Anyone else doing KETO?

I'm 337lbs. I have over 200 lbs. to lose and I find that I can't stick to anything. So far I've been doing the KETO diet for the past 4 days. I've hardly eaten because I'm so afraid that I will eat the wrong thing and everything will be ruined. Once it's ruined, I don't go back and try again for MONTHS. I definitely have a food addiction along with other issues. To me, food is life and I'm trying to break that but I'm so tired of being hungry. It also seems to be that every diet is expensive unless you only buy the same 5 things every week and that gets old fast. I tried cutting down on the amount I eat of regular foods, but I end up skipping breakfast AND lunch. I don't know how to be healthy. I don't know how to cook, really. Anyone out there have any tips please?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Maybe you just can't stick to badly planned or impossible plans? Food addiction isn't really a thing, but compulsive overeating because of food fear, and rebound overeating after undereating, is. Food is a necessity for life, and a great pleasure, but it must be handled responsibly. You must eat enough. It's good to eat regularly. You can eat anything you want. You can't eat everything at once or all the time. You don't have to eat anything you don't want.

    You can eat cheap and varied if you plan balanced meals, buy just what you need for those meals, plan meals you want to eat, and eat up everything.

    You should really learn how to cook. It's not difficult. Google recipes, they come with instructions, and use youtube.
  • balvis3919
    balvis3919 Posts: 60 Member
    U can add me and look at my diary for keto ideas if u like. I love keto and have been on it over 2 years. Just had a break for a few months for pregnancy cravings. Lol but u can ask me anything also.
  • josadakhutch
    josadakhutch Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I just started Keto. I've done this twice in the past and lost 50 pounds both times. This is definitely the way I like to eat. It's when I feel my healthiest. Good luck and if you want a buddy to share the experience let me know.

    We've got this!
  • adrimarie117
    adrimarie117 Posts: 3 Member
    Currently doing keto. I love it!
  • Aqualang26
    Aqualang26 Posts: 149 Member
    Whew! Girl, take a breath. Relax, you've got this, nice and slow.

    First, understand that you deserve to be fit and healthy. Nothing you've done or not done before this moment makes you unworthy - or incapable. Then believe that you can make good choices, just today. Everything is done one day at a time, so don't worry about anything but today.

    You can ease into keto. Try just eating keto and not worrying about calories at first. Keep your net carbs under 20g a day, but eat as much food as you want. Burgers without buns and ketchup. Chicken ceasar salad without croutons. Lots of tasty food. Try this for a week or two.

    At that point it'll be MUCH easier to eat at a calorie deficit. Breaking the sugar/carb habit makes a huge difference in how you feel (way better!) And your appetite (way less.)

    But for today, just focus on a can-do attitude and cuttings carbs. Eat when you're hungry.

    You can do this!

    I've got an open diary and am happy to provide any help I can.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I make homemade chicken or turkey broth and eat that first thing every day. It is really good and important to get those good vitamins and such into you. I throw in a finely chopped up cooked baby carrot or two, some chicken and some kale. It's a good kick start to the day. It is great to have lots of broth handy. I find it really helped me with my "keto flu"

    Don't be afraid of keto! Just log your food and that will teach you the carb values of everything. You will learn and become comfortable with this way of eating.

    For me, keto is the only thing that has ever worked for weight loss. As soon as I get off of it my carb cravings are terrible. I am doing keto for health and weight reasons. I plan to stick with it for the rest of my life. It is not easy but it is worth it to feel better.

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited February 2018
    I think you are over-thinking it. Keto is low carb. The easy way to think about it is to eat animal products (meat, eggs, cheese, butter) except high carb dairy (i.e. no milk or ice cream).

    You can also eat low carb plants - mostly this is going to be leafy greens (lettuce, spinach), avocados, and reasonable amounts of nuts (possibly a few legumes, such as peanuts, but they can add up pretty fast).

    Do not eat starchy vegetables -root vegetables like potatoes and carrots are not keto-friendly. Grains such as rice or corn are also not good for the keto diet. Fruits and fruit juice are also not keto friendly.

    So basically eat animals, leafy greens, and some nuts in moderation.

    ETA: There is a low carb group here on MFP and a keto group that will probably be helpful for you.

    Low carb group:

    Keto group:
  • nessibear999
    nessibear999 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started last week, first 3 days were hard but I think I have the hang of it now.
  • from90to60
    from90to60 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I want to start keto too, Ive to lose 15kg (ive lost 18kg but Ive 15kg more to lose!) . Im going to try to add some of you to see the meals, to reach the goal of low carb =)