"I love you too"



  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    My wife is the same as you and I your boyfriend. If we are the same, we just don't think about it. Personally, I grew up in a house where it wasn't said and few emotions were expressed, so I don't see how she expects me to suddenly change into saying it multiple times a day.

    Same here but its funny how quickly I started it after my son was born! I used to not show too much emotion but now I just dont hold back ...Life as we know is too short !

    I love you man !!!!!!!!!! hahah
  • francena84
    You guys are awesome i value everything you have said... You see my man is not the guy that shows affection he has PTSD from being in the army for 8 years or so, so I think thats just the kinda guy he is.. I always want to snuggle close and be near him always.. Im like a puppy needing attention hhaha im lame.. But I would like to hear those words and actions do speak louder than words..
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I would say its not normal. My husband says it nearly 50 times a day it seems like. I respond back and might even say it again lol! We use it all the freaking time. We've been married for over two years so its not puppy love. I would be bothered by someone not initating it every once in awhile. All you can do is ask him personally. He might have never learned to use it?

    i think your husband is not normal.

    Agreed. I would really hate to hear it all day long. You SHOW love, not say it. In my opinion, and my opinion only, people go around saying it all the time to convince themselves that they really do love that person....or to hide some hanky panky, if you get my drift.
    Guys don't need that extra comfort like girls do!

    If you get to clingy, you might push him away!

    You don't want him to think you're crazier than you really are!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I would say its not normal. My husband says it nearly 50 times a day it seems like. I respond back and might even say it again lol! We use it all the freaking time. We've been married for over two years so its not puppy love. I would be bothered by someone not initating it every once in awhile. All you can do is ask him personally. He might have never learned to use it?

    i think your husband is not normal.

    Agreed. I would really hate to hear it all day long. You SHOW love, not say it. In my opinion, and my opinion only, people go around saying it all the time to convince themselves that they really do love that person....or to hide some hanky panky, if you get my drift.

    Thats not always true. .......I dont have to convience anyone, I love my son and friends and family so Yes I do tell them at least daily !
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I would say its not normal. My husband says it nearly 50 times a day it seems like. I respond back and might even say it again lol! We use it all the freaking time. We've been married for over two years so its not puppy love. I would be bothered by someone not initating it every once in awhile. All you can do is ask him personally. He might have never learned to use it?

    i think your husband is not normal.

    Agreed. I would really hate to hear it all day long. You SHOW love, not say it. In my opinion, and my opinion only, people go around saying it all the time to convince themselves that they really do love that person....or to hide some hanky panky, if you get my drift.

    Thats not always true. .......I dont have to convience anyone, I love my son and friends and family so Yes I do tell them at least daily !

    I am not talking about saying it to your child. Totally different as I Love You is said a million times in my house with the children. There is no denying parental love. How many times have you heard about the two "I Love You" birds breaking up when everyone thought they would always be together...
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    My husband and I hardly ever say "I love you" to eachother.. we've been together over 6yrs and it's always been like that. He said "I love you" first and its never really been a huge ordeal with us. He knows I care about him more than anyone and he's good with that, I don't need to draw little hearts with his name on them.
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    Ok so quick question for you love birds out there, I have been with my boyfriend for 7 months now and I always kiss him good night and tell him I love you, and he says I love you too.. Nights I dont say I love you he says nothing and goes to sleep... This is really bothering me, I know he loves me he takes care of me, but he doesnt say it.. My question to you is, is this normal? How often should you tell your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband that you love them?? I say it just about every night, i want him to say it though.. If I dont say I love youm he wont say it back.. basically I want him to tell me at times.. UGH!! Im so worried about this, I almost want to cry at times thinking that he doesnt love me, Am i just over thinking it??

    I think you ARE over-thinking it. I wouldn't let it get to you. Some people just aren't as comfortable with voicing it as others but I don't think its any reflection on how much he loves you. Besides, when couples say that to each other ALL THE TIME, it kinda loses its importance and meaning a little.
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    we all have our own love language--for some its acts of service, for others its words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, gifts--whatever. whatever you complain about the most is what YOU need, whatever he does is his "language" just learn what yours is and tell him while you LEARN his!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • BlueAventer
    When I tell my wife that I love her, she responds with "do you want to get something to eat?"

    HaHa! That's amazing!

    You have trained her well.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I think you are over analyzing this but to respond to your question my husband and I constantly say "I love you" to each other. We throw our "gang sign", as we call it for kicks, to each other throughout the day ("I love you" in sign language). But we are a special case though, we spent two years apart due to the military and ever since we always try to show each other affection ever since he came home. You never know for how long you will be on this earth so we just try to show our love for each other that way among other ways.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    stupid double post. sorry
  • Veronica1332
    Insecure! You need to tell him how you feels and see if he respects that. Some guys are affectionate and some are not but it’s important to let someone know you love them without being prompted
  • SweetStrawberry
    When I tell my wife that I love her, she responds with "do you want to get something to eat?"

  • boopiejones
    if it is important to you, then discuss it with him.

    i think that it is a good sign that he says "i love you" back after you say it to him. and i think it is a great sign that he treats you well and his actions SHOW you that he loves you. reminds me of that 80's power ballad "more than words."
  • SweetStrawberry
    I think that guys just honestly don't think about it as much as some women do. I don't think it means anything at all, and I definitely think you're overthinking it. Also, remember, they are JUST WORDS. A man can say "i love you" after beating you in the face. Does it mean he loves you just because he SAID IT?
    Go by your boyfriends actions. Does he ACT like he loves you? That means a hell of a lot more than 3 words that anyone who can string a sentence together, can say.

    Thats great! Love this post!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Have you discussed this with him? I'm thinking a bunch of people who don't know either of you might not give the best advice. If it's bothering you, talk to him about it and work out a solution to the problem.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    three words can't justify someone's feelings for you. actions are much louder.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't think it means he doesn't love you.

    I know without a doubt that my boyfriend loves me dearly, but he isn't the kind of guy who is overly affectionate. Some guys are and some guys aren't - and I know my boyfriend just isn't.

    Have you talked to your boyfriend about it? I wouldn't approach it in a way that makes him defensive though (I've been there, done that with my boyfriend when we first got together and it always backfires and turns ugly!). Just sit down and discuss it with him.

    I think men, as a rule, just aren't as demonstrative as women are....doesn't mean they don't love us or love us less than we love them. They just aren't big on sharing it.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    three words can't justify someone's feelings for you. actions are much louder.
