Do you have a cheat day?

So far I’ve been doing great staying at 1200 calories a day. Yesterday at a business dinner the menu was de for everyone. We all got salad then choice of a small filet with shrimp or 2 lump crab cakes. I avoided the bread on the table, ate half my salad and got the crab cakes. The bad thing is everybody was given for dessert a small cheesecake with fresh fruit. I are mine then came home to log my foods and the cheesecake was 1200 calories itself. My husband said everyone had a cheat day. So my question is does anyone else and how often?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have days where I am over and days where my calorie intake was massive but I don’t call them cheat days. To me, days like those are what just happens when living. You can’t avoid calorie bombs for the rest of your life. String a bunch of good days together, do this often. Winning.
  • abirdintherain
    abirdintherain Posts: 73 Member
    Saturdays are kind of a free day for me. I eat a bit under my goal through the week so I can have Saturdays to not worry about logging or hitting a step or exercise goal. It's life. And without letting myself have some freedom every now and then, I won't stick to it. Enjoy the cheesecake!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    I have Friday. Friday is my day to have some treat or another. I also have holidays, like Valentines Day, where I get to enjoy some chocolate even if it isn't a Friday. I may or may not still do my treats on Friday, too. It depends. Generally I allow myself one day per week.

    Healthy boundaries with food works for me. I tend to be way over my calorie goal on Friday - like over by 700-1500 calories above my goal. It has not resulted in weight gain in the past several years that I've been doing this.
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    The only way that ever worked for me was to eat limited through the week and Sunday is a total free day for me. It gives me something to look forward to. I am losing steady so it works for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I have days where I am over and days where my calorie intake was massive but I don’t call them cheat days. To me, days like those are what just happens when living. You can’t avoid calorie bombs for the rest of your life. String a bunch of good days together, do this often. Winning.

  • CarlsbergLewis
    CarlsbergLewis Posts: 186 Member
    No such thing