Losing weight but not fat

I’m trying to lose the fat around my stomach. I have weighed myself a couple of times and see that i am slowly losing weight, obviously I have my days when I overeat but I’ve noticed that even though I am losing weight I havent lost any fat from my stomach.

I don’t understand why I’m losing it from other places but not where I actually want.

Also I have a bad habit of wanting to snack. Not because I’m hungry, I just have the urge to nibble all the time. It’s especially bad at night time after dinner. I find myself wanting to nibble on snacks. But I never fancy fruit, I always crave crunchy snacks that I can just put in my mouth one after another.

I tried nuts but I can overeat on nuts really easily and have no filter and they also contain a lot of fat which doesn’t help. I know air-popped popcorn is a good healthy snack at night. But I’ve been told it is bad to eat carbs at night and you should eat protein.

But all the protein foods I see are high in calories or they contain lots of carbs, fat or sugar too. I’ve tried yoghurt but it’s not satisfying and when I eat it with granola, I end up eating way too much granola than is necessary.

Any suggestions on late night snacks. That are healthy and low in carbs, fat and sugar and calories. I’ve currently gave up meat for lent but open to the suggestions for after I have finished lent. Although I do not eat pork and I am not really a fan of beef.

Also are there any sports or workouts that help lose fat from your stomach. I have heard weight training helps but I wouldn’t know where to start and I’m a bit to embarrassed to do it on my own in the gym.


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited February 2018
    Fat usually is last to go from the stomach. As you continue to lose it will eventually come off that area too.
    The main thing is not what you eat but having a calorie deficit. So eat whatever snacks you fancy as long as they fit into your allotted calories.

    We can't spot reduce but weight training does help. I do all my strength training from home using dumb bells and youtube workouts such as Fitness Blender/Jessica Smith TV.
  • angelsja
    angelsja Posts: 860 Member
    You can't spot lose fat it will come off from all over the place we want it is usually the hardest to lose it from as that's usually where the most fat is located just keep at it :)
  • KarenSmith2018
    KarenSmith2018 Posts: 302 Member
    Rice cakes and a smidge peanut butter or jam. A nice crunch and sweet flavour for not many calories.
    Popcorn as you say
    plain cereal like bran flakes. not as calorific as granola
    Have you tried Intermittent fasting where you stop eating at x time? That may help you combat the cravings.
    I also have to fight the evening munchies as it can be so easy to sit and nibble on everything. Brushing my teeth helps.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    My stomach was the very last place on my body that had visible fat loss. Even when I got to goal I wasn't completely happy with how it looked. I kept at it with resistance training and I finally got the results I want.

  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    You can't choose where it comes and goes from. Some people find it comes off evenly while others find certain areas are difficult and are the last place it disappears from. Nothing you can do, just have to keep at it.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    You can't spot reduce, but you can spot strengthen. Stronger abdominal muscles may help the look. And even if they don't, I can give you two things that happened specifically to me. 1) Most of my TOM cramps and bloating have vanished and I seldom need medication to deal with the rest of it. 2) I was able to sit up unaided in the recovery room after surgery. The nurse in attendance complimented me on my trunk muscles. Also, I think my posture's improved.

    Your body can't tell whether it's day or night, so eat what you want within your calories. (I personally find eating more protein helps me feel fuller longer, but that's more protein overall, not restricting my snacks to protein after a certain hour.) Similarly, eating higher fat isn't a problem if that makes you feel fuller, so long as you're within your calories. In other words, nothing wrong with nuts in moderation. As to HOW to eat them in moderation... pre-weighing and measuring helps. Try topping a salad or stirfry with an ounce of chopped nuts instead of eating them out of hand as a snack. Or, if you want to snack, figure out the calories before hand, weigh out that amount, and then put the container/bag away.

    I've been strength training at home for a year. While a lot of exercises have a core-strengthening component—plus I rest on a stability ball between sets in addition to using the ball during the workout—my ab workout involves bicycle crunches, dead-bugs, deep abs ball transfers, and planks with knee bends. Still got a muffin top, but I'm also about 14 lbs overweight and about 24 lbs from goal. And, like you, the fat is leaving my stomach last. But it'll come. Meanwhile? I'm liking the looks of my arms, shoulders, and legs...
  • burgb60
    burgb60 Posts: 3 Member
    Fat burning seems to follow a "Last on, First off" or "First on, Last off" pattern. If you gained fat first on your belly, it may be the last to burn off. Just keep at it. You may want to try a 'fat-burning' diet approach like keto or the 'slow carb diet". Personally, my goal is 70% calories good fats, 10% good carbs, 20% good protein. Works for me.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Patience. Keep going.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    I don’t understand why I’m losing it from other places but not where I actually want.

    In my experience, the first place you put it on is the last place you take it off...

  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited February 2018
    If only it worked that way!!

    I started losing weight to get rid of my love handles and front pooch.....

    15 lbs later, my boobs have shrunk, my face doesn't look as fat and I have less thigh fat, BUT I still have only lost a very little bit from my hips and stomach. I can see improvement and that keeps me motivated though!!

    Keep eating at a deficit, be patient and don't give up!!!

    **edit: my profile pic is what i'm trying to get back too, not me now
  • _mr_b
    _mr_b Posts: 302 Member
    There’s no telling which fat goes first, just stick with it!

    You can help things along by doing more core exercises as that’ll help tone things up.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,613 Member
    It doesn't matter if you eat carbs or protein at night, just what you eat the whole day. Low cal snacks: crisp raw veggies and fruit, 0% Greek yogurt, jerky, low cal popcorn, Kay's naturals protein snacks...
    You also can't spot reduce. Calorie deficit and strength training...
  • Fynnlagh
    Fynnlagh Posts: 10 Member
    You lose weight, that's great, but as mentioned before you can't choose where you lose it first. The best thing you can do is to keep on working on it and check what you eat.
    Work all the muscle groups and don't fear to get bulky, women don't get bulky.

    Good luck.
  • SuhaIbrahim85
    SuhaIbrahim85 Posts: 1 Member
    We r in the same shoes...I found a solution which works well with me..it is to stop eating after 6 pm and try to sleep as early as u can to avoid any night bad eating habits
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,497 Member
    Calorie deficit and strength training...

    ^ this
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Do you somehow think that willing the fat off a spot will cause your body to burn it from there?