Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • maniv01
    maniv01 Posts: 12
    Is it too late to join? I've just found the challenge.

    Goal: 130
    Finish a half marathon in Mid September.
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    I have plateaued, HARD. I'm stuck in the same 5lb range for a month now. I need some help/love/encouragement!

  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Is it too late to join? I've just found the challenge.

    Goal: 130
    Finish a half marathon in Mid September.

    Not at all! We're going to be an OPEN group, one that stays open so anyone can join at any time. :-)
    I have plateaued, HARD. I'm stuck in the same 5lb range for a month now. I need some help/love/encouragement!


    You can DO IT! Just don't give up. Try increasing your calories by 200-300 a day for a week, don't weigh that week, then get back to your current calories the next week & weigh that week... see if that helps break the plateau. OR try just not counting your calories for a week, don't weigh that week, then get back on track the next week & weigh and see what happens. :-) The reason I say "don't weigh" during the "off" week is because you may see a slight gain that week, but the second week (the week you're back "on") should see a loss.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I had real feelings of letting myself down last night, we went out for a meal with visitors and I gave in to have a pudding. I did limit my meal calories somewhat and didn't eat a full on dinner, but still felt 'dissapointed' with myself.

    But, this morning I got a lovely surprise that instead of the scales going up, they came down! :) so

    SW 183
    CW 182
    GW 176 - Edited to add this :)

    Now to be good today!

    Found my 'goal' for August.. my goodness I must've been having a moment on insanity - Hope i can get near there.. 1lb lost gives me 3 weeks to lose 6 pounds!! yikes.. gotta be good.. gotta be good! lol
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    I have plateaued, HARD. I'm stuck in the same 5lb range for a month now. I need some help/love/encouragement!

    you n' me both!! we can do it :) just got to keep our eyes on the prize!! I know it's harder said than done,
  • Is it too late to Sign up. I have been wanting to do a weight loss Challenge but it seems like everyone i find is closed. Please let me know if i can join..Thanks Amanda......
  • ajpequin
    ajpequin Posts: 10 Member
    My goal is to do some cardio and some strength training 6 days a week. I started out slow but I have 2 days in a row with both! Weigh day is tomorrow, we will see.
  • ajpequin
    ajpequin Posts: 10 Member
    I've started doing the 30 Day Shred workout and I'm loving it! I also measured yesterday and I've lost 3.5 inches from my waist in the past month!!! :)

    Anyone else that is doing/has done 30 Day Shred, how did you guys start out? I'm on Day 2, but I'm thinking I should start out slow and do it every other day for the first week or so. One of my calf muscles has been pretty sore the past few days and the impact from jumping jacks and the other jumping exercises puts a lot of stress on it and I just don't want to overdo it.

    I have found the same thing with jumping jacks. I just try to keep my feet on the ground but bounce a little and still do my arms. The next day I'm not as sore. I am going to start the 30 Day Shred shortly. I would like to keep updated with your progress if that's ok
  • crystalizepurple
    crystalizepurple Posts: 39 Member
    I'm pretty frustrated today, since I checked the mail and haven't received my 30 DS yet. Ordered it on the 2nd of this month and no tracking details of location. Going to just hop on the treadmill and do some walking/jogging and a bit of running and then lift some weights a bit. So far I've lost 1lb, but I'm worried about meeting my goal without my 30 DS >.<.
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
  • Angelgrl86
    Angelgrl86 Posts: 74 Member
    :bigsmile: So proud of myself!! :bigsmile:
    I walked 5 miles this morning and did my hour of Tae Bo just a little while ago.

    I didn't want to do my Tae Bo tonight....just wasn't feeling it. Did the 13-minute tutorial segment and then went to eat dinner.
    I left the DVD on the menu. When I came back and ate/logged dinner, it was like the music was calling me to come do my hour workout... just sitting there in the background calling to me..
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :bigsmile: So proud of myself!! :bigsmile:
    I walked 5 miles this morning and did my hour of Tae Bo just a little while ago.

    I didn't want to do my Tae Bo tonight....just wasn't feeling it. Did the 13-minute tutorial segment and then went to eat dinner.
    I left the DVD on the menu. When I came back and ate/logged dinner, it was like the music was calling me to come do my hour workout... just sitting there in the background calling to me..

  • tweatherford11
    tweatherford11 Posts: 18 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing GREAT! Way to go!!!

    I met my personal challenge this morning...10 minutes on the elliptical. So, my updated challenge is 15 minutes by the end of the month.

