Does it annoy anyone else...



  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    My sister has been trying all sorts of diets her whole entire life pretty much and I'm very lucky I never had problem with my weight until about 2 years ago. I put on 2 stone and now I'm determined to get back to the slim me and make sure that never happens again. The first thing I chose was a lifestyle change not a fad diet.
    I tried to tell my sister about my success on MFP so far and she just said "Counting calories is such a pain in the *kitten*, I can't be bothered with that"
    I really try to put it across to everyone how it's not as much of a chore as people assume and how great MFP is for helping make that lifestyle change to generally help me get a better diet for life!

    Nobody out of 5 people I have recommended MFP to have lasted more than 3 days before they decide it's too annoying and go back to trying something else.
    At least I tried and it works for me so that's all I should care about. I can't keep trying to convince them that MFP is great, it just isn't sinking in.

    What I really don't agree with is people who start exercising and then eat ****ty foods for the rest of the week, then complain they hardly lost any weight!
    I can't exercise and I've lost almost 20lbs by changing my diet and I'm still not proof that the food you eat is the most important factor of losing weight. You can't exercise for one night a week and then eat a KFC and a Chinese and then complain about not losing weight fast enough. Garrrr!
  • gemmie_c
    gemmie_c Posts: 129 Member
    The problem is that people want a quick fix or to be able to eat what they want and get the perfect body. It might work in initially but many studies have shown that diets such as Atkins reduce weight just as quickly as following a low fat/kcal diet.

    For me, I’d rather do things sensibly. I have a rare form of liver disease and whilst it doesn’t have to much of an impact at the moment, I know that it will in the future. I want to safeguard my future as much as I can and delay my transplant for as long as possible. It’s the perfect reason to be healthy.

    I don’t look at this as a diet because I don’t believe in them, for me it’s an adjustment to a new lifestyle-I can have yummy treats-I just have to make sure I count them and make adequate allowances for it. Whilst on 1200 kcals a day I’m in the practice area for the main event (maintenance). Bring it on.

    However, you can tell this to some people until you are blue in the face but if they don’t want to listen-they won’t. As long as you are healthy and informed you are leading by example.

    Kudos to us for sticking at the ‘harder’ option, where you actually have to engage your brain.

    Keep at it wise monkeys. :)
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    oh man this annoys me soo much .. i have plenty of friends who are on a different diet every week.. like silly ones like the atkins- this is not healthy or sustainable ! but i agree with others there is nothing we can do to change there minds! and the usual reason i get when i question why there doing a specific diet is because apparently its the only thing that works for there body .. hmmm i dont think so ! man this is definetly one of my pet peeves! and then all of a sudden im the one who is in the wrong for eating wholegrain bread becuase its a carb ? no im not in the wrong.. this is called a blanced lifestyle! ok rant over. good post :)
    What annoys me are people like you who criticize Atkins without apparently knowing the first dam thing about it. It is both health and sustainable and I can post scientific studies which back that up. Can you?

    Two separate studies pointing to problems with the Atkins diet. Personally I don't care one way or the other, if that diet works for you great. The health benefits of being thinner probably outweigh any potential health risks it adds. Additionally, sustainability is a personal issue, what works for one person may not work for another. Finding a long-term diet you're comfortable with is the key to sustainability, not the diet's inherent design.

    The point I AM making though is don't start throwing studies around, because for every study you show me pointing one way on a topic, I'm sure I can find one that states the opposing conclusion (like remember when eggs were really bad?).
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    ... and THEN stop at Dairy Queen for a nutter butter blizzard too.

    Great! Now I REALLY want a nutter butter blizzard
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    oh man this annoys me soo much .. i have plenty of friends who are on a different diet every week.. like silly ones like the atkins- this is not healthy or sustainable ! but i agree with others there is nothing we can do to change there minds! and the usual reason i get when i question why there doing a specific diet is because apparently its the only thing that works for there body .. hmmm i dont think so ! man this is definetly one of my pet peeves! and then all of a sudden im the one who is in the wrong for eating wholegrain bread becuase its a carb ? no im not in the wrong.. this is called a blanced lifestyle! ok rant over. good post :)
    What annoys me are people like you who criticize Atkins without apparently knowing the first dam thing about it. It is both health and sustainable and I can post scientific studies which back that up. Can you?

