Hangry monster

Been keto for about a month and started lifting . The stronger I get the hungrier I am. I get my muscles are growing and need more fuel but I also have lots of fat to lose and need to make my body utilize it. What do u do when your hangry monster has used up all its macros without going insane ?


  • JenG20
    JenG20 Posts: 14 Member
    Have you readjusted you macros to your new weight (if it has changed)? Check how many calories you burned through out your workout. Also the muscle that you gain will help you burn more fat. So it would give a bit of leeway for more calories to consume. Don't end up like me - I didn't adjust my calories to my new weight and lost some muscle. -.-
  • mrszig81
    mrszig81 Posts: 20 Member
    So I do a keto calculator . I have lost 12 lbs in two months , so I wouldn’t say my weight loss is at an unhealthy rate . I’m five 6 and am 200.2 lbs. literally .2 lbs from my first goal lol. But my ultimate goal is a solid and healthy 165-170. I currently eat 25 g net carbs , try to stick to 100 G protein and 100 g of fat roughly 1500 calories. I burn about 600 calories a workout 3-4 days a week .
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    If your diet is too severe you will not be able to sustain it.

    Sounds like that is where you are.

    Find the happy place calorie wise where you will feel ok and be able to keep going.

    12lbs in two months is a little high. A loss of 1lb. per week is recommended.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    12 lbs in 2 months is too aggressive if you're starving all the time. Just saying.
  • m287668
    m287668 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree, 12 lbs in 2 months sounds like a lot. I aim for .5 pounds a week and I'm struggling with being hungry all the time so I can't imagine trying to be active with an even larger calorie deficit!
  • mredge73
    mredge73 Posts: 4 Member
    My wife hated me on my last diet due to me being so hangry and mean. I think it may have also affected my career negatively. Things like green tea and prescribed appetite suppressors helped with appetite, but stress is stress. Although I was happy with the results, I never could deal with the stress that a diet puts on your body in a positive way. Not only that, my normal go to stress reliever is to eat something yummy to make my happy and this is what made me overweight to begin with. So, I too am looking for a better way to deal with this and am open to suggestions.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    angelsja wrote: »
    12lb over 2months approximately 8 weeks = 1.5 lb a week I don't think that's too fast :)

    We'd need to know OP's starting weight to make that call. There are people for whom that's an appropriate rate of loss and people for whom it would be too aggressive.
  • angelsja
    angelsja Posts: 859 Member
    angelsja wrote: »
    12lb over 2months approximately 8 weeks = 1.5 lb a week I don't think that's too fast :)

    We'd need to know OP's starting weight to make that call. There are people for whom that's an appropriate rate of loss and people for whom it would be too aggressive.

    She states she's 200lb or so now so guessing she was 212 ish
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    Maybe up your fat. If you're following a KETO diet then really your fat should be more than your protein. My macros are 75/20/5.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    angelsja wrote: »
    angelsja wrote: »
    12lb over 2months approximately 8 weeks = 1.5 lb a week I don't think that's too fast :)

    We'd need to know OP's starting weight to make that call. There are people for whom that's an appropriate rate of loss and people for whom it would be too aggressive.

    She states she's 200lb or so now so guessing she was 212 ish

    If someone has just has 35 pounds to lose and hunger is an issue at 1.5 pounds a week, I'd recommend eating more.
  • mrszig81
    mrszig81 Posts: 20 Member
    So I took a little bit of all your suggestions. I did redo my macros following keto. I’m still eating moderate protein only bc I lift heavy 3-4 times a week and hiit once a week. So I need to maintain muscle. I personally do not think 1.5 lbs a week is aggressive , especially since the first 5 lbs or so I’m sure was water . I have lost 50 lbs in a course of a year, health is my main goal and strength. I notice the days I workout I’m hungry as a hostage and so those days I will allow more from now bc it’s telling me it needs more . Thanks for all the advice guys !!! I’ll check back in on another month or two ;)
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    mrszig81 wrote: »
    Been keto for about a month and started lifting . The stronger I get the hungrier I am. I get my muscles are growing and need more fuel but I also have lots of fat to lose and need to make my body utilize it. What do u do when your hangry monster has used up all its macros without going insane ?

