I'm on day 4 and would like to make a friend to encourage and be accountable to one another!



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Good morning from sunny and cold Ohio. Make today a great one!
  • momdedge4
    momdedge4 Posts: 20 Member
    It has turned windy and cold here! Last Tuesday, I took my mom into get a 3rd stint in her heart...we had grass fires near the hospital & near our small town in KS...it was super stressful worrying about my mom & my family/friends!! I didn’t get to move around much & I dislike that it’s harder to eat right during these times! I made it through it & back on track!!
    Anyhow, have a wonderful day!!
    ~ Dedra
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    hey girls - very hard day (my heart is hurting over my son) but I'm still "choosing" to love me FIRST and that means the old mental voices that say to just comfort myself with food is a simple choice on my part and I'm choosing NOT to eat over anything and rather, I NEED to feel the hurt. I've done this on and off in the past and would always fail or fall back eventually and I'm truly making a real life change because I can NOT sit here and choose to let go of my own son who's an alcoholic and I'm telling him he's got to CHOOSE life or death, either family or booze and not do it myself even though they (my family) doesn't even think food is at the same level - when in fact it IS. I'm not in my right mind when not only I'm eating, BUT when I'm medicating myself with a trigger food (for me it's crunchy anything with high carbs) and I'm not going there - I need to think straight right now, and I'm going to take a walk outside and talk to the Lord, I'll pray over your mom and others on this site for sure and I KNOW the Lord will give me the one thing that I want and need that the devil hates me to received and that's PEACE of mind! It's worth more than gold and when I'm having His peace, I don't desire food and I can see truth clearly and make healthy choices (even boundries) - and that's what I'm after today! I thank God I can just keep it real on my thread and my silly little blogs, but I need this and here's my first bump since I found this site 3 weeks only ago and I didn't even lose today and it's not bothering me so THAT also IS a blessing for me! It use to affect my mind but not today - I'm looking UP and looking to you guys because right now I need a friend (mine died) and I realize how alone I am, but the Lord keeps reminding me I'm NOT when I have Him and He showed me this site and I have you guys - I appreciate you all more than words can say and getting someone to share esp after I do and uplifts me means truly the world to me. I guess not having family has me being this raw to you guys, but I'm doing me and after surgery and I walk again, I'm praying for LOVE too - why not right? I'll need to open up about my situation with you guys and in my little self made blog - I'd love to hear what you guys think because even that's not normal (whatever normal is, LOL) ok, going to the dollar store - something close enough to drive to and walk around just to get out! hahaha, HUGS and welcome to all the new people! sorry for the Novel
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Yana- ((HUGS)) had a post started then oldest daughter called and it disappeared. I will write more tomorrow.
  • lsutton6
    lsutton6 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Linda, and I've just started using MFP this week. I had been on nutrisystem, and had lost about 25 lbs, but then I quit losing, and then actually gained some back. I was feeling pretty depressed about it. I'm almost 70, and I need to lose 100 pounds as well. I need to have hip replacement surgery, but I need to lose weight before I can get that done. I blamed my not exercising for the weight gain, but was told by 2 doctors that exercise has little to no impact on weight loss, that it's totally dependent on what you eat. Dang, I really wanted something else to blame it on, and not just my food.

    I was really at a loss as to what I needed to do. I am 5' 6 " and weigh 258. I was eating 1200 calories a day, but not losing. I went to see a weight management doctor last week and he gave me some good information, as well as letting me know what I've been doing wrong. What they recommended is more protein than carbs. So I'm keeping my calories for the day between 1000 and 1200. The ratio of carbs-proteins-fats is 30%-35%-35%. So that's roughly 90g-105g-105g per day. I just started it Friday, so I haven't weighed yet. But I do feel not so stuffed up by reducing my carbs, but that may just be my imagination. I can't go on one of those that cuts out all carbs. I know myself, and I won't stay on it. It's kind of stupid, I know, but as soon as I start trying to limit myself on something, all of a sudden that's what I crave.

    I haven't weighed myself yet, since it's only been 3 days, and I'm going to try to weigh myself once a week. Also, since I can't do hardly any exercise, and basically just sit all day, the doctor did recommend doing band exercises. This will help build some muscle, and hopefully help some with my metabolism..

