Single Parent Support Group



  • jennibabie87
    jennibabie87 Posts: 74 Member
    I have my 5 year old son home today with the nor’easter with at least 10” of snow since last evening!!! And it’s still coming down :( Just ended things with his dad after 4 1/2 years together. Went on a mutual ‘break’ only to find out he’d rather be with her instead, but still wanting me at the same time..Um ya that’s gonna be a no. He then told me own the way to Walmart that having us 2 girls was stressing him out and point blank told him that, ‘why you stressing? You only have one girl to take care of now’ then I found out he’s been cheating on me with her since November and had a gambling problem, didn’t pay the mortgage and lot rent and got us evicted!! But his child support is the rent for our new place, moving next month, and it comes straight out his paycheck since he works maintenance for an apartment company thing!

    Wow sorry the book :)
  • doubleap77
    doubleap77 Posts: 47 Member
    cct204 wrote: »
    Newly single mama with a 3 year old mini-me. Just at the beginning stages of the divorce process so I'm feeling super overwhelmed with all of this.
    We were together since I was 18 so I don't even know how to be single. Let alone be a single mama.

    I'm in awe everyday of you chicks who do it and make it look easy.

    Swap the genders and this is me. Going through divorce with a 6 year old boy (mini-me) and a 4 year old girl. I’d been married to my wife since we were 19. It’s tough figuring out how to be a single adult when I’ve essentially never been on my own for my entire adult life.

    For all the hard days, though, I do have the opportunity to watch my kids grow up.
  • runnergirl0721
    runnergirl0721 Posts: 2,289 Member
    I have an 8 year old boy- he turns 9 in may. I have had full custody for about a year and a half now. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. But his dad, not so much.

    I have out of a bad marriage his little was 3 1/2, so if anyone ever needs an ear/shoulder, i'm here. i know how tough it can be <3
  • Smilin40
    Smilin40 Posts: 1,828 Member
    I have an 8 year old boy- he turns 9 in may. I have had full custody for about a year and a half now. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. But his dad, not so much.

    I have out of a bad marriage his little was 3 1/2, so if anyone ever needs an ear/shoulder, i'm here. i know how tough it can be <3

    His loss
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    So to all the single parents.....
    My little one is 21 months. I have been single since I found out I was pregnant (same weekend I got divorced....).
    It's been 2.5 years. How do you date or do anything "adult" without the raging mom guilt???
    I feel so horribly guilty even thinking about getting a babysitter, because with work and errands, I don't have much time with her to begin with. So the free time I DO have, I want to spend with her.
    But you know... there are those days when you just need time away. Whether it's a date, going to dinner with friends, hitting a bar with my sister, etc... And I feel so guilty even thinking about it.
    It's not like I can stay out late, anyway..... My baby girl doesn't sleep through the night yet, so I am usually home by 9PM...

    How do you do it?

  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    So to all the single parents.....
    My little one is 21 months. I have been single since I found out I was pregnant (same weekend I got divorced....).
    It's been 2.5 years. How do you date or do anything "adult" without the raging mom guilt???
    I feel so horribly guilty even thinking about getting a babysitter, because with work and errands, I don't have much time with her to begin with. So the free time I DO have, I want to spend with her.
    But you know... there are those days when you just need time away. Whether it's a date, going to dinner with friends, hitting a bar with my sister, etc... And I feel so guilty even thinking about it.
    It's not like I can stay out late, anyway..... My baby girl doesn't sleep through the night yet, so I am usually home by 9PM...

    How do you do it?

    First and foremost, let go of the guilt. Remember that your Daughter deserves to have the happiest healthies version of you possible. This can only be achieved by taking care of yourself...yes including going out and blowing off steam any way needed.
    I understand as Mothers we tend to pull that guilt trip on ourselves often, but from one Mom to deserve this, and so does she!
  • scompton094
    scompton094 Posts: 320 Member
    Girls 3 and 5. I'm sick of having to make the coffee. Every. Morning. Seriously. I love when my mom comes to visit, she makes it AND folds the permanent laundry goon in our livingroom chair and does dishes. She stays a week and does more than X did in years. 36 and I'd rather have my mom around than a man...

    I wish I had this. I tend to tell my babysitters (teenagers) I'll pay ya extra if you fold my towels and sweep my floors

    She comes a couple times a year and visits for a week. I'll have to try the babysitter bonus

    Aww. My Mama is only 2 blocks away from me. I'll keep her close and keep the dirty house. It does make a bit of a difference! I have a cpl sitters that I have know since they were born, so I don't mind asking them for a little extra lol
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    Every night is something when you are a single parent. Tonight it’s soccer practice. Sooo can’t wait for her to get her license.
  • Peaches9999
    Peaches9999 Posts: 28 Member
    No complaints whatsoever!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I’m a single furmommy. Does that count?
  • jennibabie87
    jennibabie87 Posts: 74 Member