2018 Lose 52 Pounds In 52 week’s Challenge



  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    2017 Challenge lost 30 pounds!

    2018 Challenge:
    Start date: 1/1/2018
    Start weight: 131.0
    Goal weight: 120
    Current weight: 132.4
    This weeks loss: 0
    Total loss this year: +1.4

    No loss again this week. or this year (yet). Back on track with my logging and realized that I have been lax with my eating habits again. Prepping meal basics today for this week to stay on track.

    Have run 5k 3 times this week and consistently increasing my pace. Also adding upper body/arm workouts on non run days. Need to find an easy after run snack that is not high carb/calorie.
  • mrs_kris_campos
    mrs_kris_campos Posts: 53 Member
    Starting weight: 299.0 lbs (January 1, 2017)
    Goal weight: 150ish lbs
    Current weight: 284.4 lbs (January 1, 2018)

    Beginning - 1/1: 284.4 lbs
    Week 1 - 1/7: 282.8 lbs (-1.6)
    Week 2 - 1/14: 282.4 lbs (-2)
    Week 3 - 1/21: 288.8 lbs (+4.4)
    Week 4 - 1/28: 280.0 lbs (-4.4)
    Week 5 - 2/1: 281.2 lbs (-3.2)
    Week 6 - 2/4: 276.6 lbs (-7.8)
    Week 7 - 2/11: 275.4 (-9)
    Week 8 - 2/18: 276.2 (-8.2)
    Week 9 - 2/25: 275.0 (-9.4)
    Week 10- 3/04: 276.2 (-8.2)

    Total weight lost in 2018: 8.2 lbs

    This week's successes:
    1) None! This week was a bad one for me. I will do better next week!
    This week's challenges:
    1) Cravings were out of control this week and I gave into them more than I’d like to admit.
    2) I went out to eat more than I should have.
    3) I ate way too many carbs this week.
    4) I drank a Big Red this week even though I am trying to stay away from sodas.
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    Challenge starting weight: 214lb
    Goal weight for end of 2018: 154lb
    Current weight: 204lb
    Total weight lost: 10lb
    This week's successes: Hit a new PB pace for an 8km run today.
    This week's challenges: The snow in the UK and the way our transport crumbles in no time! Meant my work and personal routine was totally out of whack and I was craving comfort food, or at least more healthy food than usual so I was over my calories a few days.
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    edited March 2018
    Name: Karyn
    Age: 35
    Height: 5' 5"

    Highest weight: 275(ish)
    Starting weight: 228.6 (July 22, 2017)
    Goal weight: 145
    Current weight: 195.4 (January 1, 2018)
    Weigh-in day: Monday
    Week 1: 192.2 lbs
    Week 2: 190.4 lbs
    Week 3: 188.9 lbs
    Week 4: 188.9 lbs
    Week 5: 186.9 lbs
    Week 6: 185.9 lbs
    Week 7: 184.9 lbs
    Week 8: 185.5 lbs
    Week 9: 184.5 lbs

    Total lost 2018: 10.9 lbs
    Total lost since July 2017: 44.1 lbs
    Total lost since highest: 91 lbs

    This week's successes: Somehow lost weight this week even though I'm eating at maintenance, I'm guessing that healing a broken bone uses more calories than I thought.
    This week's challenges: Going away for a few days, so actually taking up exercise that the resort offers (aquasize and Zumba, neither of which I've done before).
  • vivalavida82
    vivalavida82 Posts: 108 Member
    Starting weight: 173.5
    Goal weight:140
    Current weight: 159
    This week's loss: 0
    Total weight lost: 14.5

    This week's successes: I tracked all week, although I worked like crazy and without a day off. I’m happy with maintaining for the week, especially after last week’s 4lbs loss.

    This week's challenges: Work work work. Didn’t find the time to exercise... ate out 4 time. Are over target carlories a few days but still under maintenance. Can’t wait for the workload to lighten up to be able to catch up on life :smile:

    Have a great day you bunches of losers!
  • cabman
    cabman Posts: 81 Member
    Week 9

    Starting weight: 88.1kg (194.2)
    Goal weight: 65-75kg (143-165)

    Current weight: 84.0kg (185.1)
    This week Loss: 0

    Challenge weight lost: 4.1kg (10.5)

    This week's successes:
    Took 30secs off my 5km run time.
    Nearly did an unassisted pull up

    Next week's challenges:
    More meal planning.
    More Water
  • Fit_Prit
    Fit_Prit Posts: 251 Member
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Fit_Prit wrote: »
    Starting weight: 220.5 lbs. (100 kg.) Date: 12th June 2017.
    Goal weight: 143 lbs. (65 kg.)

