I'm on day 4 and would like to make a friend to encourage and be accountable to one another!



  • desij4324
    desij4324 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Desiree, I'm 43 and I live in Appleton, WI. About 4 years ago I lost 42 lb but seem to be stuck between 210 and 215. My goal right now is to get to 200 and continue to at least 190. I'm looking for some friends so we can motivate and challenge each other.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Finally back girls - Welcome to ALL who have come and I agree Valentina we can ALL meet our goals and this is what I know I need since I can't open a support group (yet) - Hi Desiree and I know what you're feeling right now because I was at one point 296 and then to go to 152 and now up in the 180's feels awful BUT I refuse to NOT be honest and keep talking because as I said before (I've not told you guys this but do NOT freak ok? I'm really nice and do not bible bash - but I'm also a minister) and I KNOW as I was saying the battle IS in the mind and I refuse to let that devil put emotions and horrific self-beating words in my mind period! my battle besides food is the scale and I've listened to others with that thought and I hear everyone and take it all into consideration but I'm still going to try and stick to 2 times a week because it does play with "my mind" and yesterday after a week was the only day I was able to NOT go on it but my "days" in my mind right now are Sunday and Wed and I'm back up 1 lb which is why I am sharing because I KNOW we flucuate even though I know I ate around my 1,000 daily mark so I'm just staying real and telling myself instead I'm doing GREAT AND on top of that, my goal is still only a 3-4 lbs weight loss per month and that starts March so these few days are a nice running start (and that makes me feel good) because honestly I've been stuck in this little condo almost 3 yrs with surgeries, almost flat on my back and my best friend died and had to deal with her crazy sister and court for 1.5 yrs during my surgeries, so naturally I fell and used food but honestly, I do NOT care what comes my way, I'm NOT going back! There's a song that says I'm not going back to the way it use to be! Amen Love you guys and hope you all continue to share - (I don't have much family either so who says this little computer I got may not give me that blessing - what won't the Lord do!) I just simply believe - I'll be back in a while! Hugs to all
  • knox50us
    knox50us Posts: 50 Member
    Okay have been a member for awhile but don't know how to add friends so I see your posts. Any help would be great. There should be an easier way to do it but I haven't figured it out yet. I have been using the app on my phone for tracking food but now have joined groups and such.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm trying to figure this out still as well, LOL - I sent you a little e-mail on here and now I'll see if I can figure out how to friend you - let me know if you see anything~ I'm trying
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Just send email and request should show up on others page.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,725 Member
    ysache13 wrote: »
    I'm trying to figure this out still as well, LOL - I sent you a little e-mail on here and now I'll see if I can figure out how to friend you - let me know if you see anything~ I'm trying

    To add friends on MFP:

    1) Click on the name in the left sidebar.

    2) A window will open. Click on the name again.

    3) The profile will appear. Click on the "Add as Friend" button. Add a note, too, so the person knows who is sending the request.