    Two separate studies pointing to problems with the Atkins diet. Personally I don't care one way or the other, if that diet works for you great. The health benefits of being thinner probably outweigh any potential health risks it adds. Additionally, sustainability is a personal issue, what works for one person may not work for another. Finding a long-term diet you're comfortable with is the key to sustainability, not the diet's inherent design.

    The point I AM making though is don't start throwing studies around, because for every study you show me pointing one way on a topic, I'm sure I can find one that states the opposing conclusion (like remember when eggs were really bad?).

    All I had to do was read the topic of the study...low carb diets up cancer risks??? Is it seriously the diet, or is it the hormones and all of the junk our government pumps into what we eat? I honestly can't see how eating a diet low in saturated fat protein and lots of fiber rich veggies can give you cancer...we are no safer eating fruits and veggies from our grocery store then we are eating the meat from our grocery stores. As far as cancer is concerned, we can do everything in our power to prevent it, but no one is 100% safe from getting it. Just walking outside to go for a jog puts you at higher risks of cancer.

    The Atkins diet/low carb dieting is 100% healthy and sustainable by all means. And when you are following low carb, you only keep your carbs lower until you get to a healthier weight. You incorporate more carbs in the healthier you get. There are people in lifetime maintenance on Atkins that eat 300+ carbs a day. I agree that people rant more about it then they know about it.
  • I agree with this. I have had several people ask me what are you doing? Tell me the secret... I tell them it is NO secret. I make better choices with food and I exercise, I eat 5 times a day. Every person has said to me, OH well then I am not going to do that because of either not wanting to take the time to exercise or they don't want to change eating habits. It was hard for me at first too, but after a while I don't even think about it anymore, it is my life and I CHOSE to change.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Yes it bothers me! My best friend is one of these. I recently began avoiding talking too much with her because I know eating right and putting in the time to exercise is the only sure way of losing weight and KEEPING IT OFF. I figure one day she'll get it.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    oh man this annoys me soo much .. i have plenty of friends who are on a different diet every week.. like silly ones like the atkins- this is not healthy or sustainable ! but i agree with others there is nothing we can do to change there minds! and the usual reason i get when i question why there doing a specific diet is because apparently its the only thing that works for there body .. hmmm i dont think so ! man this is definetly one of my pet peeves! and then all of a sudden im the one who is in the wrong for eating wholegrain bread becuase its a carb ? no im not in the wrong.. this is called a blanced lifestyle! ok rant over. good post :)
    What annoys me are people like you who criticize Atkins without apparently knowing the first dam thing about it. It is both health and sustainable and I can post scientific studies which back that up. Can you?

    Two separate studies pointing to problems with the Atkins diet. Personally I don't care one way or the other, if that diet works for you great. The health benefits of being thinner probably outweigh any potential health risks it adds. Additionally, sustainability is a personal issue, what works for one person may not work for another. Finding a long-term diet you're comfortable with is the key to sustainability, not the diet's inherent design.

    The point I AM making though is don't start throwing studies around, because for every study you show me pointing one way on a topic, I'm sure I can find one that states the opposing conclusion (like remember when eggs were really bad?).

    I have read both of those studies (the actual study, not the news media digest version) and they are both idiotic. The first is a joke in that it followed 18 subjects for one month and it doesn't even appear the researcher had the subjects even do a correct Atkins diet.

    The second study is similarly a joke. Read Denise Menger tearing it a new one here:
    I'll sum up her comments in Cliff Notes: Many reporting the results of the research used the word 'causes' when at most this type of observational, non-controlled study can show correlations. They collected their data using the generally unreliable food frequency questionnaires. The 'low carb' subjects weren't even eating a low carb diet unless you count people who eat up to 60% of their calories as carbs. To associate anything that study found to 'low carb' or specifically Atkins is dumb because almost no one in it was actually doing a low carb diet.

    Maybe you should actually read the studies instead of the webmd or cbsnews digested versions?
  • michelegunn
    michelegunn Posts: 2 Member
    Doesn't really bother me. A diet is really everything you eat. We all have choices to make and we cannot make them for others.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    We live in a society that's all about instant gratification. That goes for exercise to food to many other issues. No one wants to wait, or work hard for something. It's either now or never..
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I don't even discuss it anymore. When someone asks what I'm doing to lose weight, I reply that if they ask, then they really don't want to know. These are folks I see in the lunch room daily. They know the answer, they're just hoping I will come up with a toll-free phone number for them to call.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    oh man this annoys me soo much .. i have plenty of friends who are on a different diet every week.. like silly ones like the atkins- this is not healthy or sustainable ! but i agree with others there is nothing we can do to change there minds! and the usual reason i get when i question why there doing a specific diet is because apparently its the only thing that works for there body .. hmmm i dont think so ! man this is definetly one of my pet peeves! and then all of a sudden im the one who is in the wrong for eating wholegrain bread becuase its a carb ? no im not in the wrong.. this is called a blanced lifestyle! ok rant over. good post :)
    What annoys me are people like you who criticize Atkins without apparently knowing the first dam thing about it. It is both health and sustainable and I can post scientific studies which back that up. Can you?

