2018 Lose 52 Pounds In 52 week’s Challenge



  • heather4949
    heather4949 Posts: 80 Member
    This weeks success.....I'm still breathing !!!
    This weeks challenges...to track my food, and get clear my head
  • tiggysue2
    tiggysue2 Posts: 2 Member
    Starting weight: 235
    Goal weight: 183
    Current weight: 235
    Total weight lost: 0
    This week's successes:
    This week's challenges: to make this a new start and make it count. I k ow 1lb a week should be easily achievable but it has evaded me so far. Weigh day is Mondays. Wish me luck
  • I'm in as well; thank you for this group!
    Starting 262
    Goal 200
    Success-exercising 3x this week
    challenges-battling sickness
  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    @Jimb376mfp you are an inspiration. Watching you succeed last year was encouraging for me.

    I also stayed with this challenge for 2018 after losing 30 pounds with it in 2017 and being close to my goal. My highest weight a couple of years ago was 188 and I'm now at 130. I'm 59 and 5'2" (almost).

    I'm almost afraid of hitting my goal and "graduating" out of this challenge. I like the
    one pound goals and weekly check in and accountability.

    I wish everyone success.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    @Jimb376mfp you are an inspiration. Watching you succeed last year was encouraging for me.

    I also stayed with this challenge for 2018 after losing 30 pounds with it in 2017 and being close to my goal. My highest weight a couple of years ago was 188 and I'm now at 130. I'm 59 and 5'2" (almost).

    I'm almost afraid of hitting my goal and "graduating" out of this challenge. I like the
    one pound goals and weekly check in and accountability.

    I wish everyone success.

    Thanks, I remember you too, the Pound a Week sounded so reasonable when I started but I learned to achieve that goal for 52 Weeks was a Real Challenge for me. Happy I made it to 43#!
    Challenge made me focus on what I was doing and how it could affect the scale week to week.
  • vivalavida82
    vivalavida82 Posts: 108 Member
    So many celebrations and still a loss. And I’m sure you enjoyed all the festivities!
    Now that has to be wisdom!

    @tammierlewis @Jimb376mfp
    Please stick around when you’ve reached you goals. We need you here!
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Name: Tracie
    Age: 37
    Height: 5' 10"

    Starting weight: 298.4lbs
    Goal weight: 170lbs
    Current weight: 248.00lbs
    Total weight lost: 50.00lbs
    Total to go: 78.00lbs

    This week's loss 2.25lbs
    This week's successes: great gym session this week
    This week's challenges: another heavy weekend planned for my sons bday. Feb is hard going

    Weigh-in day: FRIDAY

    Jan 1st - 270.25lbs
    Jan 5th - 264.25lbs
    Jan 12th - 259.75lbs
    Jan 19th - 254.25lbs
    Jan 26th - 253.25lbs
    JAN LOSS - 17lbs

    Feb 2nd - 250.25lbs
    Feb 9th - 248.00lbs
    Feb 16th -
    Feb 23rd -
    FEB LOSS - 5.25lbs

    Mar 2nd -
    Mar 9th -
    Mar 16th -
    Mar 23rd -
    Mar 30th -
    MAR LOSS -

    Apr 6th -
    Apr 13th -
    Apr 20th -
    Apr 27th -

    May 4th -
    May 11th -
    My 17th -
    May 25th -
    MAY LOSS -

    June 1st -
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 22nd -
    June 30th -

    July 6th -
    July 13th -
    July 20th -
    July 27th -

    Aug 3rd -
    Aug 10th -
    Aug 17th -
    Aug 24th -
    Aug 31st -

    Sept 7th -
    Sept 14th -
    1 Oct 1st day home

    Oct 5th -
    Oct 12th -
    Oct 19th -
    Oct 26th -

    Nov 2nd -
    Nov 9th -
    Nov 16th -
    Nov 23rd -
    Nov 30th -

    Dec 7th -
    Dec 14th -
    Dec 21st -
    Dec 28th -
    Dec 31st -
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ok i'm back and no I wasn't on holidays I was here at home. More than likely feeling sorry for myself. Winter blues found me no matter how I tried to run away from it this year. So of course I gained a good gain I will fix that up tomorrow. I'll post starting weight and where i'm at now. Not good. So I start over. And not for the first time.

