The lady that just had the 8 babies...



  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Okay, I personally don't agree with her choice. I have avoided as much of the media that is about her as I can. It's insane though. I wanted to punch the radio dj this morning.... she doesn't even have a name anymore she's only known as "Octa-mom," like shes some freaky sci-fi character (1/2 octopus 1/2 human.... which I WOULD pay money to see).

    Even though she seems a little nuts (to me personally) doesn't mean she isn't a person. The whole situation seems to have removed almost ALL the humanity involved here.

    I do hope the kids are okay... that is going to be a lot for them to deal with.
  • mburris
    It is ashame that taxpayers have to pay for her children just to satisfy her need for a family. Why didn't she adopt? Don't tell me that it is rooted from being an only child. I am an only child, I have one kid!:devil:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    The situation is extremely scary to me because she now has 14 children to take care of and personally I think she has a child mentalitly. I will having somebody to always love me with all these children. My youngest gets SSI and while I know it is government assistance, she more than qualifies. She also gets Medicaid and it is a good thing because her monthly meds not counting her therapies or supplmental feedings is $750 approximately. I feel very grateful for the assistance but I would never have another child because there is always the what-if. My only saving grace is receiving the help is that I know that I did everything right during my pregnancy with her and it is a randm God thing. I can't imagine having six childs already, one with autism and wanting to get implanted with more.

    I will not judge her, but it definitely makes me wonder???????? :noway:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    :smile: Double Post! :smile:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :noway: I don't judge her as much as I judge the doctor who did this.:grumble: :grumble: He sould have put her into counceling instead of giving her more to be responsible for.:grumble: :grumble: Maybe he should pay for all those babies for the rest of their lives.:grumble: :grumble: This lady needs help seeing what the real issues are. :grumble: Health, finance, and just plain nurturing needs of the children.:noway:
  • Summarain
    Well one thing I have to say is, her six kids do not look like they need child protective services to interfere.

    I dont think its our place to judge her decisions nor the doctors. People often consume the lives of others without realizing that its really not their concern weather she has 14 kids or 1 million. Its her life and obviously everything happens for a reason. If she werent meant to have the 14 kids then she wouldnt have delivered them.

    Some are saying that "oh, we are supporting her with our tax dollars", when really, she is one of many whom have your "tax dollars". We have no control of it either way, so why concern yourself over it? There are TONS of children out there to single mothers who dont even look 1/2 as put together as her's with parents that spend our "tax dollars" to get their nails done while the children are starving and the parents are not willing to work, less known attend school.

    I think we should focus more on whats in front of us when we look in the mirror rather than what the media discloses about someone else's life.

    We are only accountable for our actions. We could all just change the channel?????:ohwell:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :indifferent: I wish the babies God's love and help and I hope that the mom finds help.:heart: She is going to need it.:noway: I'm not judging them I'm praying for the children. :heart: I've delt with children in my career and I'm dealing with a very very fradgile grandson in the hospital now. The children have no choice but to fight for their life and deal what is delt to them. It makes me sad when a child needs to struggle more than normal children do, cause we all know what a rough world we live in now days.:heart::heart: If my tax dollars are helping them and making them more comfortable, I am satisfied with that.:heart::flowerforyou:
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    I would rather see my tax dollars go to help those children, then have the government to continue to foot the bill for Hurricane Katrina "victims" that need to stop looking for a free handout, and get off their perfectly capable butts and get a job and help themselves.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Sorry, but she's no different then someone keeping 80 cats in their trailer. Fine you love them all, but if you can't properly care for them, and she had them to satisfy your her personal needs, then she's selfish.
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    Sorry, but she's no different then someone keeping 80 cats in their trailer. Fine you love them all, but if you can't properly care for them, and she had them to satisfy your her personal needs, then she's selfish.

    agreed and I also think the DR should loose his license for helping her.

    Go away lady your 15 minutes is over. No wait a minute Nancy Grace will now talk about U for the next 6 months.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to have LOTS of babies UNLESS you cannot afford them. (Okay, well really I DO feel there is something wrong if you want to have DOZENS of children, but that is my own personal deal... :laugh: )

    The Dugger family on TLC.... 17 kids, and they afford it. No government aid. They seem to have a happy, well adjusted family without relying on outside means of financial support or outside caretakers (i.e. Mom, Dad, and siblings are the only ones regularly in the home).

    This mom.... wanting 14 kids on "her own" without a partner, while mooching off her parents is messed up. Even if she only thought she'd have twins this go round, she'd still have had 8 children, while in school, while receiving government aid and relying on Mom and Dad to take care of her kids. Her mother has spoken out about how horrible this is... I feel bad for her Mom and Dad... feeling obilgated to take care of their grandkids, probably wishing they could kick out/ institutionalize their daughter. (BTW, I only mention the "without a partner" because one solitary adult cannot handle that many children, not without going insane. It takes a village to raise a child... or in this case, a bakers dozen plus 1.)
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Totally agree Lauryn.

