200 X Challenge



  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    count me in for this!
  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    Can I join? I've never done any of these before, I am new to MFP. So I do the 25 jacks and just post that I did it? Do I post on here or on my profile thing?
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,942 Member
    Today is my day of rest but I did my 25 jumping jacks. Can you hear me panting! ;)
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Can I join? I've never done any of these before, I am new to MFP. So I do the 25 jacks and just post that I did it? Do I post on here or on my profile thing?

    Post it here so we know you're still doing then with us. And yes, that is all there is to this challenge. Do the # of exercises posted above in my original post for whatever day we are on & then post here letting us know you did it. :)
  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    OK, I did my 25 jumping jacks. It proved difficult with my hip hurting today, but I did it! Also, the pup and kitten went nuts LOL
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
  • i'm in!
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    Im in!
  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    i'm in!
  • moffee01
    moffee01 Posts: 67 Member
    I would love to join also. Im doing the 30 day shred and Im kinda getting used to them now LOL. I'll go do mine now :-) Edited to say since the challenge started yesterday I'll do both days so Im not behind! 1/2 now 1/2 in an hour or so :-)
  • Nubyia
    Nubyia Posts: 14 Member
    When did this start, is it too late...I'm jacking now!
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    My first MFP challenge! I'm in!
  • leslyta
    leslyta Posts: 70
    Starting today!!
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    Great, I will do 75 tomorrow morning to catch up!
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    did my 25 jumping jacks :)
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    did my 25!
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I did my 25 jumping jacks!!! My ankle is bothering me a bit, but i did them!!

    ~~Yall want a good laugh----my pants kept falling down! Rofl! me & my daughter were laughing so hard we had to stop a few time, finally i just left them dn so i could get them finished!! Guess im doin something right if my pants r falling dn! :blushing: :love: :laugh:
  • moonnstarz83
    moonnstarz83 Posts: 53 Member
    I did my 25 today before breakfast!
  • cmreblin
    cmreblin Posts: 15
    oh i would love to start now! I just joined!
  • jrn1115
    jrn1115 Posts: 35
    did my 25 for day 2 :]