    Two separate studies pointing to problems with the Atkins diet. Personally I don't care one way or the other, if that diet works for you great. The health benefits of being thinner probably outweigh any potential health risks it adds. Additionally, sustainability is a personal issue, what works for one person may not work for another. Finding a long-term diet you're comfortable with is the key to sustainability, not the diet's inherent design.

    The point I AM making though is don't start throwing studies around, because for every study you show me pointing one way on a topic, I'm sure I can find one that states the opposing conclusion (like remember when eggs were really bad?).

    I have read both of those studies (the actual study, not the news media digest version) and they are both idiotic. The first is a joke in that it followed 18 subjects for one month and it doesn't even appear the researcher had the subjects even do a correct Atkins diet.

    The second study is similarly a joke. Read Denise Menger tearing it a new one here:
    I'll sum up her comments in Cliff Notes: Many reporting the results of the research used the word 'causes' when at most this type of observational, non-controlled study can show correlations. They collected their data using the generally unreliable food frequency questionnaires. The 'low carb' subjects weren't even eating a low carb diet unless you count people who eat up to 60% of their calories as carbs. To associate anything that study found to 'low carb' or specifically Atkins is dumb because almost no one in it was actually doing a low carb diet.

    Maybe you should actually read the studies instead of the webmd or cbsnews digested versions?

    Apparently you missed my point completely, maybe you should have actually read my post. I'm not suggesting anything regarding the validity of the studies mentioned in these articles or the studies you mention. Nor do I care enough about this topic to actually take the time to go read through the actual reports from these studies. My point remains unchanged. You have an emmotional vesting in this (as you've displayed here) and then brought up the infamous "scientific studies" argument. My point, which I'll make again since I apparently didn't make it clear enough in the last post, is that I can show studies to both sides of any argument. And as far as the validity of the studies, that's a subjective topic that could be argued till we're all blue in the face. So why bother. If you've found a diet plan that works for you and that you feel you can commit to for the long term, then who cares about freakin' studies. Again, as I stated before, I am personally convinced that if you improve your body composition the health benefits from that will far outweigh any potential health risks your diet may come with.

    You should have read my original post, there really was some good stuff in there.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Nah. It's not worth being annoyed about.

    I do Weight Watchers and I know if you follow it, it works. A woman I work with said she tried WW and it didn't work, so she had bypass surgery.

    Since what bypass surgery does is force people to eat less (which is what you do on WW or calorie-counting), then that means WW didn't work for her because she didn't work it.

    But she really believes it was the fault of the diet and not her own. Is it worth an argument to tell her my thoughts? Nope.

    I just nod and smile. People are going to do what they're going to do. There are a lot of people out there who just simply refuse to believe that eating less and moving more works.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I don't have that many people that want to discuss this with a man - so I am pretty lucky. I would be annoyed. I am down 54 lbs since I got started, and I am happy about that. I am not doing this with anyone else, or for anyone else. I just wanted to be at a weight I was happy about. I do enjoy when people who know me say you look great - but so far no one has asked how did you do it, or have you tried XYZ diet. Most of them see my NOOM posts on Facebook and see that I run 2 miles everyday at 5:45 am. ;)

    Just keep taking pictures and getting compliments!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    It doesn't annoy me so much that people do them, I mean so much of "dieting", as it were, is finding the thing that works for you. Where it gets annoying are the people who talk about how they're going to do this diet and their goal is to loose 20 lbs in a couple weeks or something like that. They talk about all the different diets they did, and you can tell they have no intention of continuing on once they reach their goal, that's what I find annoying. And honestly, it isn't annoying because they're talking and thinking that way, it's annoying because I want so badly to interrupt them and share my knowledge but I have to remind myself that I can't save the world. I try to just sit back and laugh knowing that their chance of success is extremely low but I can't because to me it's just more frustrating that they don't take the time to educate themselves and do things the right way.


