I Knew it was time to lose weight when...



  • ThisLadyIsHappy
    ThisLadyIsHappy Posts: 6 Member
    When I looked at a group picture I was in and noticed how fat and round my face looks now.
  • yungdragxn
    yungdragxn Posts: 14 Member
    When I couldn’t buckle my jeans anymore
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    When the veins in my legs collapsed under my excess bulk and I had to face cellulitus, lymphedema, circulation issues, and a weeping wound on my leg that required multiple courses of antibiotics to heal. Docs told me that the two best ways to manage the condition (the cellulitus and lymphedema cleared up; the circulation issues can be controlled, not cured) was compression stockings and weight loss. And I did not want the 2+ months with that wound to be the rest of my life.
  • yvonne_beavis
    yvonne_beavis Posts: 39 Member
    When I couldn't avoid having my photo taken on holiday and didn't recognise the person I had physically become.
  • mamabear1114
    mamabear1114 Posts: 140 Member
    Honestly, I’ve had the idea in my head that I needed to lose weight since I was a little girl. I struggled a lot with emotional eating and didn’t have the knowledge/information or emotional tools to finally work on overcoming it until I was about 19. By then, I had already destroyed my body and psyche with years of perpetual ED/binging cycles and could feel my health deteriorating. But I think the real closer was when my doctor (who was a very overweight himself, mind you) looked at me and said, “Well, you’re obese. You need to lose some weight to get a handle on these problems you’ve been having.” And it hurt. That word, “obese”, hit me like a ton of bricks that day, but it was like a lightbulb. It was what I needed, and I reflect on that moment a lot when my old habits try to come visit.
  • VelvetTeddyX
    VelvetTeddyX Posts: 97 Member
    When I saw a photo of myself with my family and I couldn’t look.
  • zmida
    zmida Posts: 35 Member
    When I had to unbuckle my pants at work because they were cutting off my circulation.
  • Shugahhfatt
    Shugahhfatt Posts: 73 Member
    when I no longer could see my dick not kidding and my bloomingdales bill skyrocketed with suddenly larger sizes in jeans shirts and mysteriously all in BLACK colors
    wow that was freaking 2 years ago......
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I had a breast implant to rupture and I REFUSED to have it fixed weighing 242 lbs.

    Still haven't had it fixed (it's saline so I'm ok) I am 15 lbs from scheduling the consultations!!! Money is sitting in the account all ready to go :D
  • selegas
    selegas Posts: 1 Member
    ... when my seven year old daughter's friend told me I had a big bum!
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    Two things - they happened around the same time:

    -I was facing major surgery for glaucoma. In my case, the condition wasn't weight-related, but it made me want to take control of the issues in my life I could control. I didn't want to add weight-related problems (diabetes, heart disease, etc.) on top of what I already had to deal with.

    -I was sizing out of the plus sizes from my favorite stores. My size 24 jeans were super tight and I needed my DH's help in zipping them, I could no longer wear 24 pants or dresses, and I had to buy size 26. It's at the upper-edge at Lane Bryant, Maurice's only carries 26 online, and Macy's don't carry above a 24. That motivated me too.
  • darrendiodati
    darrendiodati Posts: 17 Member
    I caught my best friend staring at my tits.
  • sakassab
    sakassab Posts: 34 Member
    There were other factors, however, when I realized I weigh more than an NFL player, enough was enough.

    I have had this same relization!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I caught my best friend staring at my tits.

    And you're a guy!?!? Lol!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    When I saw a christmas work photo and all I saw was a giant green toad!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    Honestly, I’ve had the idea in my head that I needed to lose weight since I was a little girl. I struggled a lot with emotional eating and didn’t have the knowledge/information or emotional tools to finally work on overcoming it until I was about 19. By then, I had already destroyed my body and psyche with years of perpetual ED/binging cycles and could feel my health deteriorating. But I think the real closer was when my doctor (who was a very overweight himself, mind you) looked at me and said, “Well, you’re obese. You need to lose some weight to get a handle on these problems you’ve been having.” And it hurt. That word, “obese”, hit me like a ton of bricks that day, but it was like a lightbulb. It was what I needed, and I reflect on that moment a lot when my old habits try to come visit.

    I hate when obese healthcare workers try to lecture me about my weight! Really?!?!