I'm on day 4 and would like to make a friend to encourage and be accountable to one another!



  • Ldevpic
    Ldevpic Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! I am a 51 (almost 52) year old who is trying to lose weight for my son's wedding and a trip to Italy next Spring. This is so motivating and I would love to join all of you, please feel free to add me.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Ldevpic (I wish I knew names) - I just wanted to say I TOO have my daughter's wedding that's got me on this site and her's is Aug, but like you, I'm planning on going to Greece finally to see family after 38 LONG years the following June! So I'm in it with you for sure! I'm 58 so I KNOW it'll come off slow and I'm being very kind to myself - I think that's another key - so welcome! I'm here for you as are so many on here!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Yana- great job on the self talk. No change is better than gain. It just means you need a little tweaking to your diary. I am proud of you. This is also a journey not a destination. Every journey has hills, valleys, bumps and curves. Be like the willow. You can do this.

    Welcome to the new additions! Feel free to share and open to help .

    I am going to share this....we need to learn to love ourselves enough to be our best every day. My DH made a comment about me always kicking it ip when sonething special is getting ready to occur. He was right. I have done this in the past. I wanted to be at goal weight before our trip to punta cana. It was an unrealistic goal. Too much to lose too fast. I didnt give up, but stayed vigilant in doing and being the best me. I even found the courage to wear bikinis the entire trip. Confident! I wasnt judged, nor did i judge. Confidence goes a long way regardless of your size. I am now in the home stretch. No special events upcoming. Just the desire to be the best me!
    Have a great evening!
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Amen Kylia - I really am encouraging MYSELF for sure! I'm taking that from David (in the bible) - that's what he had to do - I'm totally in agreement! I wanted to do a self blog and did yesterday but when I went to add a new one today, it didn't take, so I had to use the comment section cause I lost what I had written, but want to do that daily so I can go back any time and just read my thoughts - not sure why it's not letting me make new ones each day on my personal blog? do you know anything about that? I'm almost thinking it maybe only allows one new one a month - that's the only thing I can think of. This site is hard for me, but I'm really trying! :) thank you again for kind words!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    I don't know about blogging, sorry. I have faith thast you w I'll figure it out though!

  • Vilinee
    Vilinee Posts: 9 Member
    I would like to join this group, My name is Angela and I’m 35 years old. My goal weight is 130, I’m 5’3” and currently weigh 175.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Vilinee wrote: »
    I would like to join this group, My name is Angela and I’m 35 years old. My goal weight is 130, I’m 5’3” and currently weigh 175.