    When people say, "Stop being so's her life..."
    Well, that's fine and all...but HER life is really affecting MANY lives. #1 the childrens. She is obviously in the baby-making profession to get famous. She probably sees it as her life's opportunity. #2 her decision is affecting her parents. Her mother has made the public well aware that she is not happy with her daughter's decision. #3 her decision IS affecting tax payers. Yes, there are others out there that sit on their *kitten* and get a check and don't care of their kids, etc, etc. I know people like that personally...and it STILL aggravates me.

    I'm just sayin....I believe there are alterior motives by this woman and I don't think they are positive.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well one thing I have to say is, her six kids do not look like they need child protective services to interfere.

    I dont think its our place to judge her decisions nor the doctors. People often consume the lives of others without realizing that its really not their concern weather she has 14 kids or 1 million. Its her life and obviously everything happens for a reason. If she werent meant to have the 14 kids then she wouldnt have delivered them.

    Some are saying that "oh, we are supporting her with our tax dollars", when really, she is one of many whom have your "tax dollars". We have no control of it either way, so why concern yourself over it? There are TONS of children out there to single mothers who dont even look 1/2 as put together as her's with parents that spend our "tax dollars" to get their nails done while the children are starving and the parents are not willing to work, less known attend school.

    I think we should focus more on whats in front of us when we look in the mirror rather than what the media discloses about someone else's life.

    We are only accountable for our actions. We could all just change the channel?????:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SuzieQT
    SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
    I have heard conflicting reports as to whether or not the same doctor did all of her IVFs. Nadya says yes, her mom says she told the doctor not to perform another IVF on her and that Nadya just went elsewhere, and the doctor will not talk. IF he did do all of them for her (and I think that he probably did) then he should lose his license and be majorly fined and/or jailed. I feel extremely sorry for the children because they have no control over the situation, but I imagine they will suffer for it if they aren't already. However, the doctor had a choice to make (especially if he had helped her get pregnant before and knew the situation). I can't see how anyone in their right mind would knowingly allowed a person in Nadya's position to have anymore children. I just hope she can take care of them all at least well enough that they have a fairly good life.

    I also think that psychiatrists will be soon declaring a new psychiatric disorder because of this ordeal. It'll be something like bodydismorphia only instead of having multiple plastic surgeries someone with this disorder will have multiple IVFs purely to have children and/or have multiple birth pregnancies not because they can't get pregnant on their own. Of course, I'm not a psychiatrist, this disorder may already exist.

    I also agree with everyone who said enough is enough from the media. And I do not look forward to the book and/or movie deal that will probably be in the works soon. Maybe at least if she does get a book and/or movie deal all of her kids will be able to go to college if they want. Poor little innocent babies. :cry:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I find it strange that she doesn't want welfare and such but there is a new website up ( that's taking donations and items. Maybe someone else set it up? :ohwell:

    Oh well. I wish her and her children the best of luck in their situation. :flowerforyou:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I dont think its our place to judge her decisions nor the doctors

    When she put herself in the public spotlight like she has it gives us EVERY right to judge....or to put it nicely "form an opinion about her."

    If individuals wished to not be judged, they should not air their personal lives to the media or have a zillion kids in order to receive attention like she so obviously is.
  • Rubybees
    Rubybees Posts: 21 Member
    I dont think its our place to judge her decisions nor the doctors

    When she put herself in the public spotlight like she has it gives us EVERY right to judge....or to put it nicely "form an opinion about her."

    If individuals wished to not be judged, they should not air their personal lives to the media or have a zillion kids in order to receive attention like she so obviously is.

  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    She is one odd cookie! I partly blame her parents....perhaps they should have tried to report the Doctor after the 4th child.:huh: I dont think she is trying to be Angelina but she definately has had a lip job.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I thought it was funny that she said "I'm not using tax payer money, I'm just on food stamps and student loans." And she's accepting donations and stated that diapers were a 'resource that is being provided'. Soooo....she IS using taxpayer money, she's just not on file as being on WIC.

    Does she not know where this money comes from?!?! :noway: She looks immature, selfish, and sort of dimwitted to me. I feel bad for her kids. I hope they all turn out okay.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    I for one refuse to judge this woman. If she had only had twins - or probably even quads - most of us would never have heard of her. Were our opinions as strong about IVF before her situation became public - or only in light of it? Her six previous children and the eight new babies deserve the same standard of care that every child in this nation deserves - no matter how they came to be. What of the child of a murderer, or the child of an acloholic, or the child of parents who are killed in a plane crash - we cannot as a society alter the love and attention due every child based simply on the actions of whomever brought them into this world. If the mother of these children is in need of psychological help, I truly hope she gets it.

    Hmmmmmmmmm. Wouldn't it be wonderful if one of those children grows up to find the cure for cancer or AIDs, or writes the song - or paints the picture that captures the hearts of nations, or - just what if, what if one of those children accepts a nobel peace prize and closes his acceptance speech by saying, "I'd like to thank my mother, whose childlike irresponsibility and search for unconditional love brought me into this world....."
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