
Is anyone eating Keto? If so I’d love to hear how it’s going for you.


  • TamBurger1
    TamBurger1 Posts: 1 Member
    I follow with a keto diet of under 50 grams of carbs a day with high fat and moderate protein from October through to the Christmas holidays. I lost 20 lb! And many many inches!
    From the holidays to recently I have still been following but not as strictly, thankfully I have not put any weight back on. But I do see all of my digestive issues popping back up, so Back to the grind tomorrow! I find prepping and planning helps, obviously.
    Best of luck!
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    Keto for a decade+. It's not magic; you still have to measure macros/kcals consistently. Sure, there's plenty of variations/tweaks you can play around with (ex. Cycling, "refeeds", protein/fat ratios, IF, food group elimination, etc.).

    Experiment a little (%s/standard guidelines do not address individuality) but don't over complicate things & stick to what you'll be most compliant with
  • jenathp
    jenathp Posts: 92 Member
    I started 8 days ago and have lost over 8 pounds. Most of that is water weight of course. I have joined some awesome facebook groups that are based on the science of Keto and have learned a ton. I setup MFP to track my macros in grams and I have been good about hitting them. :smile: I have already started to naturally fast because I'm just not very hungry and my energy level is way up. I find myself standing or walking around (I do a desk job) during meetings rather than sitting and doing more random exercise like going for walks just because i have too much energy and I'm bored. I did a year of MFP and exercise with strict CICO and in a year I lost about 15 pounds including the initial water weight so I feel like this is working well for me.
  • chrislynn0803
    chrislynn0803 Posts: 1 Member
    Im new to this and would love help on getting stared
  • balvis3919
    balvis3919 Posts: 60 Member
    I've been keto 2+ years and love it. U can friend me if u want and ask all the questions u like. I lost 92lbs... then had a baby who made me eat tacos and ice cream.... so im working that off. Lol
  • henryjaenperez
    henryjaenperez Posts: 6 Member
    My wife and I have been on Keto for 3 weeks / 2 weeks respectively now and the transformation is amazing. I started at 235# and have lost 10# in my 2 weeks and my wife has lost 16# over her 3 weeks. It is a difficult change to undertake, but the results speak for themselves. I have more energy, am generally happier, have been able to stop all medications and find myself more active than I have been in years.

    We have also combined Keto with intermittent fasting and daily exercise (be it an hour at the gym, morning yoga, or an afternoon Rabat’s walk) with our meal times falling between 1PM-8PM, allowing our bodies to recuperate and reenergize during our fasting times.

    I wish you good luck with your journey and hope to see your progress as you move through this lifestyle change.
  • noellegalan
    noellegalan Posts: 3 Member
    On Day 3 if Keto! So far I am loving it. Just needing a a community to keep me going and consistent. :)
  • Connie1979
    Connie1979 Posts: 77 Member
    edited February 2018
    Whats the max amount of carbs do you eat on Keto? I honestly think I am in Ketosis because I'm losing weight fast, like 10 lbs in 2wks fast.
  • need2move2
    need2move2 Posts: 130 Member
    I have been eating a ketogenic menu since March 11, 2017. It is not a diet for me it is a lifestyle. For the first time in my life my blood work is NORMAL, I have no aches or pains, I sleep well, I have mind clarity and my crohn's is in check. I finally found what works for me. I keep it simple high fat-moderate protein -low carb...I eat fatty sources of meat, carbs come from veggies and I keep them under 20 grams per day. Bonus I have lost 45 pounds. Life is great!
    Good Luck!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Connie1979 wrote: »
    Whats the max amount of carbs do you eat on Keto? I honestly think I am in Ketosis because I'm losing weight fast, like 10 lbs in 2wks fast.

    The max is typically around 50g of carbs, although those with insulin resistance may need to go lower and active healthy people may be able to eat more if they time carbs around exercise.

    Fast weight loss due to lost water weight is pretty normal when getting into ketosis. Weight loss after the first couple of weeks is typically similar to that of other diets.