Anyone on here that actually does NOT have a Facebook account?



  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    neely47 wrote: »
    I deleted mine 7 months ago and don't regret it one bit. My mind feels so much clearer and free from all the negativity, inaneness, shallowness, and drama (politics, selfies, gossip, farmville invites, pokes, etc). Besides, I don't want my co-workers and employer spying on me on there.


    No I don't do Facebook or any other social media. Actually was a bit reluctant when I got my first MFP Friend Request, because I didn't want to do the social stuff. I have a LinkedIn account, but I consider it Business Networking, rather than Social Networking. Occasionally someone would post something "Facebook-ish" on LinkedIn, but I ignore those Feeds.
  • CaptainFantastic00
    CaptainFantastic00 Posts: 4,619 Member
    I don't
  • bootqueenmfp
    bootqueenmfp Posts: 1,773 Member
    I don't have Facebook
  • rockmartin50
    rockmartin50 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Nope Never had FB
  • tartanhibee
    tartanhibee Posts: 63 Member
    I had it and deleted it about 7 years ago it just wasn’t for me. People take it far too serious, use it for what it is. I do however have Twitter insta and Snapchat
  • doubleap77
    doubleap77 Posts: 47 Member
    I was one of the “cool” kids that joined up when it was only for college students. It was fun for a little while, until they insisted on real names and ages. When Facebook demanded a birthdate, I put in 1/1/200x, whatever the year was... And I got banned for botting. Apparently no one was supposed to lie.

    So, I haven’t had a social media presence since. With all the new and sundry apps and accounts available, I don’t even know where to start. I am quickly becoming the curmudgeon I was always meant to be.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I haven't had one in about 10 years....... Old friends that I hadn't seen since H.S. kept popping up to try and sell me things!!! lol.....
  • dwrightlaw
    dwrightlaw Posts: 804 Member
    Never had one
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I had it, then deactivated it, then I logged back in, had it a short time again, but then deactivated it again a while back. :lol:
    It was annoying, same ol' same ol'. "Look at me!!!" people non-stop. Bleh!

    I don't miss Facebook at all.
  • Carillon_Campanello
    Facebook free since 1.1.2017.
    Best New Year resolution ever.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I know a lot of people who don't have facebook or never post on it either, but most of them are people who typically don't care about other people too much. They have a few people they like and see regularly and that's fine with them. Not judging, I'm not exactly a people person either.

    For the people who don't use facebook because they hate the drama and all that stuff, I do wonder - why are you even friends on Facebook with those people then? Typically I see people who have 200+ friends, yeah, no wonder there is drama...

    I follow funny pages too but if someone bothers me, they get deleted (if it would create drama, I just hide the posts from my feed). If someone that I don't know well/don't like sends me an invite, I ignore it. But I like keeping in touch with my old college friends or family, that I rarely get to see, and FB is a really great way to do that. That's really what FB is all about for me...
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    I have Facebook, although I'm not really sure why. The excuse is to keep up with friends and family back home, but I don't have any friends and I don't like my family.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    What's this Facebook of which you speak?
  • Sam29a
    Sam29a Posts: 201 Member
    I'm probably one the few people that have never had an account. Never liked the idea of people spying on me and what I do, not interested in following others either. All the people I care about, I see on a regular basis, with Facebook I'd most likely be adding people that I knew years ago or people that I would barely acknowledge in real life, so seems a bit pointless. I'm also not big on taking pictures. Considering most people my age are slaves to social media, I guess I'm a little odd, but I don't feel compelled to join in.
  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    Never deactivated but don't use it either, except for two group chats which we just use for convenience reasons. I got the same people on Tumblr or have most of their numbers but just sticking to the chat is so easy.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think it is what you make it, as others here are saying...I delete/block or unfollow anyone who causes any issues or problems. I use facebook only on laptop/desktop, never mobile (deleted the app after a week) I'm not constantly connected to it, just log in daily to check out what's going on with friends and we have a private group set up to coordinate social schedules. Really, I don't mix my personal and professional lives on social media, either. Works out great!
  • lynda38
    lynda38 Posts: 2 Member
    neely47 wrote: »
    I deleted mine 7 months ago and don't regret it one bit. My mind feels so much clearer and free from all the negativity, inaneness, shallowness, and drama (politics, selfies, gossip, farmville invites, pokes, etc). Besides, I don't want my co-workers and employer spying on me on there.


    I have never had facebook
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    My wife and I deleted our accounts a few years ago. I rarely log into the MFP forums, but participate in a few related to one of my other hobbies.
  • rakowskidp
    rakowskidp Posts: 231 Member
    I haven't had one in about 10 years....... Old friends that I hadn't seen since H.S. kept popping up to try and sell me things!!! lol.....

    That's the worst... I had the same thing, only they were from people I knew at church. So that's just one of the many reasons I deleted my account!
  • traiancoza
    traiancoza Posts: 2 Member
    i use it to look at memes lmao