    Well, I've yammered enough, but it's nice to share thoughts with others who are battling the same problem.
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome "Is" I wish I knew people's names, hahaha - Look, I know a lot and yet I know nothing, but I DO know this - WE know who we are and how honest we are to ourselves and what really works and doesn't and that's why I LOVE This site because for me, I am using it to the fullest which for me means this - I WRITE! I use to run support groups and the main reason people go is because they had a whole in their heart and the group gave them a safe place to share!!! So now that I've put on weight and need to take it off, I SHARE - the bottom line is first to figure out what works for you and what doesn't (like you said about your carbs) but also keep it real (cause makes no difference to anyone but YOU, cause it's YOUR boday and YOU are the one who lives in YOUR body!) So knowing that, my only suggestion for now since you're just starting is to NOT do a diet (in the mind) - I smiled when I saw what the dr's said, and then how you figured it out with a lot of numbers! I can only speak for myself, but once I figured ALL that out and when I didn't do it perfectly (cause like you said, you KNOW you can't stay on this or that) then I'd beat myself up which is why this site is FABULOUS - there's nothing to do (diet) BUT simply add up the calories as you choose to put in your mouth, LOL it's that simple PLUS - If I may say, it makes no difference if you diet to LOSE weight (now it does affect muscle) but what are you after? I am having surgery Wed ok? I KNOW I'll continue to lose (by staying around 1,000 a day, period) - so knowing that, and if I'm literally laid up for 2 months with NO walking, do you think I'm concerned? NOPE and will I lose? YEP - it's that simple. What are your trigger foods (eliminate those) that's keeping it real - I KNOW I can NOT EVER bring in this home any crunchy crap (cheeto's doritos, etc.) PERIOD because I will eat that bag whether in one day or a week - I"LL EAT IT ALL - so simple -I don't buy it, LOL - I'd rather get my calories a different way and more than that I want the CRAVINGS to stop, - again for me (and I've tested this on HUNDREDS of people in those yrs) I can eliminate cravings and "thinking" you have to have this or that in 3 days IF you do eliminate bad carbs - I promise the cravings go! After my 3 days, I've been GREAT and have NOT even thought about food, let alone go off of eating those crunchy carbs! Anyway, the bottom line is to stay open to suggestions - listen how others are doing it and take what you want and let the rest GO but I know the Dr is correct as I've gone from 300 lbs to 150 and kept it all off until these last 2.5 yrs when I've had trama, after trama (not to excuse it) and I actually "chose" yes, I chose on purpose to USE food (it's been that bad) and ended up at 187 but I'm not concerned, I know what works (lower those calories) and Now I'm at 180 and I know it'll come off and emotionally I'm back to feeling great and life is good again! I hope you liked something in here - but again, Remember, this is your life and either way, ALL of us will be here for YOU! Big hugs -
  • fitblonde88
    fitblonde88 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, Everyone. I'm Latoyia. From Alabama . I am looking to lose 45 pounds. I have two boy's 6 and 11. Let's just say I never lose the baby weight and year after year its i am going to lose weight but i eat some that's not good for me or I don't see the weight fall off like I want it. And I fall off track. 115 before my boy's to now 200 pounds . 2018 is my year . It's going to be hard, but I can do this.

    I'm from Alabama too-Spanish Fort. I alao have a boy (just turned 7) Where are you located?
  • wyldewilson1122
    wyldewilson1122 Posts: 2 Member
    Tomorrow is my official day one! Been dieting and exercising on and off but i want fo get down to business! Need some great people to help motivate and share some great yips with each other
  • ysache13
    ysache13 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi wylde (name pls, LOL) I'm here for you and I'm sure everyone else is also! This site has been wonderful and I'm only at 2.5 weeks now - 8 lbs down and had surgery today! I feel WONDERFUL and I believe this site is truly my saving grace. I need to start sharing some real truths such as - If you believe you can't you won't - and if you believe you can you will! We ARE what we speak out, from our minds (which is where the real battle lies) - think about that! Also (I speak only for myself) but I KNOW I can NEVER stay on any diet, which is why you have to decide what do you want to do? For me over 20 yrs ago I went from 296 to 160 and have maintained it becaue I did NOT diet, I chose to truly change my lifestyle knowing it will NEVER end (diets end) and I didn't fall when I went back to 187 I CHOSE to eat on purpose because I just finished 2.5 of pure hell which I don't want to get into it all, but I will say this it was so difficult I had a breakdown, started having anxiety, got on meds for both and food was the only thing I could think of doing until I got strong to stop all that madness that I had to endure. But the day it ended I could grieve (lost bff during that mess too) and then my MIND was able to allow my heart to grow my faith and now here I am - gong back down to 160 or maybe 155 with no struggle because truth IS you'll lose if you cut down calories and this site is such a blessing if you're honest with yourself you have to lose but make a number that'll give you loss. Only you know that number and age plays a roll as I'm past menapause and have no metabolism, so I eat very little (temporarily) but I don't drop otherwise LOL hope something in here touched your heart - Blessings, Yana