I'm on day 4 and would like to make a friend to encourage and be accountable to one another!



  • Makaroni32069
    Makaroni32069 Posts: 1 Member
    I've gone back and forth about commenting as I have a lot more weight to lose than y'all do. I've battled an anxiety disorder for 15 years now and kinda lost who I am in the process. For the first time in years I feel strong enough to hit this and I have a pretty big incentive (more on that another time).

    All these posts have given me hope so thank you for sharing!
  • lappledesigns
    lappledesigns Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. My name is Gemma. I like in the uk. I would love to come on board with you all. I need to lose approximately 4st. I would love to be part of a group that supports one another and motivates one another.
    I know I struggle the most when I haven’t got like minded people around me to guide and encourage me in the right direction.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers. Thus is a journey, Not a quick solution. Surrounding yourself with aupportive peopke is a steo in the right direction. We all have the same goals in mind, health, happiness, and strength. It doesn't matter how much or how little you need to lose. The sad part about today's society is the loss of community. More and more people suffering in silence. This site gives you a place to get friendship and non-judgemental support. If you friend someone who is being judgemental, just unfriend them. Suggestions are acceptable, judgement is a no no! As I said previously, I have been here for 8 years and have loved the support I have gotten whether it was food, exercise, or even personal support. This community is here to support, but the work is up to us individually. You make the best choices you can at the time, and move forward. We are strong ladies!
    Have a blessed day and welcome!
    Kylia in Ohio
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    I've gone back and forth about commenting as I have a lot more weight to lose than y'all do. I've battled an anxiety disorder for 15 years now and kinda lost who I am in the process. For the first time in years I feel strong enough to hit this and I have a pretty big incentive (more on that another time).

    All these posts have given me hope so thank you for sharing!

    Oh wow, I just came on for today and started on my homepage to update first, and if you look at it, you'll see I mention the anxiety! I TOO battle with it. I never had it before (though I've had depression on and off for years and PTSD from a trama 21 yrs ago) but these past 3 yrs has been virtual HELL (truly, no exaggerating) and I had all that PLUS this new one called Anxiety which leaves me so paralyzed I can't think, breath, function and I'm like a STIFF in a chair, praying until I can slowly breathe again, doing everything in my power not to take meds for it and so far, so good but trust, I have them and yes, of course I've used them when it left me this way far too long! I want YOU to know, I'm so happy you chose to write, open up and please don't feel like you have much more to lose, etc., I DO understand (15 or so yrs ago, and one of my many yo-yo times, I was 296 ok?) I hear you, and am here for you, no matter what! know that ok? All of us are - we are a family of same hearts and mind I believe. We are usually (as far as addictions go) very loving, compassionate and caring and though I know I can't speak for others, I believe this is more true than not! :) I'm glad you're feeling strong and remember we only have time so don't look back, rather look forward (esp to spring and summer and feeling even better!) YASSSSS!!!!! So I leave you with a major big hug, Yana
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Gemma everything that Kymarai wrote is 100% true. I know for me on my thread I will not have it so please feel free to express your heart. I have found already 2 nice ladies who live near you! One is in England and one in Ireland and we write every day to one another and my first best friend from childhood married a man in England and has been there since we were 19 and I still talk to her and yes, have gone to visit her (omg, I need to get back because you need to see how I drive on the wrong side of the road, too much FUN and laughing!) I SEE that light again, I see life, I see a real life for me. I made a major decision to love not just others as I've done for all these years, but I'm choosing to love ME first - not just for now, but for ALWAYS (well after Jesus) ok, Loving me SECOND sounds Wonderul!!!!! then I'll give this heart away!!!!! Encouragement IS what this site has been and I'm only on 2 weeks, but I'm here every day for sure (I just start late cause my sleep is off) but I'll always be on and if I'm not - pray, LOL Hugs to you as well and welcome!!!!! (p.s. I crack up when you guys keep saying stones, LOL)
  • momdedge4
    momdedge4 Posts: 20 Member
    Makaroni32069 Member
    March 4, 2018 7:02AM
    I've gone back and forth about commenting as I have a lot more weight to lose than y'all do. I've battled an anxiety disorder for 15 years now and kinda lost who I am in the process. For the first time in years I feel strong enough to hit this and I have a pretty big incentive (more on that another time).

    All these posts have given me hope so thank you for sharing!