    Hi Angela, you are more than welcome to come - in fact, I hope you write every day! I' wish I could change the name of this cause I've been on now over a week ,but it's ok, maybe I'll do another one too and it will give me MORE to add on cause I LOVE writing, LOL I'm 58, my weight is now 182 (was 187 last week) and goal is 150 - this site is a blessing for me and I have mini goals every 3 months and hoping to lose 3 or 4 lbs a month now! please continue to share! HUGS
  • fitanfine
    fitanfine Posts: 1 Member
    Hello to all,
    Definitely could use accountability partners. I work in an office and sit a lot of the day. I am 56 coming up on 57 very quickly and I want to be healthy and active. To achieve that goal I am working out 3 days a week and working towards 5 days. I have also started logging my food. It was a rough start. I am 3 weeks in to working out and its starting to not to hurt. LOL I thought I would die at first, but decided I would die doing my absolute best. The scale is not moving quick enough for me yet but inches are taking a hike. Not giving up I am determined to see this all the way until I can run a block or two without feeling like I am going to pass out! I am so glad you all are here. Thank you Ysache13 for starting this thread.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Aw sweetie, you are so welcome! I'm grateful you found me and wrote (I still can't figure out all the different threads, lol) In fact, because I want to get even closer to people I just made another one where we can write all day or whatever one needs - I just know one thing - I need to share and read! I use to run support groups and that's how I lost over 150 lbs and that was like 15 yrs ago and I kept it off by doing just this! (well in person) but still it's the same thing and then my "one" best friend we talked all day long and of course we talked about our food, etc, like I"m doing here even if I'm talking to myself because the main thing is to REALLY get honest and REALLY know what will work for YOU - because what I may choose may not be good for you. You are about to be 57 and I'm 58 so we're close in age and trust me, I've been doing the "diet" thing since I was just 8 but it's true - I'm a yo-yo'er but a maintainer too - I only gained this back 2.5 yrs ago when she went to heaven and I've been flat on back off feet and finally going thru surgery's and hopefully last one in 2 weeks and again, I'll be off feet 6 weeks before PT starts up yet again, BUT I KNOW I can and WILL still lose IF I do THIS! For me it's ALL about sharing - I don't even think about food when I feel someone (all it takes is just ONE) is there for me and I for them - see? and on here there's always someone (wink) but I am very loving, sensitive and open! So share what you like and as often (or on my new one too that says OFTEN) lol amen
  • momdedge4
    momdedge4 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone! I’m 41, soon to be 42 this month! Anyhow, I have lost 20lbs so far & have a lot to go. My short term goal is to get under 200lbs & have 40lbs to go. My long term goal is to be 135-150. I have 4 children 24, 18, 15 & 6! My 18 yr old will be graduating in May & I would like to lose wt and be able to keep up with my children!!
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm so happy for you esp. making mini goals etc.! I think (for me) that's what keeps me going- I have a girl on here where we made a pack to only weigh for instance on Wed and Sun because that's an issue - and we're making mini goals of how many lbs we hope to lose monthly and calculating where we'll be every 3 months! when you put it on paper and look at it the HOPE grows (or at least it does for me) - I think most of us have gained and lost, but I know there's another bond for us who have lost or have to lose a lot more - I think because we simply can relate - Just so you know I yo-yo'd my entire life, but I did that all the way UP to 296 (that's why yo-yoing is so harmful) I would gain it back "and some" - but about 15 yrs ago I went back to 150 and then leveled off it seems around 155-160 until 2.5 yrs ago and I "used" food (purposely too) cause I lost my only and best friend (she was the family too I don't have) but now it's time for me to think about me, love me, and do me FIRST - I have 3 children (all moved) but daughter getting married in Aug. so like you the wedding is my motivation! Welcome!!! I'm Yana
  • momdedge4
    momdedge4 Posts: 20 Member
    The stress of life is what happens to us all! I have always been told to weigh urself once a week or less. I was told it is better to go by inches lost, because muscle weighs more than fat. But I keep track of both. Before the 5th grade I had no problem keeping the wt off. Between 4th & 5th, I had a “Me Too” moment happen & I used food on purpose to gain weight because I thought if I was fat...guys wouldn’t like me. By the 7th grade, I started to lose the weight & got skinny again. I was that way until I got pregnant with my first born. Then I gained a lot of weight...was on bed rest & my legs looked like I had Elephantitis...ever since then my weight has been like a yo-yo! Good Luck to you & keep in touch!!
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    It's always amazing to me that no matter who has a food issue, we're all so alike and we have ALL used food, and we've all tried so many methods. I guess we should all know by now what works and doesn't that's why I try to always say "me" and what "I" am choosing to do, etc., I don't want anyone doing what I'm choosing for me because it may not work for them. Whether food, scales, inches, exercising or not - we're all so different - I just "believe" personally that when it comes to weight on or off - calories (what we eat) is what we end up with on our bodies - that's why finding this site IS such a blessing, I still can't get over it! When someone posts on here, it also touches me deeply and I'm humbled and grateful - thank you for sharing!
  • katefewel
    katefewel Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to this discussion. Just started tracking yesterday. I am inspired with your stories and find common ground. I really want to lose about 30 lbs. I am 67 and have poor energy and am recovering from a ruptured disc. Food in the evenings provided comfort, security and companionship. Or at least it temporarily seems that way. Instead, I reach out to you all as we support each other.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Kate, welcome love! I'm totally with you about the comfort thing which is why I'm LIVING on this site until I don't need to be on as much as I have been. I'm on week 2 and it's helped me SO MUCH I can't even express - I love my little thread that I can come back and post and I even started writing a daily blog (though it won't post in the blog area other than my first one) I read in a area of questions/answers there are others with the same issue in that area, so rather than lose more days, I decided to make "threads" as my personal blogs, LOL who cares! I am trying something new and I've said it earlier and that is for the first time in my life (and I'm 57) I am doing ME first! Loving me FIRST, and taking care of me FIRST! Yep, sure am! no matter what! This is not easy but I must if I want to stop the madness and get back down. You have me and you have found the GREATEST site in my eyes on the web for this. I will have surgery on the 14th and will be flat on my back 6 weeks and trust, it's HARD (did same surgery last summer) so I know what I'm in for but I KNOW I can keep losing as I've been already not working out one bit because I believe it's calorie counting and this site IS for that! I'm thrilled I found this! I too had the hardest time at night because I ate out of bordom I think more than emotions in the evening. My "mind" (where the battle is" would start telling myself a million reasons why I needed to get up and eat this or that and then ALWAYS ending my own selftalk with - it's ok, you can start tomorrow - the never ending LIE - I also have mini goals, and I'm also staying off scale as a goal (twice a week for now) so maybe if you share where you're at, what you want out of this, etc., you'll see how much it works when you work it! I hope you feel free to share as often and as much as you wish, along with everyone else! Yana
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I never had a problem with weight growing up or even after two babies. If anything I couldn't keep weight on! Then I hit 40! Between quitting smoking the first time, poor eating habits, female issues, and quitting my job as a waitress I gained 50 lbs! I cried for 2 days after I had to go buy clothes. My now husband asked why I was crying. He didn't understand that I have worn no larger than a 4 my entire life and now had to buy 11/13. He told me I was lovely regardless of my weight. AHHHH! I picked back up smoking (I know bad choice) and tried to watch what I ate. I managed to get down to 140. In 2009, we got married. I thought I looked good at 135 lbs until I saw the pictures of our honeymoon. I joined MFP in June of 2010. I had quit smoking, quit sodas, and needed to do something different. I lost 10 pounds quickly! I was excited. Then my BFF was killed in a car crash. That was one of the most painful things I have been through. MFP got put on hold while I tried to get my act together. I finally did in 2012. It took a year to get close to my goal of 110. I made it to 112! I stayed 112-115 for 2 years. I thought I was scot free! Nope, definitely not! Two hand surgeries, lots of drama with my mama, lots of eating out, guess what, when I mindlessly eat, I eat badly. I started this past 12 months at 133. I have fought hard to get out of the 130s. Mindful eating and walking are what I have to do. I finally got almost to my 125 mark at end of February. My goal for the end of March is 120. I may not make it, but I am giving it my best. I had watched my BFF lose over 100 lbs and paid attention to the tips she learned from WW. She too was on MFP but only a month before the accident. I know how hard it is to lose any weight. I also know that my numbers are way lower than other folks. I don't judge anyone! God made us all differently. I am very petite in bone structure. My hips and knees are much happier below 115. How petite? I wear the small fitbit band 4 holes in. The support that you can find on this site is wonderful. Be honest with your log and yourself. That one piece of chocolate can become 10 quickly if not accounted for. I find that my diary open makes me more accountable. Do I really want people to see that I ate chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner....probably not. But I do have sweets just about every day. Find friends that help you along the way. Be open to advice and patient when giving it. Move! Even if sitting, try punches and twists. Pace while talking on the phone. Do squats during commercials while watching TV. Moving builds muscles which helps burn more calories.

