The vertical stomach line...

Any exercises that will target stomach to get that glorious vertical stomach line? Is that more aimed at obliques or abs? I want some definition for sure


  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I think it's one of those things like a thigh gap - it's based on your body structure and you either have it or you don't.
  • Rose18l
    Rose18l Posts: 147 Member
    Genetics first diet second. Ab lines/stomach lines only appear when the body fat percentagr is low enough. You can't really train it to pop out extra. Of course if the muscle is bigger it pops out at a higher fat percentage but it doen't make much difference. Your best bet is to lose more fat. Some people have a visible ab line early on and for some it will never appear, that is genetics.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Be leaner.