this week!! :))
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Up 1lb and I know why poor eating habits GRRRRRRR :s
  • emjay6x3
    emjay6x3 Posts: 213 Member
    pogiguy05 wrote: »
    Up 1lb and I know why poor eating habits GRRRRRRR :s

    Up 1.2 myself - in the same boat. Back on it this week! Next Monday will be better!!
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,758 Member
    Today i was 257.4. I noticed you didnt record last weeks to the list. Would you rather i just keep recording it here?
  • shawnamomma74
    shawnamomma74 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm up 4 lbs this week. Ugh I've got to move my "cheat" meal to Wednesday or something. Sundays aren't serving me well at all. Too much wine and pizza this weekend. Back to it. Hope y'all did better than me!
  • idnac17
    idnac17 Posts: 7 Member
    I just added my name to the spread sheet! Here we go!
  • barb_136
    barb_136 Posts: 31 Member
    Well, my church fast was over last week. I am up 4.6lbs this week. I expected as much. Now the real hard work begins. I CAN DO THIS...I WILL DO THIS!!! By this time in April, I WILL be in the 180's. YES!!!
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Up a pound this week to 228.8. Time to kick it back in gear.
  • StevefromMichigan
    StevefromMichigan Posts: 462 Member
    I'm up 4 lbs this week. Ugh I've got to move my "cheat" meal to Wednesday or something. Sundays aren't serving me well at all. Too much wine and pizza this weekend. Back to it. Hope y'all did better than me!

    Monday weigh ins are tough. I always preferred Friday morning, right before the weekend :)
  • Tolamarie
    Tolamarie Posts: 5,399 Member
    My goal was to lose 10 pounds by April 1. I am down 3.2 pounds in January. Looks like I may reach my goal if I just keep up the slow and steady. I've lost 55 pounds since April 1 last year and pat myself on the back every day.
  • Tolamarie
    Tolamarie Posts: 5,399 Member
    USAMcK wrote: »
    There are sheets 1 and 2. I am on 1 but see names on 2. Are we using both?

  • 00Domino
    00Domino Posts: 14 Member
    So frustrated - was down 5 and then gained 7. Not that I don't know why, of course, but hard to not throw in the towel. Heavy sigh. . .