Keto Diet - Yay or nay?



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Nay for me. I have not health condition that would be made better by keto. Therefore I don't see the points to restricting carbs. Carbs help with my overall satiety, food choice selections and workout energy and results.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I have lost and gained 200+lbs over the last 10 years. The only time I ever, EVER can lose weight is when doing low carb. I wish it weren't true but it is.

    Keto is tough to start but soon your cravings completely stop (the physical ones anyways, mentally it is harder lol).

    I am back on keto after being off it for quite awhile and so far I am really not hungry at all and feeling much better. I started keto again mostly because I am having troubles with GERD and heard keto can help. So far, it is definitely helping.

    Also I cannot cheat on keto, or it throws me off it completely.

    I am always looking for keto friends so please feel free to add me :)
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    I've been trying out keto - long story, I'm actually doing a Alzheimer's/cognitive decline prevention diet and then figured out that I was in ketosis - anyway I've been doing it for about a month and the #1 positive is how it makes me feel, my body is REALLY happy with fats.
    I'm not on the bacon and butter bandwagon, I eat fatty fish, red meat, eggs, healthy fats like olive oil and avocado on everything (limited saturated fat), and tons of veggies. Some people are afraid of veggies on keto, but since keto wasn't my primary goal I go to town on them and it hasn't affected my ketosis.

    There's TONS of YouTube videos and articles with tips on trying and starting keto. I'd say if you're interested go ahead and give it a genuine try and decide for yourself.
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    I think from what I’ve seen throughout this thread, keto is not for me. I’ll probably stick with CICO since I think of have an issue with not having carbs.
  • kickboxing104
    kickboxing104 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm actually a vegetarian on the keto diet which I've done since the start of 2018, having lost around 20 lbs so far. I find the diet super sustainable, as well as feeling energetic, satiated, and happy with my general being. I would argue the diet is super sustainable as, though limiting in carbs particularly, as long as you're eating within the parameters of the diet, I always am able to eat until I'm full (meaning I'm never 'cheating' on the diet)! I would 100% recommend trying it, but I can understand that it might not be for everyone.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    cdixon5167 wrote: »
    Keto is great if your goal is fat loss.

    While keto can have benefits for compliance and craving control as well as improving insulin resistance, there is no evidence in the way of peer reviewed studies that indicates any metabolic advantage for fat loss. If you believe there is, please post the studies.
  • _Grimlock_
    _Grimlock_ Posts: 38 Member
    It worked for me.
  • Pack100
    Pack100 Posts: 13 Member
    2017, The year I try and get healthy! January-April....Strict Calories in and Calories out. Worked out daily and lost 8 pounds. Really started to wonder what was wrong with me. Slipped back and restarted September 4th. This time eating Keto and exercising. 40 plus pounds lost and it has been easy. My body does not like carbs.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited February 2018
    Answer is simple if you're doing it for non-medical reasons: yay if you find it easier to sustain than other macro distributions, nay if you don't.

    Edit: Oh, forgot to add how it went for me. Nope, it hindered my success because I didn't like it, was hungry on it, and had unwanted side effects. So it's definitely a nay for me, but your mileage may vary.

    I concur with this but with a variation. For weight loss/maintenance I think eating a keto style or very LC breakfast and lunch can go a long ways with keeping the calories down. Then eat carbs for dinner. I do a 16:8 IF eating schedule to maintain and if I eat a LC lunch, I can eat ad libitum for dinner and can maintain weight.

    For just good nutrition, I would not restrict carbs for the whole day because there are a lot of nutritious things that have carbs in them.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    DaniDoll57 wrote: »
    I think from what I’ve seen throughout this thread, keto is not for me. I’ll probably stick with CICO since I think of have an issue with not having carbs.

    even keto is CICO. CICO is an energy balance, not a way to eat. all ways of eating follow CICO.if you overeat with any way of eating including keto you gain weight.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Penanneiom wrote: »
    A keto diet removes carbohydrates because of the high sugar content, which is why diabetics are better on a keto diet as fat has virtually no sugars. Yes there are restrictions as to what you can or can't eat but then all diets are restrictive. Also carbohydrates are not an essential food and can be done without if you wish to..

    no not all diets are restrictive. I lost weight eating what I want and what I like just in smaller portions. I made it fit into my calorie goals.I was eating over 2000 calories when I started. I try to make it a balanced diet of course. but I have never cut anything out.The only thing for me and having a health issue is I have to do low fat/low cholesterol and high fiber.
  • maryjennifer
    maryjennifer Posts: 124 Member
    Lost 20 lbs on keto diet :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Penanneiom wrote: »
    A keto diet removes carbohydrates because of the high sugar content, which is why diabetics are better on a keto diet as fat has virtually no sugars. Yes there are restrictions as to what you can or can't eat but then all diets are restrictive. Also carbohydrates are not an essential food and can be done without if you wish to..

    I agree with you completely when it comes to weight management. Calorie restriction is still a restriction.

  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Penanneiom wrote: »
    A keto diet removes carbohydrates because of the high sugar content, which is why diabetics are better on a keto diet as fat has virtually no sugars. Yes there are restrictions as to what you can or can't eat but then all diets are restrictive. Also carbohydrates are not an essential food and can be done without if you wish to..

    I agree with you completely when it comes to weight management. Calorie restriction is still a restriction.

    Agreed. Conscious calorie restriction (and even maintenance) wasn't sustainable for me but restricting carbs (and letting the calories take care of themselves) has proved to be something I can sustain long term - going on five or six years now.