Do You Have A Tattoo?



  • EvilDave14
    EvilDave14 Posts: 111 Member
    I have 1 on my foot which I've had for 5 years & I still love it. Planning my 2nd one, but can't afford it at the moment. I want a henna style one on my shoulder.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I have one, a band of triskeles on my left forearm with a dragon resting on top of the center, largest one. It can be hidden when I need it to be (meeting with customers at work, etc) but most of the time it's out there for the world to see. I got it because it was on the list of "things to do before I get married" and, lo and behold, I got married and hadn't done any of the things on my list. This one was the easiest.

    I've been pondering getting another, but I can't decide what it is that I want. Most likely something in a Clemson theme on my right arm (GO TIGERS!). Although I have also been considering a skull design that was a losing submission to a shirt.woot derby (this one:
  • llkeefe
    llkeefe Posts: 18 Member
    I have one and want to get another one or two. The one I have is a dove and heart on the inside of my wrist.. I love it and have no regrets.. I also have a nose ring. I think my inlaws think I'm going through a midlife crisis. LOL!
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    I have 3. 2 hidden sometimes and one not. I got them all for a reason and don't regret it at all. :happy:
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I got my first tattoo last year on my birthday. It's on my left forearm and it is the words Brooklyn ( my home town). The writing style of the words Brooklyn is the same way as the Brooklyn for the old Brooklyn Dodgers. I absolutely want more. Eventually I want a sleeve down
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey! I have 3 tattoos! Ive had them all since feb 2011 lol! - there addictive!

    None of them have meanings. I just liked them and decidedto get them :)

    Here are piccies of my tattoos =)

    1st TATTOO - Feb 2011:


    2nd TATTOO - April 2011:


    3rd TATTOO - July 2011:

  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Ive tried to upload pics of my tattoos. anyone know why it says moved or deleted?! i havent moved them on photobucket or anything :/
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey! I have 3 tattoos! Ive had them all since feb 2011 lol! - there addictive!

    None of them have meanings. I just liked them and decidedto get them :)

    Here are piccies of my tattoos =)

    1st TATTOO - Feb 2011:


    2nd TATTOO - April 2011:


    3rd TATTOO - July 2011:

  • TamieTrue
    TamieTrue Posts: 3 Member
    I have one I thought about it long and hard before I did was making my 30 year transition...deciding what would make me happy and who I really was aside from being the good girl next door everyone thought I was supposed to be. Breaking out of the proverbial shell so to speak.

    Its smallish on my low low back where it's only seen if I choose to show you's ID( Freudian alter ego) Circled in green ivy(eternal) stemming from a Red Rose( love). The drive for pure pleasure for ME in life and love. Be me and enjoy life not just survive.

    Ahhhh I think far too much lol.

    Thinking and not doing is what got me in this place with my weight in the first place I am
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    I have one I thought about it long and hard before I did was making my 30 year transition...deciding what would make me happy and who I really was aside from being the good girl next door everyone thought I was supposed to be. Breaking out of the proverbial shell so to speak.

    Its smallish on my low low back where it's only seen if I choose to show you's ID( Freudian alter ego) Circled in green ivy(eternal) stemming from a Red Rose( love). The drive for pure pleasure for ME in life and love. Be me and enjoy life not just survive.

    Ahhhh I think far too much lol.

    Love your choices and your placement, as well as your reasons...ring true to me...thanks for sharing!

    Thinking and not doing is what got me in this place with my weight in the first place I am
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks! Love your reasons and your placement! Thanks for sharing!!
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I have large one on the outer side of my left calf, from behind the knee to the front of the ankle. It's a large cherry blossom branch with a dragonfly (full colour) and it took about six hours in total. I also have a medium/largish black and grey one on my lower/mid back - roses and vines surrounding a Celtic triquetra symbol.

    I love them both and want lots more. The first I had was the symbol on my back, which I grew to hate so I had the vines and flowers added later. It was initially done on the spur of the moment and just picked from a book of designs. I'd never recommend doing that! Think about it for a LONG time, then think some more. Then do a lot of research into artists and find someone to draw up something unique for you:)
  • clhiter
    clhiter Posts: 74
    I have 2 tats....both strategically hidden with bikini lines. I have got both between the ages of 17-20 and am now 28, I have no regrets, I love them both!!! And although hidden, mainly for work purposes, I will show them to anyone proudly.

    hidden by bikini lines...for work???? gotta wonder what they are :D
  • MrsCrosby1980
    I have 3. I love them! Got my first one at 18 and just got my third one last summer. I plan on more!!!
    One on my calf, One on my shoulder and the latest one is on my wrist, which a tribute to my cousin who passed away
  • smadrigal04
    I have 3 tattoos. My first one I got was on my right calf, it's the japanese symbol for love. The 2nd one is on my lower back, a design I did myself, and my 3rd one is on my left breast. It's two hearts intertwined. It was on my wedding invitation. I'm going to add to the one on my calf. I have 3 kids, two boys and a girl and I was thinking of getting japanese cherry blossoms, one pink and two blue, with the vines and tree branches wrapped around the japanese symbol. Still have to get it designed, and will probably get it this winter.

    I don't regret getting any tattoos. And I can hide them if I need to wear something for a formal occassion.
  • haircrazie016
    haircrazie016 Posts: 12 Member
    I have 14, and would LOVE more. I'm too broke to get more right now, but they are definitely in my future.

    I got my first one at 16, in the basement of some dudes house with my best friend. We got hearts on our hips with our initials in it. After that I waited until I was 18 and could get them professionally done haha, I have:

    1. heart on my hip
    2. shamrock on my foot
    3. roses and name on my ankle
    4. canada goose on my calf
    5. earth on my lower back
    6. little girl with birds in her hair on my shoulder
    7&8 lotus flowers on my wrist
    9. my cat on my left inner forearm
    10. elephant on my right inner forearm
    11 pit bull and kitty on my left upper arm area
    12 & 13 dogwood blossoms on both sides of my chest
    14. womans symbol behind my ear

    I love them all, some are more meaningful then others, some are better quality then others, but I dont regret any of them. I would change a few things about certain ones, and maybe one day I'll get around to it, but I am definitely happy that I have each one! I definitely cant wait until I can splurge on more! It sucks when you grow up and have a mortgage and bills! LOL
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    I just have one ! :laugh:

    It's on my back (profile pic) black & Grey

    Private, not that many people have seen it, I got it for me (& my daughter) not for anybody else

    Only regret is it's finished, the pain is addictive