Strength Training for Beginners?

JondaC Posts: 42 Member
Hi. I have a significant amount of weigh to lose. I'm 52 lbs down form my heaviest weight of 302 in 2011. I've lost 13.6 in the last 6 weeks, because I have really stepped it up, cut out all sugar and wheat, and started tracking my calories. My doc wants me to get down to 150, and I'd like to get to 132, which would put me in the "normal" bmi range.

So far, I really haven't been exercising, except for some walking. I know at my size, I will have loose skin when I lose all this weight, and I'm completely prepared for that. Loose skin is better than skin filled with fat, in my opinion.

I know that strength training will help me tone, and I really do want to get healthy and fit, not just lose the weight, but I have no idea where to start! I don't have a gym membership, and probably won't be able to get one for a long time. However, I do have a few dumbbells...8 lb, 10 lb, and 25 lb, and would be willing to purchase more.

I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some tips on how to get started. I've always had a lot of strength in my legs, but none in my arms. Any advice is welcome and appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read this!


  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Google : body weight training

    Best of luck!
  • August2444
    August2444 Posts: 31 Member
    HASfit have great beginner strength training workouts. Check them out on YouTube, their website, or the app.
    Best of luck on your journey.
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks all!
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Congratulations on your losses so far! Walking is great exercise, especially if you've been out of shape for a long time. Keep pushing yourself to walk more often and/or faster and you'll absolutely see your endurance increase over time. In addition to the great suggestions above, I've liked a lot of the (totally free) workouts from - they come in various lengths and difficulties, and many of them are easy to do with limited or no equipment. Good luck!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Congrats on your losses! I started at 301 in 2014 and got to 155. It took me 2.5 years and I've been maintaining for 16 months. I strength trained with a personal trainer from day 1 until I reached maintenance, when my trainer closed his studio. You have already gotten good suggestions on what to do at home for training. Just keep pushing forward, whatever that means for you.

    I could walk barely 1/4 mile when I started and now can easily walk 10 miles and hike mountains.
  • Nama_Slay
    Nama_Slay Posts: 24 Member
    JondaC wrote: »
    Hi. I have a significant amount of weigh to lose. I'm 52 lbs down form my heaviest weight of 302 in 2011. I've lost 13.6 in the last 6 weeks, because I have really stepped it up, cut out all sugar and wheat, and started tracking my calories. My doc wants me to get down to 150, and I'd like to get to 132, which would put me in the "normal" bmi range.

    So far, I really haven't been exercising, except for some walking. I know at my size, I will have loose skin when I lose all this weight, and I'm completely prepared for that. Loose skin is better than skin filled with fat, in my opinion.

    I know that strength training will help me tone, and I really do want to get healthy and fit, not just lose the weight, but I have no idea where to start! I don't have a gym membership, and probably won't be able to get one for a long time. However, I do have a few dumbbells...8 lb, 10 lb, and 25 lb, and would be willing to purchase more.

    I'm just wondering if anyone can give me some tips on how to get started. I've always had a lot of strength in my legs, but none in my arms. Any advice is welcome and appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to read this!

    Congrats on your progress thus far, that is awesome! My advice, just start! Strength training has so many benefits, you don't have to necessarily lift heavy.. start where you are at with what you have, and as time goes,by, you will get stronger, build your home gym as you can, if you can't commit to a gym... tons of fitness apps, that are free you can follow, or Google! And FYI: I use to weigh 252 lbs.. I lost my first 30lbs by running..then I hit the weights , makes a huge difference on the effects of saggy skin, not a miracle and it disappears, but it definitely tightens! I started at 10-20 lbs on dumbbell weights, never touched the barbell, squat rack, or leg press machine, 2 years into strength training.. I now can bench 110lbs, squat 205lbs, deadlift 225lbs , as for the dumbbells I'm on the 2nd row in my gym, lol Hence: that's where the big boys are! Hellz Yeah!! You can do anything you want, if you commit and start, you already did with your weigh loss! You got this!
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the great tips everyone!