  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Well here's a very TINY mild stone for me - I did NOT weigh myself and I feel so glad I didn't! My "tiny" scale goal is to only weigh (for the next few weeks before I can't with surgery) twice a week - Sunday and Wednesday - anyone else battle the scale issue? It's really major for me unfortunately so I'm sharing -
  • hughesma102
    hughesma102 Posts: 14 Member
    This wont work for everyone...but it worked for me. I used to weight myself daily. Didn't like how it made me feel. Years ago I began putting mine under my bathroom sink. Out of sight out of mind. Now I weight myself maybe every couple weeks.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I have been here over 5 yrs
    SW: 237
    LW: 132
    CW: 154
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    omg, I'm laughing at myself trying for the life me to figure out what SW, LW and CW mean, LOL I'm thinking you started at 237, went down to 132 and now at 154? omg, I'm old, hahahahaha
  • sbuie1967
    sbuie1967 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m happy to find this thread, seem like a great motivated group. I need all the motivation I can get, turned 50 and had Heart Surgery. Now, I have to lose 60 pounds. I have a great medical team working with me, nutritionist, wellness coach, and a life coach. They did the Bod Pod testing and I’m ashamed to share results. They also tested my resting metabolic rate which was 1719 calories. I “have” to eat 1719 calories every day, no more-no less in 6 mini meals every three hours. For someone that has battled weight and a food addiction all my life and constantly restricting...I thought 1719 calories is insane! Way to much food, but I’ve actually lost 5 pounds with only 10 minutes of treadmill time every two hours. I’m learning to see food for what it is “fuel”, not pleasure. The hardest part is eating only “clean” food, nothing processed or from a box. :( I have to have a 2nd surgery on March 13th and think your group will be great encouragement to help me reach the weight loss goal. I have 1 blockage that is inoperable...however I feel GREAT right now and the clean eating has my energy WAY UP! And I’m not hungry and losing weight. I have been doing it wrong for 40 years :) no pills, no gimmicks, just clean calories. I have learned so much and would love to share.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    oh sweetheart I'm here for you 150%%%%% ok? I'm having my surgery for foot on March 14th, and I will be praying before YOU go in and cover mine as well ok? Your writing not only touched my heart, but I felt so sad when you said you felt ashamed - please TRY not to because you know what? ALL of us are simply human beings who have gained, lost, gained and lost probably thousands of times and even if others can't relate with having to lose what I or you or someone else may feel is a lot, we're all "feeling" the same about our bodies and those numbers on that silly scale but I'm going to continue to share on my thread (which is why I made it, LOL) and I figure those with "like minds" will continue to share and together we're making our own little family! It's so funny not having much in the way of "family" how I am choosing to find other avenues to get those needs met and this is the third place - The first was (don't laugh) but T-mobile (yep, my phone service kids at all the call centers across this country and honestly they've been here for me and I call when I've been down, I've called them during holidays and even after my bff passed away and those kids constantly uplift me, and are just there with a listening ear!) then there's my Kroger's YEP! I can finally walk for now again (had first foot done in June and couldn't walk until November) but when I go, they ALL know me and I get hugs throughout that store and I'm there usually from 2 up to 4 hours, hahaha - cause we laugh, etc., (again, they're the family I don't have) and it makes their time working go by, hahahaha - and now the Lord led me to this site and it's blessing me and I want to be here for you too! Feel free to write whatever's on your mind or in your heart and I don't care if you want to write many times in a day ok? I look at it like this - no one has to come and read and they can start their own too - this is helping ME and I'm being helped when you guys write on here - so all I can say is THANK YOU! I'm proud of you - I think having a team like that to help you is wonderful and NO ONE knows what's in your best interest like your doctors, nutritionists, etc that you have - I think you're actually more blessed than we are having support like that! I hope this is yet another avenue for you! I'm here! and I do NOT plan on leaving - and we can prepare for our surgeries next week - yikes - but we can do that too! I'll be flat on my back for 6 weeks and then I get therapy at home to attempt to touch the floor again (it's a LONG haul) but I KNOW I can do that too! I send much love and such a big hug to you sweetheart - I love ya, Yana
  • nice_heathery
    nice_heathery Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Heather and I’m three days in! I would love to make friends to cheer each other up and check on each other’s diary of food and exercise logs. Please feel free to add me as your friend!
  • johanna3524
    johanna3524 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, my name is Johanna and Ive lost over 80 lbs using this app! I would like to make friends for encouragement , support and health tips. ☺ I still have about 55 more lbs to go. I was pre-diabetic and .1 point away from being diabetic and at the high end of obese. Now my A1C is normal and Im considered overweight. Please add me as a friend if you are interested. Thanks!
  • LoobyJLou
    LoobyJLou Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there I’m Nat and desperately need some prayers atm . Biopsy results on Wednesday to see if chemo has worked on my husband ! The stress of life atm is playing havoc with my eating !!! Erghhhhhh
  • alonzojmiller
    alonzojmiller Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there people. I’m Alonzo and I’m turning 38 this year and would like to be somewhere around 175# on this short 5’6” frame...and God willing, end the year at around 150# give or take with muscle mass included. Let’s help eachother! Add me.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I'm truly feeling blessed to come on each day (and sometimes several times) and see people posts from their hearts! Unless I'm missing "how" I think the problem with this thread is I wish I could send a personal reply under their initial post rather than having to come to the bottom and try to speak directly to one or two people (am I making sense?) I know on facebook they have a "reply" under every comment - However, let me get back to responding as I would like to say to njlawrence you came on the right post esp regarding needing prayers and since this is my thread I 'm utilizing it as I wish which is simple - I don't mind anyone writing and sharing from their hearts, but I don't want anyone being unkind - pretty simple so with that said, and as a christian who walks with the Lord, I am going to pray - Lord, we come to you with nj's husband and lift him up to You BOLDLY laying him in Your arms for a FULL healing, You said where there are 2 or more believing, You are there and so with that, by Your stripes he IS healed, in Jesus name, Amen - NJ, I totally hear you and understand stress which is another reason I am looking for a "safe" place to just be myself and share - NOT just to help myself get the weight off, but to also help others which I live for. It's never been about me to be honest in my life, I've been there since a child for others and this is where my blessing truly lies, so know that anyone who wants to write me personally IS totally fine but please also continue to post here as well so we all uplift one another. I may not have a lot in other ways, but I have an incredible about of Faith and when it does comes to the Lord, I'm also here for anyone whether it's to ask a question, to know how to actually know Him personally (I don't "do" church/religion it's truly a personal relationship with Him which is so wonderful) or to have an understanding of why things happen in life. I am a minister, and though I don't know everything, I do have a lot of wisdom which only comes from time with the Lord and His word. Ok, that's all! I also do NOT bible bash, nor do I want my thread to be any sort of debate ok? I respect people's choices, and if you do have a religion, that's cool - I use to be greek orthodox growing up which is very similar to catholic, so trust me, I get it!!! I love everyone, that's what walking with Him is all about, nothing else
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Just need to share because tomorrow is my "weighing" day again and I actually am nervous (not sure why) but I know the first grace week is over and I am trying to tell myself even if I do NOT lose a pound it's ok! I know how much it plays on my mind, yet I also NEED to get on there because when I don't, then I also just assume I'm doing fine and I may not be - ok that's all I had to say! I'll post for sure tomorrow how I FEEL more than being sad or excited over the results - I think when I looked last time I was 183 which bummed me OUT when I had gone to 182, and again, I also KNOW we fluctuate and being "older" doesn't help - but I'll be just fine! I have you guys to share with (thank you) -
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    It is just a number, a guide. Prayers for your confidence a peace. We are waiting to hear.
    Get some sleep .
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Well I'm proud of myself because I did enough self talk before I got on that scale and literally saying it will NOT matter if I lose, am the same or even gain because I'm living for today AND I'm NOT stopping AND I only have many many days ahead of myself, so why put a stop on even one moment of time by looking down at a number on a scale! I am working on myself to release this bondage because honestly I know I'm not alone on the depth of what I just said - it's literally been a bondage as much as turning to food for every emotion under the sun - so with all that said, the scale did not go up nor down, 183 it still shall be and I'm ok with it! I will have a GREAT day, my food is really under control and I LOVE sharing no matter if it's read by anyone or not to be honest - I love sharing and miss having groups and this has made me realize how much I miss them so after my surgery and I can walk again I will open a new christian one in my town to uplift others with food issues! I like giving myself a mini goal and that's mine. Anyone else have one? I'd love to hear what they are!