Emotional about where I'm at



  • chelliz88
    chelliz88 Posts: 62 Member
    Well, you've logged in...First step! Go ahead and log those foods. Don't worry about the calorie count at first. It's a starting point. It's going to take you a while, but you may end up finding something you love! Maybe march in place during your favorite tv show. When you feel like giving up, push through it. You might feel a little better after doing that a few times. Planning a specific time to do things can help us more rather than saying "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I'll do it later." I typed in "planning specific times rather than I'll do it later" to Google and came up with a couple of articles that may or may not help.

    You're not hopeless! We've all had those trying times where we just aren't motivated.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    There's a big difference in knowing you need to start and being ready to start. I completely understand that. I've lived a big part of my life knowing I need to start but not actually starting. One thing that keeps people from actually starting is wrong ideas about what it takes to lose weight. I've seen some comments here from people saying things like, "But I don't want to eat salad everyday" and "I can't run" or "I don't like to eat vegetables". You don't have to do any of those things to lose weight. You could even ease into it by eating AND LOGGING maintenance calories for a week. Then try a little deficit. Maybe a 250 calorie deficit. Then go for a walk a couple of times a week. Don't feel like you need to jump into living like an Olympic gold medalist. It doesn't have to be that way. But when you do make a change let yourself feel empowered by it and motivate you to continue. Somewhere inside you is the strength to do it. You just need to figure out how to tap into it. What part of weight loss will give you that eye of the tiger feeling? Goals? Feeling more energetic? The feeling of accomplishment? The feeling of metamorphosis? Whatever it is focus on that and not all the negative stuff.
  • jnennig4
    jnennig4 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with everyone.....baby steps. It's encouraging to see all this support! Please don't feel hopeless! This community is here to help and support you. Take it one day at a time, log as you can and KEEP TRYING! Never give up - you got this. I believe in you:)

    Feel free to add as a friend if you'd like. We're in this together. All of us:)
  • SandiTaylor63
    SandiTaylor63 Posts: 6 Member
    You ARE worthy!!! You've taken ur first step by logging in and opening up in a group forum thats an amazing start!! I'm 4'9 and started at 204 pounds in January and I had no idea where to begin or what to do just that I needed to loose this weight for my health. I put all my info in MFP and I've been tracking everything I eat (it makes u responsible for everything you put in ur mouth) I couldn't even walk around the block!!! Fast forward I've lost 14 pounds so far (a long way from where I need to be but I feel better already) I now walk around my building at work everyday on lunch and I've just started adding a little bit of exercise in the evening. Hoping to be 50 pounds lighter by the end of summer!!! Some days I get fustrated but I tell myself you can do this Sandi - i hope this helps a little and we are all here together helping each other!!! Good luck and add me!!!
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 356 Member
    edited February 2018
    What are your trigger foods? A lot of times it's something sugary or salty. Don't bring those in the house. Actually, anything you don't want to eat, don't bring it home. You can't eat it if it isn't there :) Wishing you all the best. You can do this :)
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    I freaked out when I crossed the 300 lb mark. I remember thinking "I have always been overweight but now I am a FAT person". Ugggh. But I didn't want to do the work. Heck, I'm still not at the point that I'm loving it yet. What I did was figure out my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and set my calories to just loose .5 a pound a week. Then went to a pound a week, now I am currently at 1.5 pounds a week. I haven't added in exercise yet. I think the math gets a little weird when you are this big as I have been loosing more than that. Lots of water weight I guess. But I felt it helped to start in tiny increments.
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    One day at a time.

    Perhaps logging in would feel less daunting if you had a sense of direction and a goal. Have you considered hiring a nutritionist?
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 330 Member
    edited February 2018
    Just start with one small thing. Mine was not buying soda and drinking more water. You can do this. I am sure most of us on this page have felt hopeless at one time or another. You aren't alone.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    You're not alone on this. Plenty of people here "get it" and are rooting for you!

    Yes it could be easy to become even more obese, but instead you're taking steps to turn it around. Just by posting you are doing that.