    We have this ladies! We CAN do this! We are STRONG, POSITIVE, and DETERMINED!

    Sleep well,
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Kylia, thank you SO Much for sharing - I truly enjoyed reading your journey and I agree we are all different, yet the same in so many ways. I had to smile when you said those tiny numbers, but I also assumed you were a tiny little ting compared to me and others so I truly GET IT and believe you when you say where you feel and look your best which is ALL I want for me. I don't even care about many things that younger people do (the great thing about age, I honestly care less, lol) but I want to FEEL and LOOK good to ME in my clothes, that's my only goal to be honest and it feels GREAT. I'm like you in the ups and downs and what works best is the same as you "calories in" period. I write it all down too and I like to add some sweets every day too - I'm not addicted to them like I AM to carbs like chips and breads - I have to literally close my eyes and walk away from them, hahaha - but it's getting less and less now and after 2 good weeks, I'm feeling very good esp since surgery is not far away now! I hope others continue to share with us on here - It makes me feel so much closer to you and all the ladies on here - I love hearing the goals, what works for each person, etc., it's FABULOUS! HUGS, Yana
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Good Saturday! Make today an awesome day!
  • LeighNC
    LeighNC Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, everybody - I'm Leigh, 56 and need to lose about 80 pounds. Today is Day 12 for me on this site and it feels so good to be working towards being healthy. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm here for the long haul. <3
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome Leigh - Me too - forever haul sister! Together on here I KNOW we can ALL do this - I too am on week 2 :) exciting