Hey You Young Adults (20-30ish)! Let's Connect!



  • CinnamonGA3280
    CinnamonGA3280 Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hello everyone I'm 23! With a nearly 3 month old and looking to get back in shape! Teamwork??
  • himi86
    himi86 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m 31 and from FL. I’ve been “adulting for a while now. I have about 30 more pounds to lose. I want to be on great shape, look good, and feel good. I log regularly and have an open diary. Let’s adult together.
  • emilysunder
    emilysunder Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all! I’m 24 - originally from California and living now in South Carolina. I graduated from college in 2016 but now I’m back in school to become a cosmetologist and barber! I’m looking to lose about 70 lbs. I’m a little lost as to were to get started, but I’m excited to get started!
  • LeilaExplores
    LeilaExplores Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Folks!

    I’m Leila. 25 and this is my second go around with MFP. I’m trying to get serious about my health now that I’ve seen my parents and other older relatives go through some health struggles. I’m hoping by engaging with the community, making some friends, and being active on this app that I’ll strengthen my body and mind when it comes to my fitness goals!

    Also I’m totally down for any new friends :)
  • bfv200
    bfv200 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm 27 and looking to lose a little weight and in general start a more active lifestyle. I'm on here daily to log and always up to meet new mfp friends!

  • JaiRocket
    JaiRocket Posts: 25 Member
    34- and still look around for "adultier adults" in many situations... I've been here off and on for a few years but have been holding steady for about a month and have really kicked into high gear. Would love other motivated young(ish) people to connect with. Add me :)
  • Psywen1987
    Psywen1987 Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone can add me. I've been gaining weight the past couple of years and am tired of not fitting in my favorite clothes. I'm also cheap and don't wanna buy new ones if I don't have to. Looking for friends for mutual support and accountability. I've used this site in the past and it really helped motivate me. Last time I lost around 65 lbs, looking to surpass that this time.
  • BattyKnitter
    BattyKnitter Posts: 503 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hello everyone! I'm 32 so totally fit in the 30 ish : P I'd love new friends to keep me motivated!
  • icanmovemountains
    icanmovemountains Posts: 100 Member
    Hey guys! Im a 21 aspiring nursing student. Im here this time not to lose weight only, but to develop a healthy lifestyle! Please feel free to send a friend request! Im looking for likeminded people around my age. Lets motivate eachother!
  • RufflesMcGee
    RufflesMcGee Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Im Kelly. I'm 26. I'm 5'5" and 255 lbs(the last time I checked). I saw this community post and thought why not post. If you wanna be mfp buddies add me
  • Tedo201
    Tedo201 Posts: 49 Member
    Got a strong demographic going here :wink:
  • I maybe to old I am 35. I just turned 35.
  • mandykayy
    mandykayy Posts: 1 Member
    Hey y'all. I'm 27 year old "adultish" person :# . I graduated college last summer, still on a journey figuring out what to do next. I used this app once before, when I wasn't really ready, now I am back again and happy to stick to it. I am 30-40 lbs away from my scale goal, but also have an energy and fitness goal to keep me motivated!

    I am looking for any motivating friends to add, but especially anyone working 3rd shift (night shift, graveyard shift etc.) Because us 3rd shifters know working nights adds all new problems with health and weightloss.
  • mfpfreedomnow
    mfpfreedomnow Posts: 52 Member
    mandykayy wrote: »
    Hey y'all. I'm 27 year old "adultish" person :# . I graduated college last summer, still on a journey figuring out what to do next. I used this app once before, when I wasn't really ready, now I am back again and happy to stick to it. I am 30-40 lbs away from my scale goal, but also have an energy and fitness goal to keep me motivated!

    I am looking for any motivating friends to add, but especially anyone working 3rd shift (night shift, graveyard shift etc.) Because us 3rd shifters know working nights adds all new problems with health and weightloss.

    I know how tough it is to lose weight while working long hours. I am a high school science teacher and though my work hours are from 8AM to 3PM, I never go home till 6PM. And at home I'm still working and the stress from that has caused my weight to fluctuate10 to 15 pounds over the past couple of months. In fact, I used to be 125 lbs and that was easy to maintain. However, I started to take too much office sweets and eat lots of goodies to keep my energy up when I was working on 2 to 3 hours of sleep, which is often 3 days a week. This caused the weight to come on gradually. Now, I am about 10 pounds over what I used to be 8 months ago. So I'm getting proactive about keeping it off and staying healthy by coming here and surrounding myself with like-minded folk.

    Best wishes to you and keep it going!
  • ivanggarcia95
    ivanggarcia95 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 22. I've lost 70 pounds so far, and I'm losing the next 100. I'm not exactly the best at motivating others, but seeing other people stay consistent on this app helps me quite a bit.
  • Justn83
    Justn83 Posts: 5,226 Member
  • Jennashleyf
    Jennashleyf Posts: 8 Member
    23 years old. Been an off and on MFP user for years now. But I am back and more motivated than ever! Just trying to balance 2 jobs / a healthy diet / exercise and looking for friends along the way !
  • phobrien81
    phobrien81 Posts: 29 Member
    36 m feel free to add me and welcome everyone!
  • augustfirst1995
    augustfirst1995 Posts: 20 Member
    edited February 2018
    22 years old, with a background in running (track & cross country running) About two years ago I started slacking off completely on exercise and began to gain body fat and my health declined. So I began weightlifting and strength training January 2017 and I’ve loved it ever since. Looking to gain an additional 15 to 20 pounds in lean muscle, so I’m clean bulking atm. Would love new friends :)
  • Allie25th
    Allie25th Posts: 1 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I'm Allison, I'm 25yrs old and I'm trying to get my body back. I used MFP years ago when I worked at a MMA gym and trained almost daily. Life got rough, couldn't work out as much, but joined the gym before a summer trip a year or so ago. It was the first time I'd weighed myself in a good minute and sort of a shocker that I'd gained so much weight (mostly stress weight). I didn't allow it to really get to me until I found that I couldn't fit in much of my clothing anymore... then it kinda hit home. Anyway, I just recently got back into heavy lifting a few weeks ago and am hoping to keep a positive outlook throughout this.