    Hopefully see you all lighte.
  • darlin930
    darlin930 Posts: 283 Member
    2018 1 pound a week challenge
    Name: Connie
    Age: 53
    Height: 5' 7"

    Starting weight: 285.6
    Goal weight (Friday, Dec 29, 2018): 190!
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018): 232 (New goal)
    Current weight: 234.8
    Total weight lost: 50.8

    Weigh-in day: Friday

    1/1 - 244.4
    1/5- 242.6
    1/12- 240.8
    1/19 - 239.8
    1/26 - 237.8

    Feb 2nd - 237
    Feb 9th - 234.8
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    Starting weight: 259
    Goal weight for this challenge: 192
    Current weight: 244
    Final Goal Weight: 140
    Total weight lost:
    1/5: 241.4
    1/12: 239
    1/19: 239
    1/26: 241.8
    02/02: 241.4
    02/09: 241.4

    This week's successes: I logged my food every day and exercised.
    This week's challenges: Staying away from a lot of salt and soda.
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    edited February 2018
    Starting weight: 198
    Challenge starting weight: 185.6
    Goal weight: 140(ish)

    2/2: 185.6
    2/9: 186.2 (+0.6)

    Lbs lost in 2018: 0.6
    Lbs lost since highest weight: 11.8

    This week's successes: recognizing my weight creeping back up towards the 190’s. I made a promise I wouldn’t go back to it once I was out.

    This week's challenges: to stay under my calories and drinking my water (goal 72oz a day)

  • hopiemama33
    hopiemama33 Posts: 52 Member
    Highest Weight Ever 234
    Starting Weight August 2017 212
    Goal weight 150
    Weight 1/1 189.2
    Weight 1/8 186
    Weight 1/15 (on vacation, didn't weigh)
    Weight 1/22185.6
    Weight 1/30 183.2
    Weight 2/5 185.4

    Still on the struggle bus. It doesn't help that I started dating a man who prefers to go out on Friday night instead of Saturday. My weekend relax day has traditionally been Saturday, so when I relax my choices a little bit on Friday I still want to do it again on Saturday! At least this week we are doing a birthday and not going out until Saturday night. I know I will make better choices tonight, knowing that tomorrow I get some French fries!

    I am 52 years old, five foot two inches and I work a sedentary job.
  • hopiemama33
    hopiemama33 Posts: 52 Member
    Also - How do y'all keep track of when your last entry was so you can amend it the next week?
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Also - How do y'all keep track of when your last entry was so you can amend it the next week?

    I just make a note of the page and return to it. If there is a better way, I’d like to know, too.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'd like to give this a go. I lost 52 lbs about 3 1/2 years ago (took a little over a year to do) and then in the last two years gained almost all of it back... :( I am going to be 50 in April so I need to get this in check ASAP! Hoping that this helps me stay focused - thank you!

    This week's successes: Logging all food, every day and exercised 3x
    This week's challenges: Getting the exercise in.

    49 (for now)
    Starting Weight = 201
    Goal weight 150
    Current Weight = 196.5
    Total weight lost = 4.5
    I weigh in on Fridays

    1/5: 201
    1/12: 199.8
    1/19: 197.5
    1/26: 195.4
    Total loss for Jan = 5.6

    2/2: 197.1
    2/9: 196.5
    Total loss for Feb =

    3/23: (Work trip all week away from home)
    Total loss for March =

    4/13: (vacation for my 50th)
    Total loss for April =

    Total loss for May =


  • BecMarty14
    BecMarty14 Posts: 351 Member
    Starting weight: 177.6 #
    Goal weight: 125 #
    BF%: 18-20
    5k done !
    10k - registered February 24th!  2 weeks!
    Half Marathon in April
    Marathon in May
    Last week: 169.4 #
    Current weight: 168.0 #
    This week's weight loss: 1.4 #
    Total weight lost: 9.6 #
    This week's successes:  I'm running more, which makes me happy. :)
    This week's challenges: I have felt the residual fatigue from being sick.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    Also - How do y'all keep track of when your last entry was so you can amend it the next week?

    I just make a note of the page and return to it. If there is a better way, I’d like to know, too.

    Under your Username is the date of your post. My WI day is Thursday so I just go back in the pages till I hit my last date.
  • BecMarty14
    BecMarty14 Posts: 351 Member
    To update my last post, I have copied the template to my notes on my phone (I'm a list maker so I use the note pad often). I can update it weekly and then copy, paste it in.