So confused. How does your body actually lose fat?

I've been reading about the keto diet and how limiting carbs reduces your need for glucose and instead uses fat as an energy source. But how does weight loss work if you aren't doing keto? What is your body actually doing?


  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    burning whatever fuel is most readily available.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    You never actually lose fat cells per say. The energy in them is drained and they shrink. The body is fuel flexible and can survive on any macro. Best of luck. The body will take the fat energy and convert it to ketones bodies in the liver. Fatty acids I believe. The same happens when you eat a low fat diet. What people do not realize is their body will actually produce ketones when they sleep at night. The liver will also take protein and convert it to glucose. That's what I understand. I could be wrong.
  • juliegilburd
    juliegilburd Posts: 145 Member
    Hello! I'm from Nebraska too. :) When you're in a calorie deficit - meaning your intake of calories is less than your output of calories (TDEE) - your body uses your excess fat stores to supply the energy it's not getting from food consumed. Essentially, when keto works for weight loss, it's because the person eating a keto diet is also eating at a calorie deficit. There are other benefits to eating keto for some people (like those with epilepsy) but for most people eating a certain way such as keto, low-carb, etc., is not necessary... eating at a calorie deficit is.

    I'm a slow typist so by the type I post this there will probably be a post by someone that explains this more succinctly than I did.

    I will say if you're interested in keto, make sure and do lots of reading and fact checking. There's a lot of woo/bro-science out there, and some people make a lot of assertions about it that are not true.
  • Rose18l
    Rose18l Posts: 147 Member
    Look at your body like an engine. To move it burns fuel, which is transformed in energy and heat. The body is an engine that takes three main groups of fuels: carbs, fats and protein. The body derives this from food

    Like an engine the body has a prefered fuel: carbs. The body can readily access carbs, they need less energy to transform in energy. This is why the body will burn carbs over protein and fat. The energy that is not used will be stored in the fat reserves to be used up later. When the body doesn't get enough calories it will turn to the fat reserves to keep going, this is when we lose fat.

    The principle of Keto is that the body is deprived of its quick access fuel, carbs. To keep quick energy running the body will adapt and start to burn more fat. The burning of fat will release ketones, which create a ketosis state. The professional opinion whether or not keto diet is healthy differ. If you have a demanding job, excercise a lot or have a high demand for energy I wouldn't recommemd it. My personal opinion of Keto is that it is a bit of a fad diet and way to restrictive. But hey some people like it....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've been reading about the keto diet and how limiting carbs reduces your need for glucose and instead uses fat as an energy source. But how does weight loss work if you aren't doing keto? What is your body actually doing?

    keto and any other diet work exactly the same way...calorie deficit. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat.

    A calorie is a unit of require XXXX units to maintain the status quo. When you consume energy in excess it is stored as body fat...body fat is just energy's like your backup generator. When you consume less energy than your body requires, that deficiency has to be made your backup generator kicks on and you burn fat as energy.
    So why are people bothering with this crazy keto thing if they can lose weight by eating a large variety of foods?

    A variety of reasons...many are simply's about the biggest diet fad/trend going at the moment and there are always people jumping from one trend to the latest and greatest trend...about 5 years ago it was Paleo/Primal. A lot of people don't actually research it and think it turns them into a "fat burning machine" and nobody else is burning fat...when in reality, it's the fact that they are in a deficit that results in burning body fat...they're just using dietary fat for fuel and making ketones instead of glucose...but yeah, people are morons.

    Some people have to have a "religion."

    For some people it helps with adherence because they supposedly feel more satiated...not sure if it's true or just placebo...I personally am more satiated eating a balanced diet consisting of a wide variety of foods and plenty of complex carbohydrates.

    It can be beneficial but hardly a necessary WOE for certain medical conditions.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    So why are people bothering with this crazy keto thing if they can lose weight by eating a large variety of foods?

