Why I left Weight Watchers new "Freestyle" Program



  • MissyCHF
    MissyCHF Posts: 337 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Dottie s Weight Loss Zone has a ww calculator that does winning points, smart points, and points plus

    Thank you, now I'm wondering why anyone would agree to be interviewed by such a mean spirited person as Joan Rivers. I know nothing about Oprah but my heart went out to her.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    MissyCHF wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Dottie s Weight Loss Zone has a ww calculator that does winning points, smart points, and points plus

    Thank you, now I'm wondering why anyone would agree to be interviewed by such a mean spirited person as Joan Rivers. I know nothing about Oprah but my heart went out to her.

    Joan Rivers was a mean hag to be sure. What a rude, rude woman. I was never what you'd call an Oprah "fan" but I always admired her - gutsy, smart, successful lady.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    jlee05 wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I'd never even consider WW with Oprah as their spokes-person. Really? So she starved herself and lost a bunch of weight and kudo's to her personal trainer. Then she gained it all back and went on Jenny Craig, became their spokes-woman, then she gained it all back. Then she did WW... and is still doing WW... and doesn't appear to have lost any weight, but is super excited about eating whatever she wants. So essentially it's a free for all... eat whatever you want but restrict your calories? I don't get it. I know that years ago my mother had a lot of success on WW, but that was back in the 60's when it was all about cottage cheese, celery and diet frozen dinners hahaha! Screw Oprah! She can't even control her own weight or her own life, who is she to tell anyone else how to do it?

    I think adding Oprah as their spokesperson was a brilliant move on their part because their ideal customer is someone who will always have a problem with being heavy - they don't make money off of lifetime members - they need new recruits. Oprah appeals to their target audience because she is successful, smart, a woman, and has done all the same things they've done to try and lose weight and still can't and look Oprah made peace with her body and you can too and here...spend money so you can learn to be like Oprah.

    I have no problem with Oprah being the spokesperson for WW. She is a real person who has struggled with her weight, proving that no amount of money can make it happen for you. But...let's also remember that Oprah is not just the spokesperson. She also owns 10% of the company. ;)

    I do believe that was part of the arrangement for her to become the spokesperson. She's a businesswoman first and foremost!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    meowthhh wrote: »
    I've never looked into weight watchers... but that 0 point list looks like a bunch of crap? On the days that I make an effort to eat clean, all my calories would be from baked fish, broccoli, sashimi, egg whites, spinach, mung bean sprouts, scallops etc. 0 points, but eating as much as you can of any of those/not watching your portions would still make you fat....

    Just to clarify, the point of the zero point list is not to eat "as much as you can," but to eat to satisfaction. Not saying this would work for everyone, but there's a big difference between the two.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    MissyCHF wrote: »
    Has Oprah made peace with her body? I'm sorry, I'm just curious. If she has, how does that help Weight Watchers? I'm a Brit and don't keep up with these things.

    It sounds like it from this article.


    Oh I didn't answer your other question about how Oprah's peace of mind helps Weight Watchers - because she is admired by many, especially women - lots of people follow her lead, take her suggestions, etc. She is probably the best person to tout their product for them.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    meowthhh wrote: »
    I've never looked into weight watchers... but that 0 point list looks like a bunch of crap? On the days that I make an effort to eat clean, all my calories would be from baked fish, broccoli, sashimi, egg whites, spinach, mung bean sprouts, scallops etc. 0 points, but eating as much as you can of any of those/not watching your portions would still make you fat....

    Just to clarify, the point of the zero point list is not to eat "as much as you can," but to eat to satisfaction. Not saying this would work for everyone, but there's a big difference between the two.

    Problem is many people don't realize what "eat to satisfaction" really means. Learning to stop eating when you don't feel "full" and waiting a bit is a skill most of us have yet to master and it is probably why we're overweight in the first place. Back in the day of Flex Points, I believe, we were told to eat "no more than 5 servings of 0 points foods" to count as 0 points - I believe after 5 servings we had to start giving them points. That makes more sense imho.

    I completely agree. I'm one who falls into this camp and that's why I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't work for me.

  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    gooz71 wrote: »
    I left WW this week because the new "Freestyle" program just will not work for me...
    With this latest change, they added 200 food items that are zero points, but by doing this, they took away 7 points a day for everyone. So I went from 30 points a day to 23 points a day.