    Your whole post contradicts itself.

    Are you in a deficit or a surplus?

    Are you losing weight or gaining muscle?

    That's what I loathe about ketoers, "I eat pure fat and protein so magically I can synthesis one for a hypertrophic response whilst also consuming one to decreasing adipose tissue stores."

    Plus you've gained less than half a pound of muscle. It takes men. With 300x the testosterone levels that men have to make and considerable muscular gains. So yeah.

    If you want to lose fat. EAT IN A DEFICIT. You'll lose weight whether you're following a fad diet or not. If you want to gain muscle and some fat. Eat in a surplus. With increased CARB intake to fuel your growth and workouts.

    I drink water. Or I eat acouple apples
  • mrszig81
    mrszig81 Posts: 20 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    mrszig81 wrote: »
    So I took a little bit of all your suggestions. I did redo my macros following keto. I’m still eating moderate protein only bc I lift heavy 3-4 times a week and hiit once a week. So I need to maintain muscle. I personally do not think 1.5 lbs a week is aggressive , especially since the first 5 lbs or so I’m sure was water . I have lost 50 lbs in a course of a year, health is my main goal and strength. I notice the days I workout I’m hungry as a hostage and so those days I will allow more from now bc it’s telling me it needs more . Thanks for all the advice guys !!! I’ll check back in on another month or two ;)

    1.5 is aggressive if you only have 30 lbs to lose. I don't understand why people focus so much on maintaining muscle through exercise, but forget that if they don't feed their body enough, the body WILL burn lean mass to make up for it.

    Well aware of what gluconeogenesis is ;) and I have about 40-50 lbs to lose . Depending on my body, how It responds and how I feel will determine where I am comfortable at lb wise . I am not eating. 1200 calorie day diet with a 800 calorie deficit starving my body. I track my macros accordingly ( what this entire app is meant to do) . But if u eat more than u burn it’s will cause fat gain. I ate 1700 plus calories today. I also lifted heavy and got some cardio in and I feel content. I am talking about those days where u just feel like u can’t eat enough, we all have them. I don’t understand why people have to be so negative on people’s post. This is a community of people trying to achieve the same goal, build them up , don’t tear them down. Everyone wants to be healthy happy and content with themselves . Lawwwd
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    edited March 2018
    mrszig81 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    mrszig81 wrote: »
    So I took a little bit of all your suggestions. I did redo my macros following keto. I’m still eating moderate protein only bc I lift heavy 3-4 times a week and hiit once a week. So I need to maintain muscle. I personally do not think 1.5 lbs a week is aggressive , especially since the first 5 lbs or so I’m sure was water . I have lost 50 lbs in a course of a year, health is my main goal and strength. I notice the days I workout I’m hungry as a hostage and so those days I will allow more from now bc it’s telling me it needs more . Thanks for all the advice guys !!! I’ll check back in on another month or two ;)

    1.5 is aggressive if you only have 30 lbs to lose. I don't understand why people focus so much on maintaining muscle through exercise, but forget that if they don't feed their body enough, the body WILL burn lean mass to make up for it.

    Well aware of what gluconeogenesis is ;) and I have about 40-50 lbs to lose . Depending on my body, how It responds and how I feel will determine where I am comfortable at lb wise . I am not eating. 1200 calorie day diet with a 800 calorie deficit starving my body. I track my macros accordingly ( what this entire app is meant to do) . But if u eat more than u burn it’s will cause fat gain. I ate 1700 plus calories today. I also lifted heavy and got some cardio in and I feel content. I am talking about those days where u just feel like u can’t eat enough, we all have them. I don’t understand why people have to be so negative on people’s post. This is a community of people trying to achieve the same goal, build them up , don’t tear them down. Everyone wants to be healthy happy and content with themselves . Lawwwd

    Maybe you should listen to what people say rather than posting your own opinion as fact followed by contradicting people's posts.

    Honey. Ya know nothing. That's why you opted for keto and not flexible dieting. That's why you asked others for help. That's why you think making newb gains while overweight is ground breaking evidence. I want to see you continue to add 30lbs a month to your lifts in 3 years