Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • islandbeez
    islandbeez Posts: 162 Member
    JenT304 wrote: »
    I printed off a February calendar on line and bought myself those kiddie stickers you put on a potty chart. They say stuff like, "good job!" or "yay!" and "you rock!" I hung it on my fridge and drew on the last 2 days of January so I could put 2 stickers up to get me started. I know my husband will roll his eyes when he sees this lol but I don't care! I like the visual of seeing my progress. I will add a sticker every night that I am good (I hope all 28 days) before I go to bed.

    I am doing this in my planner! I have 12 big pink stars in a row. When this month is over that should be 40 in a row :)
  • 25agirard
    25agirard Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    BuffMom84 wrote: »
    Anyone else have a significant other who does not plan on drinking less and how are you handling it?

    "WAVING" Yes me!
    I originally started to cut back out of respect for my husband because he was told in July he has alcohol iinduced cirrhosis of the liver. He told the Dr. he was not going to quit (even though he was told to completely give all alcohol up as of that day)
    Any how I thought he would appreciate my effort for his health, but that is not the case.
    I began to get back my old energy, big bright eyes and motivation so I have kept with it and feel and look so much better.
    And I agree with whom ever said their hubby made a comment about cutting back. WHATEVER was a great answer.
    Yay to us as one of you said, because we have alcohol bullies in our lives.

    That was me LOL!

    All the best to your husband.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    I joined one of these...just wanted to say that I kicked it.

    All of it.

    Nothing since sometime in December. I had been weening off for a while...all 2017 tbh, as I was losing weight and getting more serious about getting in shape.

    I feel great.

    It's a great target for losing weight...cut it out. Just do it. I lost 72 lbs between Jan 2017 and now...I reduced over time, nothing specific just always thinking about it...trying to drink *half as much* as to what I was accustomed.

    And by the end of the year...I'm done with it. I'm no puritan, but, if you are trying to cut down for a reason like losing weight or if it's causing some problems for you for social reasons or any other personal reason...

    You'll be happy you did.

    Do it.

    I don't track days and I didn't quit forever.

    I decided I'll quit for 25 years.

    I'll have a glass of champagne when I'm 66.


    Go get your goals friends!

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,239 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Starbucks bought Teavana and is closing all of the stores. This weekend everything was 75% off. I got a pound each of Caramel Ameretti herbal tea, Maharaja Chai Oolong and another kind of oolong for $10 each (that's a ton of tea)! I also got two steeper pots for $6 each. If you have a Teavana in a mall near you, it's definitely worth the trip.

    OH wow! I wonder if there's anything left at Teavana today. The mall is kind of far, but maybe I'll check out their website to see if things are on sale. Thanks for the tip. I love their pots and never bought one because they were expensive. Thanks for the tip!
  • Jim_1000
    Jim_1000 Posts: 52 Member
    Any time I have 2-3 drinks or more it sets my weight loss back by 2 days at least. I've heard it reduces testosterone dramatically. So for women who don't have much of that hormone anyway that could really affect weight loss as testosterone promotes lean muscle gain.
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    @kimykimy22--Oh that sounds good! I will be looking for that flavor!

  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    ellie117 wrote: »

    I haven't joined one of these alcohol challenges yet, but since I started my journey in November 2017 I really cut back on my alcohol intake.

    Since 2011, I've gained roughly 60+lbs. My diet has never been "healthy" but I certainly didn't overeat or visit McDonalds too often. My problem? Craft beer. For a few years, I would finish or half a 6-pack per night. On weekends? I'd enjoy a 12-pack myself on Friday nights, another on Saturday nights, and probably a 6-pack on Sundays. WOW, just typing that out really puts into perspective how much I was drinking my calories and most likely doing damage to my liver.

    Since November 2017, I have almost cut out beer entirely. I went from 60+ beers per week, to down to 1-2 if any at all. On the 1-2 days a week that I do drink, I've switched over to white wines. Specifically Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. By switching to wine, I drink far less calories in alcohol, and much less frequently than beer.

    I do miss the atmosphere of craft beer - local breweries in South Jersey are great hangout spots on nights and weekends. But I am truly seeing a difference in how I feel, look, and fit into my clothes.

    Hoping I can completely cut out beer and limit my wine intake to no more than 1 bottle lasting through the whole week.

    Thanks for this challenge!

    I guess a thread about drinking less isnt the place to discuss favorites, haha, but since you are a south jersey craft beer lover like myself - what are your favorite places?