    Keep up the awesome work!!!!
  • MissKash
    MissKash Posts: 132
    Well its weigh in day!! For my first weeks weigh-in, I have lost 6.8 lbs!!!! Woo-hoo!! This week, I did well with drinking water and eating my fruits n veggies. I need to work on exercising more. The hard part is maintaining and/or
    Losing weight in week two. I'm up for the challenge!! Good luck everyone!!! Thanks again for posting this challenge!!! I have been needing to get back on track.

    SW: 279.4

    CW: 272.6

    GW: 271.4
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Half way through the week and I have gotten up each day and worked out. No sleeping in. Yippy!!! The evening workouts are more of a challenge because of my kids so next week I think it will be my weekly challenge to work out in the evenings also. :) Everyone keep up the good work.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    My starting figures are:

    Starting Weight 253 (Aug 5th)
    Goal Weight: 239 (Aug 31st)

    Challenge: To make all of my Daily Disciplines each day!

    My weigh in is Fridays but I am not looking for a big number due to the fluid I am retaining right now.
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    Based on my current stats, MFP has me set to eat 1930 cal/day. (1 lb/ week setting) Since I've stalled for the past month, what would you loves suggest I do? Drop calories down to 2 lb/ week deficit? or...

    I'll take any suggestions :oP
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Based on my current stats, MFP has me set to eat 1930 cal/day. (1 lb/ week setting) Since I've stalled for the past month, what would you loves suggest I do? Drop calories down to 2 lb/ week deficit? or...

    I'll take any suggestions :oP

    I would suggest either doing it to the 2lb/week deficit or to take a week off of counting, then go back to counting and see what you lose in a week after you start counting again. Sometimes your body just needs you to mix it up some.
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    This is a copy & paste from an email I sent to a buddy, but I wanted to update everyone!

    Yesterday, my car broke down at the doctor's office! Yesterday was just a bad day all around, so it's a good thing I did my walk early yesterday. See, I had my OB/GYN appointment for 1:15. Well, I got there super early (12:30) and wasn't able to get back there early at all. It was 1:30 when the nurse called me back to do some paperwork, then I had to wait for the other nurse to call me back to do the normal stuff (you know, weight, blood pressure, blood work, etc). She didn't come get me until about 2:00. Once she was done with her drill, they took me to the exam room & I waited till about 2:45 when yet another nurse came in to ask about my history (I'm seeing a new OB/GYN & the old one hasn't sent my records yet!). That took about half an hour. So at 3:15, she leaves and tells me the doctor will be right in. Fast-forward to 3:45 and finally the doctor comes in! The exam & everything takes all of 15 minutes. Then I have to wait while they get my birth control for me... 4:30 and they finally do just that and I can leave. I go out... and my car won't freaking start. To make matters even worse, this whole time of waiting I've had my 2-year-old and have had to try to entertain him for the past 4 hours. How did I do that? I let him play with my cell phone. Which means my battery was dead when my car wouldn't start. So I had no cell phone! I had to use the phone at the doctor's office... which would've been fine but they only allow local calls. Guess what? The only two numbers I know off the top of my head are long-distance cell phone numbers. So I finally asked around for a cell phone and a nurse let me use hers. I only know my mom's number (she's in KY) and Eric's number (my boyfriend, lives here). So I called Eric. His phone had no signal because he was at work! I had to call my mom, have her look up my friend Ronda's number by looking at our cell phone bill for it, then call Rhonda. Well, Rhonda doesn't answer her phone if she doesn't know the number. I had to leave a voicemail & wait for her to call me back... luckily, she checked it right away and came to get Jacob & me. THEN, when we get home, we have to call a tow-truck & meet him there to get my car towed back to the house. All said & done, we didn't get home until after 9pm! We had Captain D's for dinner since Jacob & I hadn't eaten since breakfast. I had the 2 fish & 1 crab cake meal with hush puppies & a salad. How many calories was that? Oh, about 1300! Luckily, with my walk, it only put me over by less than 100 calories. The sodium was HIGH though, so now I've gotta bust my butt between now and Friday morning to get the 0.6lb I "gained" from that meal off. Ugh.

    I was supposed to do an EA Sports Active workout yesterday, but I wasn't home to do it so it's under "Missed Workouts" on the menu now. My right knee is killing me today so I'm deeming today a much-needed rest day. I'll either do the missed workout tomorrow along with the scheduled one or I'll do the missed workout Friday. I'm just going to give myself a relaxing day today, but stay within my calories. I haven't had a full day with no workouts since I started MFP on the 29th of July, so it's not going to hurt to have one off day. :-)