Breakfast ideas that don't include eggs, hot oatmeal, or yogurt?



  • 18sacrifices
    18sacrifices Posts: 11 Member
    Chicken stir fry.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited January 2018
    I stopped eating breakfast lol. Makes mornings so much easier. But anywho. When I was eating breakfast I had a weird thing where it had to be breakfast food. I wasn’t about to eat fried chicken or lasagna or something like that for breakfast. I have heard someone say they eat some type of cereal (unsweetened, plain cereal) with milk mixed with vanilla protein powder. Sounded good to me.
  • alicebhsia
    alicebhsia Posts: 179 Member
    veggie soy sausage patty on an english muffin. for 300 calories you should be able to add a slice of cheese.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    what is the obsession with avocado on toast?

    It's a perfect combination of flavour and texture, crunchy toast with soft creamy avocado, and better still with sliced sweet cherry tomatoes ![/quote]

    Bleh. Don't like avocado's

    Yeah, I'm a frikken picky eater who should just grow up, but I'm also 52 and pretty much set in my ways as to what I like and don't like.
  • RaymondKnight
    RaymondKnight Posts: 42 Member
    I ate lentil soup for breakfast for a long time. Home made lentil soup. Sometimes I'd add chicken in for variety. It was a 200 calorie breakfast with about 15 grams of protein and 12 grams of fiber.
  • guitargal83
    guitargal83 Posts: 2 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    Why not skip breakfast and just eat later in the morning or break your fast at lunch?

    I skip breakfast too. Then I have a light lunch, sometimes a Granola bar in the afternoon, and a big supper.
  • meloyellow27
    meloyellow27 Posts: 29 Member
    Kodiak protein pancakes! I make a big batch and freeze so in the morning when I'm running late, all I do is warm them up in the microwave. So easy and you can add in different fruits to change the flavors.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    What about some protein pancakes?

    I make a version that comes in at around 400 cals total including toppings (50P, 28C, 8F), but you can alter the ratios of the ingredients and/or substitute to your own taste.

    I use:
    60g unflavoured Casein Protein (2 scoops)
    1 whole egg
    1/4 cup SR Flour (you could sub oat flour or similar)
    pinch of Baking Powder
    Just under 1 cup of Low Fat Milk (enough to get the right consistency).

    I top it with some SF Maple Flavoured syrup and berries (or put some blueberries in the batter).

    Just make as you would a normal pancake, but a tip is to put a lid over the pan when frying the first side - that way it steams the top a little and the overall texture is almost the same as a 'real' pancake.
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    I get these THINSLIM bagels , sesame seed or the everything bagel , then cream cheese and pepperoni , or melted mozzarella cheese and pepperoni . I am doing the low carbs so no fruit , but if you are just counting calories , you could have some fruit with this meal. this company has the best bread and bagels . Thinslim
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    I ate this "cake" in the AM for a while, 233 calories per serving...
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    Cold Pizza is the real breakfast of champions for me.
  • Marykaylady2010
    Marykaylady2010 Posts: 69 Member
    Avocado toast
  • katebowen37
    katebowen37 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been on a cereal kick for a long time- just so easy to prepare, but my favorite breakfasts are english muffins topped with peanut butter and banana or avocado on toast. And coffee... always coffee.
  • jaclynndabbs
    jaclynndabbs Posts: 6 Member
    Chick pea flour "frittatas" can be made ahead and reheated in the microwave. I like to make a veggie hash, tex-mex style with black beans, corn and salsa. Dave's Killer Bread Power Seed, toasted and topped with avocado and tomato, or nut butter, bananas and hulled hemp seeds. Date balls are a good option too because you can eat them on the go and they give you a lot of energy to start the day with. Smoothies with unsweetened plant milk, spinach or kale, and frozen fruit. You could also do breakfast tacos with tofu scramble instead of eggs. If you have a waffle iron, you could make a batch of high protein waffles on the weekend and then freeze them to be reheated in the toaster and top them with homemade chia seed jam.
  • krisg1978
    krisg1978 Posts: 2 Member
    Multi grain cheerios with blueberries or banana..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,214 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    Why not skip breakfast and just eat later in the morning or break your fast at lunch?

    That's what I do! :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,214 Member
    If I really *need* to eat breakfast ... like if I'm going into an all-morning seminar or something where I won't get a chance to eat at 10:30 or 11 am, like usual ... I go with a piece of toast and cheese.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    what is the obsession with avocado on toast?

    It's a perfect combination of flavour and texture, crunchy toast with soft creamy avocado, and better still with sliced sweet cherry tomatoes !

    Bleh. Don't like avocado's

    Yeah, I'm a frikken picky eater who should just grow up, but I'm also 52 and pretty much set in my ways as to what I like and don't like.

    yyyyyyyyeah- I don't like avacado's straight up so I just don't get it- and I don't want crunchy things mushing with my slimy things- that seems... wrong.
  • rockyhi512
    rockyhi512 Posts: 42 Member
    Why are you limiting yourself to 300 calories for breakfast. Your body would appreciate a little more. you have just gone through 8 + hours without eating and now you think your body would be satisfied with a measly 300. Would you do the same if your last meal was at noon and next meal at 8 pm?. Part of the problem people have is that they are in a rush, and don't want to try and make decisions in the morning. Get everything ready for breakfast the night before. As for food make a toasted sandwich, mac & cheese, leftovers from the night before, but give yourself enough calorie room so that you can actually eat something.