    I liked the previous system better, too. Since I was already at 30 points a day & it can't go lower, I just bought one of the Weight Watchers calculators (just calculates the points, it doesn't know if the food is fruit or doughnuts) & I track on paper.

    They didn't just randomly recruite Oprah as their spokesperson. She bought an ownership stake in the company.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    gooz71 wrote: »
    I left WW this week because the new "Freestyle" program just will not work for me...
    With this latest change, they added 200 food items that are zero points, but by doing this, they took away 7 points a day for everyone. So I went from 30 points a day to 23 points a day.

    I liked the previous system better, too. Since I was already at 30 points a day & it can't go lower, I just bought one of the Weight Watchers calculators (just calculates the points, it doesn't know if the food is fruit or doughnuts) & I track on paper.

    They didn't just randomly recruite Oprah as their spokesperson. She bought an ownership stake in the company.

    Nothing like that is ever random. It was, I am sure, very well thought out and calculated.
  • LBeekman2017
    LBeekman2017 Posts: 52 Member
    Rant ahead...

    You only have to watch some of the youtubers who are WW ambassadors, talking about how the program is great yet every weight in is .2 down or 1.5 up and how it's just "water weight" or that they are building muscle...sorry folks but every week isn't going to be muscle building if you're not changing your exercise but you are changing your food to incorporate a ton of calories that are "free". MFP works for me and I can work in foods I crave and not feel guilty. I don't need a woman who has never been able to control her weight (Oprah) tell me what's best for me or penalize me for enjoying the carbs I do like in moderation. This new plan is steering folks towards Atkins so why not just do that and not pay for WW?
    The few ladies I watch on youtube who do WW just keep working the system to eat even more and work in less points (i.e. trader joe's and costco "hauls" of zero point foods). Who needs "zero point" cheesecake every day? If this system is about helping people eat better, it's not working if everyone is just trying to make sweets zero points?

    ok rant over
  • Honey5
    Honey5 Posts: 76 Member
    I agree! The members on the Weight Watchers Connect site are very negative and judgemental towards those that don’t like Freestyle. No support at all. Which is surprising since we all have the same goal to lose weight.
  • flab2fab86
    flab2fab86 Posts: 2 Member
    I love WW and I’ve lost 90lns on it. It’s a great program, but it’s not for everyone. Some people need more accountability.

    As for me, I’ve recently left because I’ve learned all I can learn. I can finally eat on a daily basis and lose weight. I have been following the plan for almost two years, but the last 6mo, I’ve maintained a steady weight. Which is great, but also means I’m wasting money. Eep. So, focusing on fitness more now....

    But man. The *kitten* comments on WW Connect from people who hate my story. Sheesh.
  • flab2fab86
    flab2fab86 Posts: 2 Member
    pogiguy05 wrote: »
    Well I bet WW is a FOR profit business and there is a reason why that is. Like when Amway changed to Quikstar and then changed back i think. They are just trying to reinvent something. Adding 200 things and I am assuming they SELL all these items at an extra cost to you. then no wonder its a great way to increase the bottom line. Now of course I know nothing really and I am guessing to be honest. If I am wrong then stick my foot in my mouth. OH wait how many calories are in my foot? ;-)

    you are welcome to our gaggle of posters here.

    They don’t sell any of those items. They’re eggs, chicken breast, shrimp, beans, fruits, veggies, etc.
  • Mistyvs
    Mistyvs Posts: 56 Member
    Unfortunately, I'm stuck in a contract until June with WW. I was a returning lifetime member. I lost my weight on one of the old plans while training for a half marathon. Once I really became an athlete, WW wasn't a good fit for me because I couldn't eat enough. With the new Freestyle plan, I thought that it would finally give me some flexibility to eat more with their zero point foods. Unfortunately, I feel more restricted than ever! I did really great as long as I was eating the 0 point vegetarian chili for every meal but once I burned out on that, I can't seem to stay in my point range, even with eating normal foods. I have lost about 6 pounds since the first of the year, then just stalled. My trainer, who is the ultimate in healthy eating, is always throwing food suggestions at me and when I go home and look up the points, I can't eat them. Doesn't make sense to me.