    Week 1
    Current weight: 177.5 lbs. (80.5 kg.)
    Total weight lost for challenge: __
    This week's successes: found this thread. Lol.. :wink:
    This week's challenges: 1) Exercise Daily
    2) maintain calorie deficit
    3) log every meal in MFP.

    Week 2
    Current weight: 174.5 lbs. (79 kg.)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3 lbs.

    This week's successes: 1) did 70k steps ✅
    2) Ate right. Ate protein (I'm vegetarian so the major group in my diet is carb.)

    This week's challenges: 1) Exercise Daily
    2) finding healthy alternative food for cravings.
    3) log every meal in MFP.

    Week 3
    Current Weight: 176.5 lbs.(80kg) Gained 2lbs. :tired_face:
    Total weight lost for challenge : 1 lbs.

    This Week's success : None Actually. :disappointed:

    Week's Challenges : 1) Exercise daily.
    2) Logg meals in MFP.
    3) losing weight I gained in past week.

    Week 4
    Current Weight: 176.5 lbs. (80kg) :heartbreak:
    Total weight lost for challenge: 1lb. (Trying so hard not to get disheartened)

    I did not lose nor gain any weight this week.
    I've hit a plateau (since 3 weeks I'm swinging between 80 - 78 kg. ) And I don't know what Im doing wrong :disappointed: I only do Jogging and some body weight exercises. Now I'm thinking about joining gym. Hope that will be helpful.

    This Week's success: 1) Ate right. Ate fruits.
    2) ✅ 60k steps. Even though I had no extra time I managed to walk for 5 days. I'm so proud of myself :sunglasses::wink:

    Week's challenges: 1) having faith in the process and staying positive.
    2) joining Gym.
    3) Not eating too much of sweet ladoos :tongue:
    4) Drinking more water.

    Week 5
    Weight = 175.3 lbs ( 79.5 kg)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 2.2 lbs.

    This Week's Success : 1) I joined Gym.
    2) Walked 5 times this week.
    3) Drank 3+ liter of water daily.

    This Week's challenge: 1) eating right ( I was frustrated and I binged this week :disappointed: )
    2) Doing 70 k steps in 7 days.
    3) Not let the little things get me. Because even smallest things are affecting me. I Need to Be present and active.

    Week 6
    Current Weight: 176.5 ( :grimace: period gain. I was 172.5 on Friday)

    This Week's Success: 1) I was present and mindful of what I was eating. Did not binge :smiley:
    2) 63.5k steps in 7days.
    3) logged most of my meals in MFP. I'm also keeping notes of the exercises I'm doing.

    This Week's challenge: 1) Drinking 4L water daily
    2) Logg everything in MFP
    3) eating more Veggies & fruits
    4) keeping my cool & right Head space :innocent:

    Week 7
    Current Weight: 174.5 (79kg)
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3.5 lbs.

    This Week's Success: 1) 70k steps done.
    2) Weight training and sore muscles.
    3) ate chocolate.. in moderation :wink:
    4) ate fruits

    This Week's challenges: 1) not eating junk food of any kind.
    2) keeping up with the intense weight training.
    3) logging meals in MFP.
    4) drinking more water.
    5) losing weight / body fat %

    Week 8
    Weight: 177 lbs. :tired_face::disappointed:

    Week 9
    Weight : 174.2 lbs.
    Total weight lost for challenge: 3.3 lbs.

    This Week's Success: 1) 70,897 steps
    2) Work out at Gym for 5 days
    3) in spite of my weight fluctuations and the mental stress it causes, I kept doing what I could do. And I'm happy I did not gave up .

    Next Week's challenges: 1) maintaining healthy mind.
    2) walking 10k steps at least 5 days this week ( I injured my knee and it's painful)
    3) Drinking 4 liters of water daily (I'm still unable to do that)
    4) Eating 2 fruits Daily.
    5) Not eating sweets on Holi festival.

    Week 10
    Current weight : 173.5 lbs.

    Next Week's challenges : 1) staying hydrated.
    2) maintaining calorie deficit.
    3) walking 70k steps. And Weight training 5times in week.
  • BrenMathers
    BrenMathers Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning all.
    Jan loss of 5 lbs
    Feb gain of 3 lbs

    Feb was not a good month for me. Now we are into March a new month with new motivation. Hopefully this month is much better. Thanks for all the support.
  • Gimme2017
    Gimme2017 Posts: 44 Member
    Week 9

    Starting weight: 178 1/1/18
    Goal weight: 144
    Current weight: 163
    Total weight lost last week: 2 lb

    Total weight loss for this challenge 15 lbs

    Total weight loss since Sept 2017 26 lbs

  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 7"

    Starting weight: 188.8 (Feb 21, 2018) Goal weight: 135

    Current weight: 183.6
    Total weight lost: 5.2

    This week's successes: going in the right direction
    This week's challenges: insomnia. Still working on this.

    week 1: 187.6
    week 2: 183.6
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,179 Member
    Goal Weight for this challenge: 140 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 98-105 lbs
    (I'm 4'10" & sm. boned).

