Looking to lean out

I'm 5'1 115 lbs I know I don't weigh a lot but I also know I have to much fat. I'm doing t25 5 days a week for cardio and I try and lift at least 3 days a week. I'm pretty loss in how to achieve my goal of losing body fat. I'm to the point where I'm considering lipo/tummy tuck cuz I'm not planning on having anymore babies anyway. Any tips on how I can lower my body fat is welcomed.


  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,045 Member
    Weigh, measure, and track every single thing that goes into your mouth.

    Exercise is great, eating "healthy" foods is great, but if you're not eating at a deficit, you're not going to lose body fat.
  • marley_12
    marley_12 Posts: 17 Member
    Do you suggest more protein? I'm on a 1430 cal diet and track my macros right now.
  • marley_12
    marley_12 Posts: 17 Member
    Last time I checked back in Dec. My bmi was 21.6 fat% 30.7 ...muscle 28.4. Im wanting to get my muscle to 30% and fat down to 25%
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    Are you sure that your self-perception (as too "fat") is accurate? We can be very self-critical! What does your doctor say?

    Since you're technically within a theoretically healthy weight range currently, you might want to consider recomposition. This is a great thread about it:

  • marley_12
    marley_12 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you I'll look into that
  • Boxn_n_Bellydancn
    Boxn_n_Bellydancn Posts: 171 Member
    Weigh, measure, and track every single thing that goes into your mouth.

    Exercise is great, eating "healthy" foods is great, but if you're not eating at a deficit, you're not going to lose body fat.

    And how long have you been at it?