Riots in Croydon – I am so so sad I could cry

lucycaz Posts: 191 Member
Last night the thugs attacked my town and I am so so sad I could cry.....

The mindless violence these animals (and that is the only word I can use for what I saw last night) looted, robbed and committed violence all over Croydon we watched on the news as Croydon Burned.

I’m a nurse manager and I had to go into my hospital last night to help my staff team who could not get home calm and reassure our vulnerable patients while we watched gangs of youths destroy the shops around the hospital and charge up the street carrying a variety of weapons.

Buildings burned and the taste of acrid smoke hung in the air... We watched helpless while the businesses of those around us were destroyed and stood in fear wondering what we would do to protect our patients as the gangs came into our car park and closer to the building and our cars, or is they set light to the shops close to us.

My team were great they showed no fear so as to not upset the patients but I know their thoughts were as mine were – what next!!!!!!

And tonight the rumours are it will happen again.

I came home when it had got quiet in the early hours of the morning and it was like driving through a way zone – so on less than 3 hours sleep I am about to go back to work to see what the devastation looks like in the cold light of day.... and to await what tonight brings....

And as I sit here I am crying....



  • Wow - that's quite a first-person account, That would have been TERRIFYING! So glad you, your crew and patients are safe. Take a deep breath and know that your coworkers will be there with open arms.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm so sorry.
  • zyle
    zyle Posts: 34
    Prayers for you and your Mates, so Devastating to see such worldwide pain and suffering happening
  • We have seen it on the News here in New Zealand and are sickened and saddened on your behalf. I certainly hope that the Police bring in the Army and get control back on your towns again before more damage is done. We will be praying for you and certainly hope that those responsible are bought to justice. May you and your family keep safe.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    It's saddening to see it in the news... I can't believe how many places are now caught up in the riots. Take care.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    It's so shocking! Stay safe :)
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Watched it all unfold on news 24 last night and it's truly shocking. I feel for amyone caught up in this mindless violence and hope it can be brought to an end. Makes me ashamed to be British.
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    you at mayday? that cannot have been fun :( **sends all the hugs & thanks to those of you on the ground dealing with the fallout**
    i used to live down the road toward thornton heath &, somewhat selfishly, i'm very glad that i moved away a couple of years ago :(
  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    My heart goes out to you and everyone caught up in this mindless assault.
  • LylaFaii
    LylaFaii Posts: 52
    It's sick! I was up untill 3am watching BBc news because I just couldn't sleep! It is attrocious! I am 21, had a rough life but would never do anything like that! EVER! I'm worried that this is going to happen more and more in our society and I just do not want my daughter growing up surrounded by this type of behaviour! What is this world coming to where people will destroy their own communities?!

    My thoughts are with the emergency services,and all innocent parties being dragged into this vile mess.
  • Lucy,
    I grew up in Mitcham and spent a large part of my life in Croydon, and lots of my family are still there.

    Cannot believe what is happening, the sheer viciousness of it. My thoughts are with you and your colleagues.

    Chin up, girl.

    Laura xx
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Omg Lucy, that sounds horrifying. Prayers sent to you and your neighbors, friends and family. I hope everyone her in the US appreciates how good they have it no matter what we are going through as a nation it could be so much worse. My heart is heavy for you tonight :(
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I just googled what happened because i hadn't heard a thing.. I don't turn on tv much.. I guess that could happen anywhere, I will have to read to find out what angered these people so much :(
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    It is totally disgusting!! I am so sorry to hear how close you are to all this, it really saddened me to watch on Sky News last night, i too was up till early hours watching - i just couldn't sleep, and i wish i could come and help to clear all this mess up and help people move on somehow. I just hope you are ok and stay safe, there will be more police out tonight and they are asking for help from outside london, i hope it helps tonight i really do! My thoughts are with you xxx
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    I live in the UK, have lived in London and a few other large Cities. Watching parts of London torn apart, along with what can only be described as "jumping on the bandwagon" in Birmingham makes you wonder where is next. It's sickening. Give the police more power and more guns, we are far too lenient...

    Glad you and yours are safe.
  • I completely agree, I live in Australia and am watching the news here in horror, my parents in law live in Croydon and my heart goes out to them, you and everyone else who is being affected by this mindless violence.
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I just googled what happened because i hadn't heard a thing.. I don't turn on tv much.. I guess that could happen anywhere, I will have to read to find out what angered these people so much :(

    they it all started with a policeman shooting this teenager and it angered everyone, well the policeman wouldn't have had to shoot if the said teenager hadn't been shooting at the police in the first place!! Now it has just got way out of hand and most of them are youths no more 10 years old!! Now i believe that if these young children understand what they are doing enough to cover their faces with hoodies and scarves then they are old enough to face to consequences of prison!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I live in the UK, have lived in London and a few other large Cities. Watching parts of London torn apart, along with what can only be described as "jumping on the bandwagon" in Birmingham makes you wonder where is next. It's sickening. Give the police more power and more guns, we are far too lenient...

    Glad you and yours are safe.

    I agree! Give them guns and turn the cameras off and i will turn a blind eye to whatever happens!!

    Also bring in the ARMY!!! they will sort them out!!
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    I cannot find the words to express truly how I feel about all of this. Angry, dissapointed, sad, just doesn't cut it. I feel for all of you caught up in this. I am not hugely religious - however I am praying to god in this instance for an end to this.

    Please take very good care of yourself and your family. xx
  • we watched it all on sky news too...some of these kids are as young as 11, or even younger..where on earth on their parents..dont they care what their kids are getting upto..makes me so bloody angry. people work hard to get where they are in life, and then mindless, lazy no good for anything thugs come and take it all away..its so not fair...they dont even understand what and why its all going on. its got out of hand now..time to call in the army and let them help out. i know what i would do with them all, but its unrepeatable on sickened and disgusted to think they can treat our country like this. probably never done a days work in their so called lives..think they can loot from shops...makes me and shame them i say, and fine the parents who are responsible for knowing where and what their kids are getting upto of an evening..
    i live in essex right near a big shopping complex called lakeside. now lastnight there was rumours that kids were going to target this area, it didnt happen thank god, my son works there in the evenings, and if anything happened to him while hes earning an honest living, i swear down ill go and knock their heads off if anyone so much as lays a finger on him...
    lets see what david cameron,s next move is...shame he got called back home from his holiday early...ohh to be prime minister...
    well done going into work to help your collegues...your all doing a fab job and are not praised enough.....
    thinking of you all there in croydon...ill keep watching and praying it ends now...x