    I have a friend who is forever doing the "diet of the month" to lose weight. In the 7 years I have been changing my lifestyle and losing a 115 pounds, she's done at least 4 different diets... and has lost maybe 20 pounds in all that time. Yep, took me a long time to lose weight, but it beats 7 years of dieting and not losing!

    I have finally gotten to the point I change the subject anytime weight, weightloss, dieting, or anything similiar come up in conversation. It's a waste of time to discuss it with her because she wants the quick fix and not something she can live with for a lifetime.
  • bevhols
    bevhols Posts: 43 Member
    You know what else is annoying? When someone constantly (and I mean ALL the time) complains about their weight to you (saying things like "I wish I was thin like YOU and not fat like ME!") but they turn around and eat 3 double cheeseburgers, large fry and large Coke from McDonald's and THEN stop at Dairy Queen for a nutter butter blizzard too.

    We all make decisions based on what WE want to do with our lives. I won't criticize how you eat, but really? Stop complaining at me if all you're going to do is stuff your face with junk. It drives me insane. If you aren't willing to change? You aren't going to lose weight.

    Really good points ... they need to recognize the concept of "calories in, calories out" ... for some of us that takes way too long, but we keep picking ourselves up and going forward ;-D BTW ... you are looking totally awesome!! Looking forward to having an equally fab profile picture about 47-57 lbs from now!
  • dave_in_delaware
    dave_in_delaware Posts: 49 Member
    Doesn't annoy me one bit. It's their life. They'll do whatever they WANT to do, regardless of what you say.

    Dieting alone will not keep weight off. Your body needs so much of everything to be healthy. And you have to exercise to burn the extra calories off. It's a simple formula if you think about it:

    Weight loss = calories burned off (exercise) > calories consumed (eaten/drank)
    Weight gain = calories consumed (eaten/drank) > calories burned off (exercise)

    Losing weight is a lifestyle CHANGE. It's not a one-month adjustment, or in a pill.

    2.5 months ago, I changed my eating and drinking habits, AND started the C25K program. I was sweating the fat out of my body, burning calories, PLUS eliminating empty stupid calories (soda and alcohol) from my dietary habits. I still eat sweets (I have a huge sweet tooth), but in serious moderation now. I didn't eliminate sweets because then I'd crave more and more. I eat 5 or 6 smaller meals each day instead of 2 or 3 HUGE ones.

    I've lost 35 pounds in those 2.5 months, and it was relatively easy. Will I stop running and exercising, and go back to my old habits of food/drink? Heck no, because I know that's NOT going to keep me where I am.

    Losing weight is HARD work, but it's worth it.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Doesn't really annoy me, but in the case of my friend it concerns me.

    Close friend has PCOS, and has had a hard toime losing wieght. Let me also say I don't know how "hard" she has actually tried.
    Anyway she has decided to go to "Orion rapid weigth loss center".
    She starts to tell me about it and at first sounds okay. They start with what sounds like a routine physical, then she tells me she will be getting a weekly B complex shot. I'm thinking, "alright I've seem a few comments on here asking about B vitamins helping with weight loss, maybe something to look into."
    Now comes the "diet", first week no carbs, all meat for the first week. So I'm thinking similar to Atkins. Then she drops the Bomb, she has to stay with-in 700 to 850 cals. WHAT?! Oh then she adds, "It won't be a problem, they give you appetite surpressants."
    Again, WHAT?! Well of coarse your going to lose weight, your eating no carb, and only 700cal of meat. No wonder they give you the B complex shot, your body isn't getting enough fuel!!!
    This place is run by a DR! Wait...excuse me, Quack! She's on week three, and still at 700 to 850cal but can now have 20g of carbs from veggies. Only lost 10lbs, hum maybe cause your body is starving and holding on to anything and everything it can?????
    Oh wait, ...the best part, it costs $49.95 a week. Thats the summer special rate, regularly $69.95 a week.
    So like I said, annoyed, no. Concerned, oh yeah!!
  • I love your quote, it is clever and I've never heard anything like it. Did you write that?
  • It's only annoying when they're looking for advice "oh, you've lost weight, how did you do it?" and when I tell them they say "oh, well, maybe I can try something else."

    i've experienced this with so many friends! if you dont want to take my advice then why are you asking?!!?!?!