  • ThatHealthyCaper
    ThatHealthyCaper Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with all the other posts, and don't really have anything to add. Just wanted to add my "you're so worth it! Don't ever don't it. And you've totally got this started already!" I think just starting to log your food is great advice and go from there in small steps. You don't have to achieve major goals over night or in a week or a month...just get started (which you've done already). Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Now that you've had a good cry, know that you've got this and there are people on here that believe in you. As others have said, start small. Maybe just start logging what you're eating now for a week or two. Don't even worry about the weight loss yet. Just start logging to see where you're at. Then, when you're ready, set your calories to maintenance for a while and work to eat to that goal for a while. Then, maybe work to see if you can cut just 50 calories a day for a while, then 100, etc. When you think you're ready, add in a bit of exercise. Go slowly and you'll be less likely to get as frustrated with yourself. And if you have a bad day? week? Just start fresh with a clean slate the next day. If you find yourself stuck in a derogatory thought cycle with yourself, try to replace those thoughts with something positive. Maybe look in the mirror every morning, and tell yourself something positive. You're smart, you're beautiful, you've got this, for example. As the saying goes " You are your own worst critic.". Meaning the things you don't like about yourself, are usually only seen by yourself. No one else is thinking these things about you, so why should you?(And if they are, they are *kitten* you don't need in your life.) You're worth it, and you deserve to be healthy and happy.
  • saralynn0416
    saralynn0416 Posts: 14 Member
    I struggle with this as well. Depression and anxiety took control of my life. I started with 7 minute high intensity workouts, I’m only three weeks in...it is SO HARD but i spent the last 4 years on my couch. And now I am moving a bit each day. I add more to each work out, and I quit thinking about it so much. I can spare 30 min a day to work out. If I can binge watch supernatural for 6 hours and not move I can AT LEAST watch two episodes while on an elliptical. You can do this. Baby steps. I’m here for you!!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    So many people here can relate. It's not hopeless. You're not hopeless. There is really good advice here. Start small. Sometimes it helps just to log your food. That's all. Don't cut anything out or down. Just log what you eat for a week or two. Then you can see what your patterns are and start to make small changes. It's too overwhelming to take on all at once. Make tiny changes if you have to, just to get started. Tell yourself that if nothing else, you're going to stop gaining weight and just maintain. With little, gradual changes, you'll get little, gradual results. Those will smoosh together into something really good, which will motivate you to keep going. Honestly, getting past the despair and over to "there is hope for me" takes time for some of us.

    Log your food. Make friends here who have been there or are doing it with you. You can do this. Be kind to yourself.
  • faeriequeene_1596
    faeriequeene_1596 Posts: 273 Member
    I was fine...I went out today with my son. Felt winded easily and it frustrated me. So I went online and came across a blog from a guy who weighed 420lbs at his highest. Said 9 things I hated about being morbidly obese. Reading that was like a Mac truck hit me in my heart. It hit home for me. It wouldn't take much for me to be at that weight and I am so ashamed of myself. I keep saying I'll start tomorrow... I'll kill it tomorrow..and tomorrow comes...I log in and that is it. I'm still screwing up I am totally unmotivated and now I feel so depressed. I wish I knew where to start. I have everything in line to do this except me... I'm crying typing this cause for the first time I feel completely hopeless.

    I think you've come to the right place :) Don't be ashamed, it's happened, you gained some weight, and you're not alone. There's tons of people on here who are in the same boat (there's even an MFP group for people losing over 100 lbs - I highly recommend it). Maybe just start with small goals as some people have already suggested, you don't have to change your life in an instant. And, what folk said above - don't feel you have to be a perfect dieter. There's no point. You screw up from time to time, doesn't mean everything falls to pieces.

    Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up. Be calm, be kind to yourself, and figure out how you got here, what your food triggers are, what you eat too much of (are you a cookie monster or a carb monster, or both? :wink:). That may take a little time, but that's ok: when you can, you'll be ready to deal with this. There's LOTS of support here and I promise you this situation isn't hopeless. And I've been where you are - eventually, when you're ready, you move forward. You won't feel like this forever.

    And feel free to add me for support <3
  • betty_veronica4
    betty_veronica4 Posts: 196 Member
    No one is hopeless! Reaching out for help is a big step. Clearly, you are not alone in this journey. Can you set one small, attainable goal a day to get you moving forward? Maybe tomorrow, log your breakfast. Then the next day, breakfast and lunch, then the next day, add a short burst of exercise. Build on each success and remember that this is a long process. I am sorry this is a hard day, but know that there are many wishing you well.