    Starting weight this challenge: 12/31/17: 160.2
    Week 1: 158.8
    Week 2: 162.9
    Week 3: 160.6
    Week 4: 159.6
    Week 5: 159.2
    Week 6: 159.2
    Week 7: 158
    Week 8 158.7
    Week 9 160
    Week 10 160.6

    Weight Loss 2018: +.4 lbs

    I've been good dieting more days than I ever have... but ... I can do much better!

    Linda (Elbee1)
  • BecMarty14
    BecMarty14 Posts: 351 Member
    The scale is now packed away for the move. I expect to weigh in again on Friday March 23rd.
    Hopefully we will have found a home by then.
    My road strategy includes quite a bit of tuna. I need to find some low calorie crunchy snacks for such a long road.
    Whenever we are done driving each day, I hope to get in some yoga and build up energy for some cardio.
  • Fit_Prit
    Fit_Prit Posts: 251 Member
    I've been thinking.. why I'm not getting the desired results.??!. And I think secretly I'm happy where I am on weighing scale :grimace:
    because when I was 100kilo (220+ lbs.) I wished to be 80kilo. Now I am under 80kilo (currently 173lbs.) But then again this couldn't be the case... Because I am not happy with what I seen in pictures and mirror. And I still feel that fire burning inside me, which bought me till here.

    I know what to do.... I will follow the diet 100% . (No cheat meals or anything.) I got this clarity while typing this post.

    Hope I will get the results I want soon. :innocent:

    Thank you guys.
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Starting weight: 196.6
    Goal weight: 130
    Current weight: 181.4
    Total weight lost: 15.2
    This week's successes: Got back on track running wise
    This week's challenges: My meal plan is already derailed 3 days out of 5, need to figure out some quick, easy, HEALTHY meals for those nights.
  • hopiemama33
    hopiemama33 Posts: 52 Member
    Highest Weight Ever 234
    Starting Weight August 2017 212
    Goal weight 150
    Weight 1/1 189.2
    Weight 1/8 186
    Weight 1/15 (on vacation, didn't weigh)
    Weight 1/22185.6
    Weight 1/30 183.2
    Weight 2/5 185.4
    Weight 2/12 184.0
    Weight 2/19 - I didn't get to weigh because not at home.
    Weight 2/26 184.8
    Weight 03/05 186.6

    I am 52 years old, five foot two inches and I work a sedentary job.

    I'm so stressed that my weight has gone up. I have really been making way too many exceptions to the way I know I need to eat to be healthy. I am back on the wagon with resolve.
  • vivalavida82
    vivalavida82 Posts: 108 Member
    crunchy snack: baby carrots (dipped in hummus? guacamole? salsa?).
    beef jerky is another good road snack.

    Good luck with the move. Hope you get to sightsee a little during the drive!
  • paniz_s
    paniz_s Posts: 44 Member
    Hi! I just found this thread and I really wanted to join!

    Starting weight: 168lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs
    Current weight: 161lbs
    Total weight lost: 7lbs
    This week's successes: Ran a 9min mile without stopping for the first time since high school PE!

    This week's challenges: it’s that time of the month, so I have been craving everything and trying to convince myself it’s not worth it or that I can have a healthier option is tough.
  • geezer55
    geezer55 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2018
    Starting weight:227
    Goal weight:130
    Current weight:180
    Total weight lost:47
    This week's successes: Sunday gym arms,Monday Walk 30 minutes
    This week's challenges: adding gym 4 days, swim 1 day and walk daily.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,236 Member
    paniz_s wrote: »
    Hi! I just found this thread and I really wanted to join!

    Starting weight: 168lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs
    Current weight: 161lbs
    Total weight lost: 7lbs
    This week's successes: Ran a 9min mile without stopping for the first time since high school PE!

    This week's challenges: it’s that time of the month, so I have been craving everything and trying to convince myself it’s not worth it or that I can have a healthier option is tough.

    Welcome to the Challenge!
  • garlo12
    garlo12 Posts: 174 Member
    edited March 2018
    Starting weight: 01-02-2018 ~ 237.6-
    HT: 5'4
    Goal weight:185.6 01-01-2019
    Current weight: 237.6
    Total weight lost: 12.4
    This week's successes: -0.0 lbs.
    This week's challenges: Just Happy I didn't gain
    01-09-2018-237.8 :|
    01-16-2018-239.8 :(
    01-23-2018-239.4 :/
    01-30-2018-239.4 :|
    02-13-2018-240.6-I'm gaining :s
    02-20-2018-237.8-Whew! :)
    02-27-2018-236.2-I hope this is a new trend :)
    03-06-2018-236.2-Holding steady ;)