Is 30lbs too much weight for triceps? (Toning)



  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    Just came in to say, wow, you have a beautiful back. :)
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 697 Member
    edited February 2018
    30 pounds isn't much at all. I've been using 80 pounds now, but I've been going through a progressive program, so I've moved from 30 to 40 all the way to 80.

    You're not going to bulk up from 30 pounds FYI.. it takes a lot of work to bulk up. I'm not even close to being bulky from weight lifting.

    ^ This isn't really relevant....

    There's been no mention in this thread what type of tricep exercises anyone is doing. You can't compare your 80 lbs to OP's 30. Even if it were the exact same exercise, it wouldn't matter. What is heavy enough for one person may not be for another. It sounds like you've been working on your tricep strength much longer than the OP has.

    'Tricep work' may be more of a compound movement (bench press or close grip press hit the triceps) which will typically be a heavier weight compared to an isolation move like a cable extension or a skull crusher.

    I can do like 200 lbs on those tricep push down machines. I have close grip bench pressed 150+ lbs.
    Skull crushers or EZ bar extensions, I find 30-40 lbs to be a challenging weight if I'm going for higher reps.
    But again, another person's weights are mostly irrelevant. Especially with no context.

    Ok rant over.

    The thirty pounds affect their muscle the same way as far as bulking, right?
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    30 pounds isn't much at all. I've been using 80 pounds now, but I've been going through a progressive program, so I've moved from 30 to 40 all the way to 80.

    You're not going to bulk up from 30 pounds FYI.. it takes a lot of work to bulk up. I'm not even close to being bulky from weight lifting.

    ^ This isn't really relevant....

    There's been no mention in this thread what type of tricep exercises anyone is doing. You can't compare your 80 lbs to OP's 30. Even if it were the exact same exercise, it wouldn't matter. What is heavy enough for one person may not be for another. It sounds like you've been working on your tricep strength much longer than the OP has.

    'Tricep work' may be more of a compound movement (bench press or close grip press hit the triceps) which will typically be a heavier weight compared to an isolation move like a cable extension or a skull crusher.

    I can do like 200 lbs on those tricep push down machines. I have close grip bench pressed 150+ lbs.
    Skull crushers or EZ bar extensions, I find 30-40 lbs to be a challenging weight if I'm going for higher reps.
    But again, another person's weights are mostly irrelevant. Especially with no context.

    Ok rant over.

    The thirty pounds affect their muscle the same way as far as bulking, right?

    I'm not sure what you're asking. I just said that "30 lbs" was irrelevant.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 697 Member
    30 pounds isn't much at all. I've been using 80 pounds now, but I've been going through a progressive program, so I've moved from 30 to 40 all the way to 80.

    You're not going to bulk up from 30 pounds FYI.. it takes a lot of work to bulk up. I'm not even close to being bulky from weight lifting.

    ^ This isn't really relevant....

    There's been no mention in this thread what type of tricep exercises anyone is doing. You can't compare your 80 lbs to OP's 30. Even if it were the exact same exercise, it wouldn't matter. What is heavy enough for one person may not be for another. It sounds like you've been working on your tricep strength much longer than the OP has.

    'Tricep work' may be more of a compound movement (bench press or close grip press hit the triceps) which will typically be a heavier weight compared to an isolation move like a cable extension or a skull crusher.

    I can do like 200 lbs on those tricep push down machines. I have close grip bench pressed 150+ lbs.
    Skull crushers or EZ bar extensions, I find 30-40 lbs to be a challenging weight if I'm going for higher reps.
    But again, another person's weights are mostly irrelevant. Especially with no context.

    Ok rant over.

    The thirty pounds affect their muscle the same way as far as bulking, right?

    I'm not sure what you're asking. I just said that "30 lbs" was irrelevant.

    It makes more sense if they both lifted, regardless of muscle group, and they both receive the same stimuli and therefore "bulk", or am i missing something here?

    Continuing to lift will have you plateau and neither will past the peak of 30 pounds.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    No, it's very difficult for a woman to bulk. It requires a lot of time and focus on that specific goal (which includes a lot of food!) so it's not going to happen by accident. So please do not worry about that, at all.

    You can't determine how heavy a weight is just based on the number, because 30lbs for one person may be really light, but then a struggle for someone else and therefore the results it'll have for those 2 people will be very different.

    As a general guide;
    3-6 reps for strength
    8-12 reps for hypertrophy (muscle size)
    15+ reps for endurance

    This is the rep range assuming that the last couple of reps are a struggle while still maintaining good form.

    Even with the hypertrophy range for example though, you will still need an excess of calories (calorie surplus) to gain muscle.

    "Toning" is pretty much just a situation when the body fat is low enough to show some muscle definition but not loads of muscle mass. For most people this just means a very small calorie deficit, and weight training to maintain the muscle that you have. Most aesthetic focused training programs will be based around the hypertrophy range but as I said above in a calorie deficit or even maintenance this will be nothing to worry about and will just help you maintain muscle you have already.

  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Thanks to everyone who answered kindly, appreciate it. The exercise was the tricep extension machine BTW. I feel like if I want a toned upper body and a built lower body I shouldn’t be made fun of for that because that’s the look I want. I don’t laugh at women with built upper bodies and no legs? But thanks anyway.

    I don't think people are making fun of your goal, they're flipping out over the word toning, I see these in other threads.

    Every dumbbell/ weight will give you a look or tone ( muscle mass size plus) until it doesn't or won't anymore ( plateau) so you might want to experiment and log the inches you get from working with certain weights.
    If you want to be small, lift small or under 50 lbs until you plateau, you want a bulky lower body, you might need to work with over hundred pounds. If you don't like the "bulk", decrease the weight, your muscle will atrophy and decrease.
    It's all just a matter of logic.

    I figured I’d join this app and people would be supportive but it’s the opposite. Even IF they see the word toning on other threads and it’s annoying they aren’t obliged to make rude comments. I haven’t been working out for long, and I’m getting condescending answers on this thread.

    Lovely fitness community. Lmao

    stop and think about your original question - do you really think one day of tricep extensions with 30lbs is going to bulk you up? when you see people that are bulky/muscular/whatever you want to call it - do you really think they got that way from one workout? if it were that easy wouldn't everyone be walking around jacked??
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Thanks to everyone who answered kindly, appreciate it. The exercise was the tricep extension machine BTW. I feel like if I want a toned upper body and a built lower body I shouldn’t be made fun of for that because that’s the look I want. I don’t laugh at women with built upper bodies and no legs? But thanks anyway.

    I don't think people are making fun of your goal, they're flipping out over the word toning, I see these in other threads.

    Every dumbbell/ weight will give you a look or tone ( muscle mass size plus) until it doesn't or won't anymore ( plateau) so you might want to experiment and log the inches you get from working with certain weights.
    If you want to be small, lift small or under 50 lbs until you plateau, you want a bulky lower body, you might need to work with over hundred pounds. If you don't like the "bulk", decrease the weight, your muscle will atrophy and decrease.
    It's all just a matter of logic.

    I figured I’d join this app and people would be supportive but it’s the opposite. Even IF they see the word toning on other threads and it’s annoying they aren’t obliged to make rude comments. I haven’t been working out for long, and I’m getting condescending answers on this thread.

    Lovely fitness community. Lmao

    I thought you got some solid advice here. Sure... some was *kitten* but that's kind of what to expect when asking strangers on the internet.