    Some people find that a ketogenic diet makes it easier for them to be in a deficit (because it helps control their appetite). Some people are attracted to novelty and like trying new diets. Some people have accepted the theory that keto is required for weight loss or is a path for weight loss that doesn't require a calorie deficit.
  • Princess71117
    Princess71117 Posts: 91 Member
    Bumping this so I can read when I'm off work...! :smile:
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    If eating keto is satisfying for you, go for it. But a calorie is still a calorie and fat is still fat. A deficit is still needed to get rid of it, whether it's reach via keto or otherwise. I've lost 100lbs in a little over a year and I eat the *kitten* out of carbs.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    The only thing I will add to this about macro preference by the body. There was a study done in rats that showed after significant weight loss, their body's tended to store dietary fat easier and an increase in carb oxitazation. Like I have stated before, the study was rats and not humans. It might not translate to real world.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    So why are people bothering with this crazy keto thing if they can lose weight by eating a large variety of foods?

    Good question for those who believe in keto.
  • TheFitFin
    TheFitFin Posts: 3 Member
    dangernene wrote: »
    It does the same thing but not as quickly. Your body can handle a certain amount of carbohydrate - it's after that that it begins to be stored as glycogen, which needs to be burned off first before the fat gets used. So in a regular "diet" you'd ideally have the appropriate amount of carbs - or I guess if you go a little over you don't have that much to burn off first (the rest is used to fuel your body). In keto you don't have those carbs/glycogen to burn off so you just torch the fat straight away. Fat is less appropriate than carbs in terms of fuelling your body so I'm not sure of the long term health risks with keto (if any known), but I imagine someone here will be able to explain that a bit better.

    With the small amount of research I did on just the bulletproof keto coffee, it was found that a lot of people's cholesterol levels went way high after consuming it regularly. The article suggested that anyone thinking of doing keto get their cholesterol checked frequently. I will say that I tried the bullet proof coffee for a week. I didn't like how it sat with me. I didn't feel great and even felt deprived. I'm sure it was the lack of nutrients since I was consuming such a high fat drink and barely any actual food (as it's usually had in place of a meal at breakfast).
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    Your body is a chemical engine, it breaks down chemical bonds in hydrocarbon molecules and captures some of that energy to do work while the rest is expended in waste heat.

    When you literally burn (as in with fire) a pile of sugar what is happening is that the sugar molecule (C6H12O6) is interacting with oxygen (O2) and in the increased temperature this reaction created CO2 (which is a gas) and H20 (water, which in a fire evaporates and escapes as steam) and a lot of released heat. If you burn fat (which is just a hydrated carbon chain) the overall reaction and biproducts are essentially the same. You use oxygen to oxidize the bonds and release water and carbon dioxide and energy.

    Your body carries out the exact same oxidative reaction but rather than using extreme temperature it uses enzymes to catalyze the reaction and couple it in such a way that less energy is wasted as heat and some is captured in a "currency" molecule ATP which can be coupled to other reactions to carry out the metabolic and biochemical functions of life. The waste products of this breakdown remain the same however, you take in oxygen and you release water and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide you breath out and the water is either used to help keep you hydrated or is excreted. There is a bit of waste heat as well which your body uses to maintain your body temp. In fact even in the case of zero activity your body is constantly utilizing some of its stored hydrocarbon fuel in order to generate heat to maintain your body temperature.

    So where does the weight go? Well your body is constantly exchanging matter with its enviornment through intake of food and water, excretion (urine, feces) as well as through breathing. Water intake and excretion is homeostatic, meaning you have to maintain a certain amount of water in your body so water intake might temporarily increase your weight but you will excrete it later to come back into balance so it can be ignored. Feces are just what is left from digestion and were never really "inside" you, they are just what is left in the tube that passes from your mouth to your *kitten* so that can be ignored as well. All that is left therefore is breath. You breath in oxygen, which is O2 and you breath our carbon dioxide, which is C02. If the carbon you are exhaling is more than the amount you are taking in from your hydrocarbon fuel sources then you will lose weight, if it is equal you will maintain and if it is higher then you will gain weight. The amount of carbon dioxide you expel is proportional to the level of metabolic activity your body is under which is influenced by your activity level. Where does the weight go when you lose weight? You breath it out through that extra carbon atom. Doesn't matter if your intake is "keto" or not.

    I gave a much more in depth version of this here:

    You are becoming my hero!