    Having anxiety isn’t something to be ashamed of! You would be surprised how many there are that battle anxiety/depression!! I do as well. I have quite a bit of weight to lose as well & it doesn’t really matter how much weight a person is trying to lose...all that really matter is that they are trying trying to do it...for themselves!!!
  • latoyiajackson06
    latoyiajackson06 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Everyone. I'm Latoyia. From Alabama . I am looking to lose 45 pounds. I have two boy's 6 and 11. Let's just say I never lose the baby weight and year after year its i am going to lose weight but i eat some that's not good for me or I don't see the weight fall off like I want it. And I fall off track. 115 before my boy's to now 200 pounds . 2018 is my year . It's going to be hard, but I can do this.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi girls welcome- I want to first thanks for sharing on anxiety and depression (I'm in total agreement) and I hope everyone keeps coming on here to share their hearts - that's ALL that matters I believe is what's in there (not so much in our minds) - because in our hearts is where the real truth lies. I want to also say welcome to Latoyia! I just finished talking to my little sister who wouldn't or perhaps couldn't hear me (denial is so powerful) yet it's ok, it's where we're all at sometimes but she's feeling desperate about her weight and just can't hear that it's what we put in our mouths and this ap is such a blessing and makes it so easy that it's encouraging on it's own! She instead is going to pay 300/month to have prepared food come to her home so she doesn't have to "think" about it. Ultimately I pray it works, but I also worry that she will be lost without that unless she plans on paying the rest of her life! I didn't want to discourage her at all and I KNOW I had to try a million things all these years, so who am I to judge her, so I don't - but I did say that this IS showing me results and is easy so I planted that seed! I think keeping it real and using this site to be real to yourself will SHOW each of us our truth - I mean really, if you don't place it all on there (I even put down how many T of sugar free creamer) I use each day! I can't then scratch my head on why am I not losing - ENCOURAGING each other even if it's just to say hi - there's something about KNOWING you guys are here, on my front wall (or whatever it's called) making my own blog that people can read if they want but doing it for MYSELF and my big one this year - for the first time putting ME FIRST - is amazing even while dealing with high stresses esp not knowing where my son is - I still believe I can do this and keeping my eyes on the Lord, and you guys - I'm not even worried about surgery next week - Glory be to God, that's all for now, hugs
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Hi! I am still here, just not a lot of spare time. Will catch up soon.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    babe, I have a question for you - Have you ever ordered or know someone who has - a dress on Amazon?
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    I have ordered occasionally, I just make sure not from a Chinese company. Order early!
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    I think tomorrow I'll go out again and enjoy the day (hope it's not too cold) but head to the bridal store JUST to see before surgery - I'm got to have my backup plans - but then again, I may fall in love with a reasonable dress - ok, I'm PRAYING that will happen!
  • cybermadi2018
    cybermadi2018 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies its madi here from london.I would live to join you.I m 63.5 kg at the moment.my goal is to achieve 55 kg by this summer.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    hi Cybermadi - welcome love! I'm talking to a woman in England and one in Ireland so it's a beautiful thing! We're all family and makes no difference in the world, it's always the same issue with the food, weight and scale (well except you guys use kg which means I'm clueless along with those stones, LOL) but it's all good! If you'd like to share your goals and what you're hoping to get from this site, etc, by all means share! I love reading what we're all doing to achieve our own happiness!
  • doppysmum
    doppysmum Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I've enjoyed reading everyones posts. I'm Kate 34 from the UK. I have about 30 pounds to get shut of. I can't stay off the scale either honestly. Couple of times a day. They do not budge! Thinking of hiding them from myself. Good luck everyone xxx
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    The scale is a wicked mistress! Make sure to take measurements too. If you get more fit, the scale might not move much,, but measurements will.

    Hi to the new additions!

    Snow fell this morning in Ohio. Just enough to cause lots of black ice. Be safe wherever you are!
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Girl, "when" I was able to work out I did the measuring thing (and yes it's nice to see) but it still didn't help with the scale. I think it's a mental issue to be honest- I think since we've all had it affect us from childhood - it's like the bad evil tool we allow to beat the crap out of us, LOL - Just getting on twice IS hard. You have NO idea when I finally rolled out (yep, rolling hahaha) of bed, the ONLY way I can stop myself is to mentally say - ok, hurry and JUMP in that shower and for some reason (this is how CRAZY I am over the scale) I say to myself, ok now I can do it because I think I'll weigh MORE with water on my body and hair, LOL and I have SHORT hair, hahaha - so like I said, after next Wed, I will have NO choice and won't be able to use it, but I'm obsessed wanting to get on I suppose cause I'm SEEING results so yea it affects my emotions still. Oh well, Im hanging in till Sunday and then countown to surgery! YIKES - LOL Welcome "doppys" from the UK! I LOVE everyone from that area so much! :) hugs
  • momdedge4
    momdedge4 Posts: 20 Member
    doppysmumdoppysmum Member
    March 8, 2018 12:33AM
    Hi. I've enjoyed reading everyones posts. I'm Kate 34 from the UK. I have about 30 pounds to get shut of. I can't stay off the scale either honestly. Couple of times a day. They do not budge! Thinking of hiding them from myself. Good luck everyone xxx

    Sounds like u need someone to hide the scales from you! When you put all your focus on the scale...you can end up getting discouraged. It’s best to weigh in once a week or less. Judge your loss by the way your clothes fit and measure yourself as well. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are exercising/lifting weights...you will be building muscle.
    ~ Dedra
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Busy, busy! I keep reading. But not much time. Keep working it.
  • muffinmondays
    muffinmondays Posts: 31 Member
    Hello ladies, please feel free to add me too. my initial goal is too lose 15lbs and hopefully with fingers crossed some more after that! I turn 47 in a couple of weeks.